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[Archwing Missions] Range Increase For Detection Mods / Auras, Please?


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Could we please have a range increase for Enemy Radar / Loot Detector in Archwing missions? 30 metres (at least I guess it's supposed to be metres) at max level might work in normal missions - but in Archwing missions, even the ring around the interception towers (at 100%) already has a radius of 35m. So by the time those auras get useful, I already see the loot or enemy myself.

And could we please have the according mods (Enemy Sense, Thief's Wit) work in Archwing missions, too?  Especially Thief's Wit might see quite some use there, as people want to find mods easier but not "waste" an aura on that. And since only a limited amount of warframe mods works when we're in Archwing, there's always a free slot for it.



If somebody else already made a thread on this, feel free to suggest a merge.

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