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[Suggestions/fixes] Mass Idea Thread ~~~


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These are ideas, suggestions, and fixes in the game that my clan and I have come up with. Please leave any comments, feedback, or build off our ideas. Thanks.


1) Include raid bosses. Not the 4 person bosses, but 12-16 person bosses hosted by a Warframe server rather than a player. These raids could be a good way to allow players to farm for new and extreme gear, or orokin reactors/catalysts etc. At a low drop rate of course! Also it would be suggested that the game only allow 1 raid every 12 hours.


2) Fix defense spawns from getting stuck. Still seeing issues with this, which may actually be worse prior to the hotfix for it.


3) Some sort of increase in the amount of fusion cores dropped in comparison to Warframe mods dropped. Warframe mods max out pretty easily, yet you will continue to get a lot of them, all which you will end up vending for 200-1000 a piece. I think it would be a good idea to decrease the drop rate on these, and in turn increase the drop rate on fusion cores to an extent since fusion cores go by very quickly when leveling up higher mods.


4) When selecting a host, have the game select the player with the overall best connection to everyone else as the host.


5) Strengthen the legs on the "Jackal". It seems that you can knock it down way too quickly in my opinion. This can be debated however.


6) Add small but effective passives to each Warframe to give them more uniqueness. For example, allow Saryn to be immune to poison damage from Toxic Ancients. Prevent Frost from losing shields in cold environments. Etc.


7) Allow the option to disable screen shake (if there is one let me know, I haven't seen one though). This screen shake is most annoying to players grouped with others using 2 handed weapons. There should be an option to disable this.


8) Fix broken waypoints (usually in boss missions). Sometimes the waypoint will drag off the minimap to a point where you have to direct yourself. This should be fixed so that you can see waypoints to each different section of a map as the game intended.


9) Allow players to LOCK mods that they find very valuable. By doing this, it will prevent players from accidentally selling a mod they worked hard to make. With this, you could also then add a button for "Sell all Unlocked Mods" to make selling mods players don't need a much quicker process.


10) Fix mobile defense missions where enemies fall through the platform the Cryopod sits on. Sometimes these enemies go unnoticed and end up destroying the Cryopod, making the mission a failure.


11) Fix shield bar going off actual health bar. This isn't a big issue, but it would be nice for it to fit on the bar with the HP. Example of this problem would be the Hyena boss.


12) Allow players in a match to vote-kick someone (To rid of griefers and such). However, it should only kick the accused player if ALL other players accept the vote.


I will add more to this tomorrow, and then on as we think of new things. Thanks for reading.

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Thanks :] And what do you mean passive leveling to weapons? I would consider the game already has passive weapon leveling because you get experience on weapons after a match even if you don't use them.

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Most interesting part IMO:  Add small but effective passives to each Warframe to give them more uniqueness. For example, allow Saryn to be immune to poison damage from Toxic Ancients. Prevent Frost from losing shields in cold environments. Etc.

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Thanks :] And what do you mean passive leveling to weapons? I would consider the game already has passive weapon leveling because you get experience on weapons after a match even if you don't use them.

 Maybe you have that idea because you always play with you clan mates. Play a solo mission using only 1-2 weapons, and don't pick affinity orbs. You will see that you get 0 experience with the weapon that you didn't use.


For the rest, I agree totally with all points except 1 and 3.


1, is @(*()$ good, but for future updates, like version 9 or something. Putting servers for this purpose will make a lot of ppl angry if they are not good enough, cause the inestability of the NAT right now. Leave DE pulish that, and then yep, Raid bosses ;D


3. Everything serve a purpose, and I agree that sometimes it's better a fussion core that the 100th copy of a warframe skill, but what I think would be better is a bit of focusing on drops depending on the race where are facing off. I hope they put the 4th race and it mainly drops fusion cores from common to rare.

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