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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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So help me understand because clearly I'm not getting it. Please explain exactly how the Founders getting a cosmetic sigil has an effect on your gameplay.


Is it detrimental to your DPS? You defence and survivability maybe? No? Hmm, maybe your experience or faction gains then? No, it has absolutely zero effect on your gameplay. None at all.


So if it isn't about gameplay that means it is ALL about your precious feelings and how other people shouldn't get things that you can't get because you feel left out when they do.


You are right though, that isn't entitlement. There's a much nastier word for what that is.

If you think its just about the sigil then youre already a step behind

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If you think its just about the sigil then youre already a step behind


If thats the argument youre going with then youre not going to prove anything you say is correct


Ooh, see what I did there?


Edit: Let me explain this a bit more. My opinion remains that this is all about butthurt feelings over others getting stuff you can't get. That's called envy. It's not good. Lots of people have stuff I don't have, guy on my road owns an Aston Martin for example. I don't ask him to stop driving it down our street because I can't afford one.


Your point, when you've actualy made one, seems to be that you want all exclusives stopped so as to prevent butthurt feelings from peole who neeed to GET OVER IT.


Making one line posts that don't actually make a point doesn't advance the discussion.


My opinion = you don't want exclusives because you are jealous & butthurt.


You argument = stop exlcusives because... you feel sad.


Please elaborate why some people can't have stuff because you feel sad. You may want to elaborate on exactly why your feeling sad should take precendence over other people getting things that have no effect on your gameplay.

Edited by TenzUK
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