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Hi All Need Help!


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I see alot of ppl like insta kill and do HUGE dmg and they seem to be same lvl as me(im lvl 20).


Only thing ive built is a new sword Coruno or wth its named and i have 2 parts for rhino, not started building it yet.



Ok soem Questions:


1: Need a good solid ranged weapon.


2: A good melee weapons since im thinking of perma play Rhino i love the playstyle.


3: How the hell do i get these weapons im still using my starter weapons.. :/. If possible dont want to buy platinum with real money


4: How do i chat with ppl team when we run missions... cant find the hotkey for it...



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1. Hek will play nicely with Rhino. I suggest Lex for a pistol, when range does matter.

2. Fraggor, Gram, Scindo

3. Lex can be Credit bought, the others require blueprints (credits, materials, time) or platinum.

4. Mine is bound to "T" but I can't remember if I rebound it.

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1. What do you mean good solid range weapon? I can suggest Latron/Snipetron for a good bolt action rifle, Gorgon for a good high fire rate rifle.


2. I haven't played a Rhino, or used a heavy weapon yet.


3. You can buy some weapons with credits, and the rest you can buy the blueprints with credits then build them. They are all in the store.


4. Default is T.

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1.  As Thirdstar said the Braton or Strun are good choices depending on if you want a shotgun or assault rifle.


2.  If you haven't already built it the Cronus is a good upgrade from the starting Skana. Scindo, Gram, Dual Ether Blades or Dual Heat Swords are pretty good choices for later on depending on your play style.


3.  Most blueprints can be found in the market under the Weapons tab. Rarer weapons blueprints will only drop as a reward for completing an alert mission with a ? listed as a reward or as a login reward.

    You'll then need to craft the weapon in the foundry.


4. As Thirdstar said the default hotkey is T. Another useful hotkey is G to mark mods or important enemies/items (although you may already know that).

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Any ranged weapon is pretty decent, other than the MK1.

if you like rifles: the normal braton is cheap and good

Shotguns: the Strun is good, or save up for the Hek

Snipers probably aren't a good investment for your first gun, but they're good (snipetron and bow)



scindo is easily my favorite melee weapon in the game, any of the heavy weapons would be good with rhino


become familar with the crafting system with blueprints, its oging to be your source for everything.


and yeah, T



also i HIGHLY suggest you invest some of your mod slots in movement enhancement if you're going to main rhino or frost.

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1: Need a good solid ranged weapon.


2: A good melee weapons since im thinking of perma play Rhino i love the playstyle.


3: How the hell do i get these weapons im still using my starter weapons.. :/. If possible dont want to buy platinum with real money


4: How do i chat with ppl team when we run missions... cant find the hotkey for it...




Everything stated below is my opinion, ymmv.


1) A solid ranged weapon would either be a Burston or a Boltor. 


2) Gram is a good weapon for jumping in and smacking everyone with it.


3) You can get these weapons through the Market using credits. You have to build some weapons with blueprints, they are at the last page of the Weapons list. Blueprints require credits, a set amount of waiting time and a set amount of resources, along with a set amount of credits to start building. 


Based on my ranged/melee weapon suggestion above, the Boltor and the Gram both require blueprints to craft if you aren't spending platinum.


4) Default chat key is T. You can rebind the key in the options > controls menu. 


Have fun!

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