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Future Ideas


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I will only explain few things that I think should come or be changed in future. I have been testing now about on a week this game.

Biggest thing that should come before official release is complitly new areas. Since now it gets damn booring when I have repeated maps that all have exactly same enviroments and textures. It would be much cooller for example if Mars planet would have enviroments of red Sand and Mountains. Then in earth would be like a litle be jungle style or something cause now every single area is just a damn same ship.

Then to the f2p/p2w thing, I think there could be sligthly more stuff in tutorial in future. Cause now after tutorial I did not know at all where or how I can collect those rare item blueprints or where do I find those items that I can use to upgrade my weapons to pro. Neither I do know that after 1 week gaming and are those weapon upgrading items only able to get by paying real money?

And lastly I want to say about f2p play that gaining the "free ingame money" is damn slow. Should I play for 1 week to get one new weapon and one new warframe blueprint? And after that like 2 -3 weeks to get the blueprint items? Since Ive played many boss battles but yet I have gotten any of the needed blueprint item parts.

PS. I am not good in english grammar so forgive typographical errors.

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