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Some Kind Of New Discrimination?


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Wow OP, does this sort of thing keep You awake at night?

"He.....He called me a.....a BOW USER boohoohoo" 

Think You need to develop a thicker skin dude...like Rhino

P.S   Paris ROCKs


I'm not particularly bothered what some random guy thinks of me on the other side of the Internet, I was just curious as to whether or not people had a discrimination towards Paris-users. Evidently you did not read my post correctly, but rest assured, I forgive you, my dear friend.

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It's because of the new starter sets, I assume. It appears that these days you can have a Mag and Paris pretty much out of the gate, which also happens to be the single worst combination of frame/weapon in terms of utility (also, complete newbies using this doesn't help either). An extremely slow snipertron with a one bullet magazine combined with a frame that can't provide anything but an average Ult, at low levels, usually used by people who have spent less than 5 hours on the game.


I'm not saying you can't kill things, I'm just saying every other combo can do it better. A Mag + Paris build is Warframe's version of a stereotypical bad player, just like other shooters have certain classes + guns that screams newbie.

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so far i've been with many players and even though i don't have my Paris anymore I haven't been with anyone that has been nasty to me or anything like that... there are times where ppl rush ahead and get on the elevator and go with out me, but i always say "if you rush ahead i'm not gonna help you!" even though I play Trinity

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Eh. It's a free-to-play online shooter. There's going to be a lot of "that guy" running around. Don't let the random outbursts of people you don't even know rule your life. No matter what you do, equip, or how you play, someone somewhere will see you, swear like a 13-year-old, and tell you that whatever you're doing makes you some kind of stupid and some kind of hated minority or ethnic group.


Take their advice for what it's worth: less than nothing.

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 I leveled up a Paris all the way to level 30 for the mastery points and even I realize that most of the time I was a burden to the team because it's a useless weapon.

You Sir are my hero among crowds of deluded, self-obsessed scrubs.

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You Sir are my hero among crowds of deluded, self-obsessed scrubs.


It's funny how you call people deluded and self-obsessed for using a weapon you don't like.


The Paris is actually a boon for people who want to be melee focused, since you can ready an arrow and then sprint and such while you hold down the fire button, allowing you to take a shot at anything as you sprint without stopping. Most of the pistols in the game are powerful enough that you can use them in favor of a primary and be none the worse off.


But using it as a shooty weapon in a straight forward fight is not the optimal way to use it.

Edited by TheChaffeemancer
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If you bring a bow to an infested defense mission.

I will call them "bow users"

Bring a weapon that is actually useful for the fight you are in.  I'de rather see a latron even... Bow users end up with like 5-10% of kills/damage dealt, Spend most of the time up on a box away from the action while you see rhinos with scindos getting up close and personal, embers using flame crowd control and, nyx playing field medic....while you sit on your box, "Killing all of the ancients". (since even a bow user realizes how worthless it is vs lower tier infested)  I'll have you know - any one of my shotguns can kill ancients worlds faster than your bow can, same goes for my gorgon and pretty much any other weapon I have.  (Even my fangs which have reduced effectiveness vs infested) can kill better.

Since most people apparently wanted to not speak up about it (and instead just decided to be anonymous and downvote everything) I'm explaining it to you guys.
Bow users join high ranked missions with a <level 25 bow and contribute nothing to the fight and basically mooch off of everyone elses work.  It's not appreciated and when asked politely to change their weapon or leave most of them will say "i'm ranking it up".

I have a paris - they have their uses.  Right now it is by far the best stealth weapon in the game...GREAT for solo missions.  Not so much for a team mission in which you are surrounded by hoards of infested round after round after round.

Edited by TraumaHunter
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The only problem I have with a bow is if they bring an unmodded/leveled bow to a boss fight.... that really annoys me and leave me to do all the damage (and possibly run out of ammo if I am still leveling a wep up myself) 


I once played a game with my boltor as I was leveling it up and I had 3 team mates all using paris.... and I ran out of ammo lol.... They couldnt even keep heks shields down never min actually damaging him lol,


When I see someone using a bow while farming Van Dek, I sigh and assume it is their first time farming him.


But I've been lucky to usually run with people who use leveled up melee, while me and one other are using our leveled up assault rifles to keep his shields down.

Edited by Odog4ever
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 nyx playing field medic


....? Please explain. I thought Nyx's role in defense was to basically hit chaos. I think you meant a Trinity?


Also, I must have missed something, because I don't recall OP saying he was playing infested defense. He mentioned that the guy wasn't waiting for elevators, which indicates he probably wasn't playing infested defense.

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....? Please explain. I thought Nyx's role in defense was to basically hit chaos. I think you meant a Trinity?


Also, I must have missed something, because I don't recall OP saying he was playing infested defense. He mentioned that the guy wasn't waiting for elevators, which indicates he probably wasn't playing infested defense.

Lol indeed trinity is the healer.

Chaos is probably the best at "removing aggro" so that you can revive a team mate though.  It's cheaper than a level 4 and not all level 4's kill super high level enemies.  Chaos works well against all levels of enemy equally.

Also I was explaining to you where the hate comes from.  Really anyone bringing a bow to an infested mission of any kind to "level it up" or whatever isn't doing much help to the team.  Its rate of fire is too slow and its damage (even when level 30 with max mods which i have) is sub par and doesn't always kill in one hit to even the weakest of infested types on certain missions/levels.

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Had the same thing with a player who hated on my Bo (Loki). All that told me was that he doesn't understand the mechanics of a Loki using a Bo from stealth.


Also, he typed that he 'bet I didn't even have Ash yet', which in itself let me know I was dealing with a petulant child who wanted internet points for having a Warframe that is not in any way special or hard to obtain.


Which I do have, just in case there is some magical scoreboard keeping count that I am unaware of :)

Edited by Ninjaraijin
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Had the same thing with a player who hated on my Bo (Loki). All that told me was that he doesn't understand the mechanics of a Loki using a Bo from stealth.


Also, he typed that he 'bet I didn't even have Ash yet', which in itself let me know I was dealing with a petulant child who wanted internet points for having a Warframe that is not in any way special or hard to obtain.


Which I do have, just in case there is some magical scoreboard keeping count that I am unaware of :)



Still I have to agree with TraumaHunter here, Paris has it's uses but it definitely is not optimal for certain things and can in fact be a burden on your team. Try getting past wave 20 of a defense mission when 3/4 people have a Paris.. Typically doesn't go very well.

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i have nothing against the paris nor its users. I don't use this weapon because of it's slow fire rate. I could mow down a whole crowd of enemies with a boltor, gorgon, akboltos, afuris, boar, etc. by the time you release your first arrow.

Edited by KaneTheDark
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Lol indeed trinity is the healer.

Chaos is probably the best at "removing aggro" so that you can revive a team mate though.  It's cheaper than a level 4 and not all level 4's kill super high level enemies.  Chaos works well against all levels of enemy equally.

Also I was explaining to you where the hate comes from.  Really anyone bringing a bow to an infested mission of any kind to "level it up" or whatever isn't doing much help to the team.  Its rate of fire is too slow and its damage (even when level 30 with max mods which i have) is sub par and doesn't always kill in one hit to even the weakest of infested types on certain missions/levels.

That makes sense (for both points)

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