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Suggestion: Bosses Improvements


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Right now most bosses are only difficult if you dont have strong weapons. Besides that most of them are pretty much just bullet sponge and some even suffer from bad AI. Here is a list of suggestions that IMO can help improve the bosses and make them more entertainment and challenges.


- Captain Vor: Giving him a faster movement speed and increasing his teleporting frequency. Also giving him a better model

- General Sargas Ruk: Giving him Shield Polarize. Also a better model.

- Jackal: Jackal is probably one of the most impressive boss in Warframe but after you figuring how to deal with him, he can be cheesed easily and become a joke. Solution: You will have to cripple all 4 of his limbs in order to deal damage to him instead of only 1, also reducing his health to balance for the fact that he needs to have 4 legs crippled instead of 1.

- Golem: I think Golem is fine, maybe making him a little bit more aggressive. Unique model confirmed.

- Sgt. Nef Anyo: Probably the weakest boss in the game, you can stunlock to death him just by using shock. Solution: giving him stunlock immunity and better health + shield. Also a better model.

- Hyena: Hyena is also an interesting boss. Maybe giving him Loki's Disarm (making all ur guns overheated temporarily and forcing you to melee)or Volt's Overload (releasing lightning to suck off your shield and energy, can be avoided by moving away)

- Councilor Vay Hek: Giving him Link ability also making troopers spawned non-stop (He is supposed to be an important figure of Grineer society)

- Tyl Regor: A faster movement and attack speed. Tyl Regor is said to be an expert in cloning so giving him ability to summon multiple clones of himself but a lot weaker. Also a better model.

- Kela De Thaym: Limiting the amount of Roller she can summon. But allow her to summon additional Latchers. Giving her grenades.

- Lieutenant Lech Kril: Giving him a faster melee swing. Also giving him a higher shield but reducing his health and let him use Snow Globe ability to recover his shield. During the duration of Snow Globe, Grineer Troopers will spawn non-stop to provide support.

- Phorid: Phorid suffers from bad AI (getting stuck in small area, sometimes will stop moving and just stand there). Improving his AI, making him more aggressive. Faster movement speed (Lotus did say he's very agile). Making him uses Psychotic Bolts, Stomp and Scream more frequently.

- Ambulas: Ambulas probably need higher shield + health and giving him MOA's Railgun.

Level Scaling: After beating a boss, allow players to set the level of the boss in rematch (increasing the level will increase difficulty)


- Increasing the level of bosses (by having more players or level scaling) will increase the drop rate of BP and Rare mods. 1% increasing in drop rate for per level increased. Ex: Rhino BP has about 20% drop rate for a level 14 Jackal. A level 34 Jackal will have 120% x 20% = 24% chance to drop Rhino. So players who are willing to take challenges will be rewarded better.

Edited by Crimson_King256
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all bosses become VERY easy once you do them with trinity + anyone. friend is playing rhino and all he does is that skill that puts the enemies into the air for a while. i just spam energy vampire and as soon as the enemy touches down, send him flying again.


soloing bosses is pretty easy with trinity too, just energy vampire and link and its gg.

bosses need MORE special mechanics, maybe different phases where they do different stuff.

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all bosses become VERY easy once you do them with trinity + anyone. friend is playing rhino and all he does is that skill that puts the enemies into the air for a while. i just spam energy vampire and as soon as the enemy touches down, send him flying again.


soloing bosses is pretty easy with trinity too, just energy vampire and link and its gg.

bosses need MORE special mechanics, maybe different phases where they do different stuff.

In my suggestion. Tyl Regor will turn invisible and summon a bunch of weaker clone of himself. Lech Kril will summon snow globe and push you away while Grineer Troopers will come from all directions to help him.

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I'm not sure I agree with some of your suggestions, as it would make bosses harder without making them less tedious. For example, Phorid's attacks are already pretty imbalanced, such as the unavoidable scream attack and the homing psychic bolts, both of which deal heavy damage. Making it use attacks more without tweaking the attacks would just make it even more unfun to fight. Hyena REALLY doesn't need a Radial Disarm. No boss needs more shield and health, it just makes them even more bullet spongy. A fireball would not fit Sargas Ruk's other skills. And you can't "cheese" the Jackal, unless extreme firepower capable of one-shotting its legs is cheesing. Needing more legs to be broken to disable it just artificially prolongs the fight slightly for high level players, and make the fight way too hard for new players (especially if legs regenerate if the other legs are not broken quickly enough). Vor does not need a speed upgrade due to his teleport ability, he just needs to use the teleport in a smarter way (for example using teleport to dodge bullets or melee strikes). Tyl Regor doesn't need clones, Vay Hek can already duplicate himself. Vay Hek doesn't need Link, that's practically equal to Ruk's bullet attractor skill. I don't think anyone can disagree with getting better models. I do agree with the changes to Kela de Thaym though.


As for what I think should be improved about bosses, I have a topic about it here:


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I'm not sure I agree with some of your suggestions, as it would make bosses harder without making them less tedious. For example, Phorid's attacks are already pretty imbalanced, such as the unavoidable scream attack and the homing psychic bolts, both of which deal heavy damage. Making it use attacks more without tweaking the attacks would just make it even more unfun to fight. Hyena REALLY doesn't need a Radial Disarm. No boss needs more shield and health, it just makes them even more bullet spongy. A fireball would not fit Sargas Ruk's other skills. And you can't "cheese" the Jackal, unless extreme firepower capable of one-shotting its legs is cheesing. Needing more legs to be broken to disable it just artificially prolongs the fight slightly for high level players, and make the fight way too hard for new players (especially if legs regenerate if the other legs are not broken quickly enough). Vor does not need a speed upgrade due to his teleport ability, he just needs to use the teleport in a smarter way (for example using teleport to dodge bullets or melee strikes). Tyl Regor doesn't need clones, Vay Hek can already duplicate himself. Vay Hek doesn't need Link, that's practically equal to Ruk's bullet attractor skill. I don't think anyone can disagree with getting better models. I do agree with the changes to Kela de Thaym though.


As for what I think should be improved about bosses, I have a topic about it here:


I have soloed all bosses in this game and if a boss in a coop game can be soloed easily then there is something wrong. I enjoy epic boss fight that requires teamwork and coordination. But right now Warframe bosses are just bulletsponge and some can be cheesed easily.


- Melee bosses like Vor and Tyl Regor can be outran easily plus Vor's teleport strike can be avoided easily. Tyl Regor can be kited easily since he only use Dash once in awhile.


- Higher shield for Kril so when he activates snowglobe he will regenerate his shield while letting his goons attack you.


- Sgt Nef Anyo is a joke of a boss. With a shock weapon you can stunlock him to death plus he is squishy for a boss.


- I have fought with a lv50+ Jackal in soloing and you still can cripple him with just one charged melee attack. Also we can tone down his limb's health.


- I saw Phorid used his bolts like once in a match and most of the time there was always cover nearby for me. His scream makes him immobile and with high redirection he wont be able to break your shield, plus he's a lv40+ boss so he is supposed to be tough. Also Phorid is probably the stupidest boss in the game, he will get stuck in small area while trying to catch up to you. Hell even a Rhino with Thrak and no Rush can still outrun him.

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