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Will Stalker Ever Become A Playable Warframe


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im guessing there are probably a lot of people that have been attacked by stalker and a lot of them wish he would be a playable warframe and he having his own abilities and a weapon that would match him more instead of a skana



what would you want to see stalker having for equipment and abilities

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me personaly would like to see stalker weilding a more darker approach to warframe then most other warframes possibly wielding a weapon like a scythe or spiked ball and chain possibly powers based on scaring or impairing enemys actually being able to make the lights go out through some type of power

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Isn't the stalker just a dark side Excalibur.


He has slash dash. That's it. Similarities end.

He's also as fast as Ash and uses his shuriken, smoke bomb and teleport, in addition to Rhino's charge, during which he pulls up Volt's shield in front of himself.

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He has slash dash. That's it. Similarities end.

He's also as fast as Ash and uses his shuriken, smoke bomb and teleport, in addition to Rhino's charge, during which he pulls up Volt's shield in front of himself.

I mean he looks quite similar to Excalibur too.

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It's not similar, it -is- Excalibur, with a different head (and armor dyes we don't have access too).  So, you are correct.  ;)


It seems it has access to a lot of things that we don't, which begs the question if it can still be treated as the equivalent of a warframe that the players get to use, when the players' warframe is clearly inferior.

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It seems it has access to a lot of things that we don't, which begs the question if it can still be treated as the equivalent of a warframe that the players get to use, when the players' warframe is clearly inferior.


Sorry, I was responding to that in terms of appearance, not necessarily skills.  Though as far as I know, all the skills he does possess, we have access too as well, just on different frames.

Either way, however, DE would have to do a major revamp of the Stalker before they could consider giving him to players.  He'd need a unique body (so he's not an Excalibur frame anymore), and they'd also need to strip him of his copy skills, and replace them skills unique to the Stalker.


And I wouldn't say our Warframes are clearly inferior.  You have to think that at best, the Stalker is the same level as you (his minimum level is 30), and at worst, he's more than twice your level (70).  Even still, many people can kill him with ease, and I've seen a guy drop him with 2-3 shots from the boar.  You start to get used to the Stalker, you learn how to fight him, and he eventually sort of becomes a joke.

Edited by Mediave
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And I wouldn't say our Warframes are clearly inferior.  You have to think that at best, the Stalker is the same level as you (his minimum level is 30), and at worst, he's more than twice your level (70).  Even still, many people can kill him with ease, and I've seen a guy drop him with 2-3 shots from the boar.  You start to get used to the Stalker, you learn how to fight him, and he eventually sort of becomes a joke.


If by "get used to" you mean backpeddle and blast him with everything you've got, then yes. If he gets into melee range, however, you're as good as dead, unless you use your own abilities to distance your self. My rank 30 Excalibur with 300 health and 500 shields got killed in 2 hits from the stalker -- he slash dashed me and afterwards did a quick melee strike. Within 1-2 seconds from him standing up I was dead. As it was my first stalker  encounter I didn't know what to expect, but aside from running away, guns blazing, there are no tactics to be used against him. Unless, of course, you count instawin abilities like iron skin, smoke screen and invisibility as tactics.


Oh and that stalker was level 45.

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If by "get used to" you mean backpeddle and blast him with everything you've got, then yes. If he gets into melee range, however, you're as good as dead, unless you use your own abilities to distance your self. My rank 30 Excalibur with 300 health and 500 shields got killed in 2 hits from the stalker -- he slash dashed me and afterwards did a quick melee strike. Within 1-2 seconds from him standing up I was dead. As it was my first stalker  encounter I didn't know what to expect, but aside from running away, guns blazing, there are no tactics to be used against him. Unless, of course, you count instawin abilities like iron skin, smoke screen and invisibility as tactics.


Oh and that stalker was level 45.


The stalker is supposedly immune to invisibility skills (I don't know for sure, because I've never used them myself).  All bosses have strategies, though, and Stalker is fairly easy to take out when you know them.  He's terrible if you take cover(climb on top of boxes, etc), and I hear he doesn't chase well if you leave the room (I haven't confirmed this one, either).  But he's a boss, and like all bosses, there are strategies to beat him.  He is still very beatable.

And don't worry about your first time.  He dropped me like a bad habit, and my friend too.  We had no idea what was going on the first time he attacked (my friend), and it was over before we even knew what was happening.  Again though, you fight him a couple of times, and you'll instinctively stop treating him like a normal mob, and you'll start getting wins against him.  Though don't look for any rewards, because currently, I haven't seen nor heard of him dropping anything.


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The stalker is supposedly immune to invisibility skills (I don't know for sure, because I've never used them myself).  All bosses have strategies, though, and Stalker is fairly easy to take out when you know them.  He's terrible if you take cover(climb on top of boxes, etc), and I hear he doesn't chase well if you leave the room (I haven't confirmed this one, either).  But he's a boss, and like all bosses, there are strategies to beat him.  He is still very beatable.

And don't worry about your first time.  He dropped me like a bad habit, and my friend too.  We had no idea what was going on the first time he attacked (my friend), and it was over before we even knew what was happening.  Again though, you fight him a couple of times, and you'll instinctively stop treating him like a normal mob, and you'll start getting wins against him.  Though don't look for any rewards, because currently, I haven't seen nor heard of him dropping anything.



Well actually, I've seen videos on youtube where killing the stalker yielded a module drop, that may've been just a random thing though (not specific to the stalker).


As for his invisibility detection, there are tons of screenshots of the stalker on the wiki. Each one shows the player cloaked and the stalker idle. There have also been several statements that players cloaked and ran away from the stalker, only for him to get killed by newspawns by the end of the mission.


He is, however, immune to decoys, elemental debuffs, powers that apply debuffs on the enemy, etc. The most notable example is likely Trinity's link not working, as it needs a target to send the damage to and stalker can't be affected by condition-applying warframe powers.

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Well actually, I've seen videos on youtube where killing the stalker yielded a module drop, that may've been just a random thing though (not specific to the stalker).


As for his invisibility detection, there are tons of screenshots of the stalker on the wiki. Each one shows the player cloaked and the stalker idle. There have also been several statements that players cloaked and ran away from the stalker, only for him to get killed by newspawns by the end of the mission.


He is, however, immune to decoys, elemental debuffs, powers that apply debuffs on the enemy, etc. The most notable example is likely Trinity's link not working, as it needs a target to send the damage to and stalker can't be affected by condition-applying warframe powers.


Ah, I may have confused the invisibility bit with the immunity to decoys and debuffs, etc.  I've not seen the ss's on the wiki of players invisible, either.  Last I checked there were only screens of a rhino meleeing him, and 2 or 3 of him dead on the floor (wish I were that lucky).


In any case, the Stalker is not that bad once you get to know him (unless you're stuck on a fresh frame with low level weapons).  Good luck in your battles, Tenno.  ;P

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