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[Devstream 39] Thoughts On Syndicate Specter Rewards


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Upon DE_Steve going through the Syndicate profiles in the latter half of the Devstream, each Syndicate displayed the tiers and rewards given for each tier. Every Syndicate seemed to reward a Specter specific to them, the Perrin Sequence with a MOA specter, the Cephalon Suda with a Shield Drone specter, and I believe one of them rewarded a Scorpion specter.

Having any one of the specters will, by inspection be pretty awesome come U15, but the thing that bothers me is.. why specters?

Specters are dandy but.. personally I would choose a legitimate, colourable, customizable, MOA or Shield Drone as a companion over a tactical hologram. Then again, I say this because I am not one who uses specters very often. Having to build sets of them over and over became tiring and I never really needed them to begin with. As for companions, specifically sentinels, I bring them along not only because they're useful, but because I want to and because they don't require continuous maintenance or building.


Just my two cents. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the new specters. It's just that having a permanent MOA or Shield Drone buddy outdoes the idea of having specters in my opinion.

Edited by MonsieurZero
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I don't use specteres as I feel they are a waste of resources, but that is just my opinion. I was really hoping that they could give you a faction specific pet. Like a Grineer faction could give you the beastmaster armored Kubrow they have mentioned. A corpus faction could give you a type of quadruped proxy. So on and so forth. That is what I was hoping for. Hopefully down the line they could introduce an idea like this. Otherwise, the only things sounding really worth it for me would be the special mods.

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They're meant to be minor rewards, less so than even a single R5 core. Recall that you can bring the appropriate sigil to a mission and earn faction points passively, so they're practically free.

I noticed this as well. Specters are fair as minor rewards; a companion definitely wouldn't be one to receive right off the get go as it's more of an end tier (possibly final tier) reward. I just hope that DE considers the idea of full-fledged companion versions after some period of time; I've wanted a Shield Drone companion ever since the Void was introduced.

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