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Player Trading System


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I have a suggestion for a trading system. This system would be usefull if you(or your friend) found a mod that they can not use because of their warframe, but you can because it is your certain warframe. Also along with this that you would be able to trade money(Credits). This would be helpful if you(or friend) needs some credits to help buy an item, make a blueprint, etc. Thank you for reading and Happy Hunting!

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Please http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_Oq6_AX341s#t=1110s'>watch the Livestreams and search the forums before making suggestions.


DE_Steve had an opportunity to discuss trading systems and specifically refused to commit to ever being able to trade mods - he basically said it's more important to prevent gold-spammers and trade spam than to make sure that players can trade everything with anyone.

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and search the forums before making suggestions.


DE_Steve had an opportunity to discuss trading systems and specifically refused to commit to ever being able to trade mods - he basically said it's more important to prevent gold-spammers and trade spam than to make sure that players can trade everything with anyone.

Make mod trading in clan only or even through contacts only. That would be a deterrent to farmers and the like, but ignoring the benefit to the player base is all bad.

Make a trade channel. Again its not air tight in regulating immersion breaking things like spammers but would promote clan play if you could trade with clan mates.

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