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A Tidy List Of Feedback Regarding Certain Long Standing Issues In The Game.


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The issue=Weapon mod customization
-The current modding system promotes weapon DPS above any sort of utilitarian modifications such as clip size, reload speed etc.It is pointless to equip something like +30% magazine capacity if for the same cost you could get 60% fire rate or even more elemental damage.

Possible solutions
-Raw weapon damage should scale with weapon rank. Raw damage + multi-shot mods should be removed and the players compensated in some way to avoid an outrage.
-Lots of buffs to non damage/fire rate related mods, both capacity cost and effectiveness wise.

Additional notes
-The current focus on damage is also related to issues regarding enemy scaling and numbers. More regarding this topic further down this post.
-I suggested some sort of compensation only to avoid any outrage from the community since you can be certain if for example Serration is completely removed without something to reward the time and effort players have spent in upgrading the mod there WILL be a lot of angry people.

The issue=Ability spam and focus on ability related mods
-Ever since corrupted mods have shown up ability spamming is a rather big issues. Even on higher levels where enemies scale enough not to get killed with a single ultimate ability, crowd control combined with AoE damage spamming can destroy most enemies regardless of how much damage they deal or how much health and armour they have.
-Certain mods like hand spring, elemental resistances etc are vastly out shined by mods that boost abilities, shields and health.

Possible solutions
-Incorporation of Vitality and Redirection mods into the warframes themselves OR make the base warframe health and shields more powerful while nerfing the strength of said mods in order to not make them as crucial for higher level missions.
-Buffs all around for non ability/health and shield related mods.
-Make certain enemies that are able to negate warframe ultimate abilities or reduce their effectiveness.
-Make all abilities affected by all modifier types(power strength, duration and range since efficiency already affects everything)

Additional notes
-Again enemies and their high numbers are partly at fault for the AoE spam. Will get on the subject later on.

The issue=melee still out shined by ranged weapons and abilities on higher levels
-Despite the recent efforts to make melee more viable it is still useless on levels where enemies are actually a threat to the player.
-Ranged enemies can cut you down before you even reach them on warframes without some sort of damage reducing ability.
-Melee damage still left in the dirt because of the extremely short combo multiplier duration.The game is fast paced but the current combo multiplier is DMC-levels of faced paced not Warframe faced paced.

Possible solutions
-Make the combo multiplier last longer and add a combo multiplier duration related mod (good for those that want to go full berserk melee only). Combined with the removal of Pressure Point and incorporation of damage into weapon ranking (weapon mod related issue) it should make full melee only builds more viable.
-Buff parrying a lot. Stamina goes down like it wasn't even there to begin with on higher levels if you try to parry. Perhaps make parrying reduce stamina based on a percentage (with thoughts to enemy weapons fire rate because -20% stamina per blocked shot wont help versus grakata wielding enemies for example) or make blocking itself not reduce stamina at all but make stamina decrease a little faster as long as the parry key is held down.
-Instead of new stances please add more combos for the old stances. There are certain weapon stances that have only one combo. While this is a bit out of context with the issue its still melee related so I thought about throwing it in here.

Additional notes
-Getting real close to having melee on par with ranged these days. I doubt there's anything else that needs to be done other than buffs to parrying and combo multiplier durations.

The issue=enemies: AI, numbers and other problems
-The enemy AI is just....really really bad. Too many times have I seen grineer and corpus spinning around and shooting when they face me, taking cover behind rocks that are barely as tall as their knees or even better, behind non solid guard rails or just plain and simple standing in the open waiting for me to turn around and shoot them as if they have simply given up.
-The high numbers low quality tactics of the grineer and corpus enemies make AoE weapons, AoE abilities and fully automatic weapons highly favorable over semi automatic weapons and single target abilities. High numbers of weak enemies also promotes spray and pray behavior over careful aim and because of the high number of ammo drops make running out of ammo a lot harder thus negating certain ammo related mods.

Possible solutions
-Buff up the enemy AI and make certain guard rails fully solid so that they can properly hide behind them. Perhaps make grineer and corpus melee enemies use more ambush tactics rather than making them run right in front of you only to get their faces blasted off.
-Make non infested enemies tougher individually and less numerous with proper adjustments to xp and mod drop rates to compensate(or again people will get mad). Perhaps leave moas the way they are now since you know, cheap fodder robot troops.

Additional notes
-When I say better AI I don't mean enemies that are capable of making uber advanced tactical decisions capable of rivaling those of a player. We need enemies that don't spin around like clowns , don't try to take cover behind a can of soda and that use better melee tactics other than "charge them with a stick head on" and that don't just jump out of cover in a botched attempt to sound the alarm while standing in front of a full squad of tenno. We WILL also need smarter AI player detection based on noise, the corpses of their disemboweled friends etc if we want stealth to be both viable and fun.

The issue=lockers and the worth of non endless type missions
-Lockers are currently useless. Other than the unusual rare resource drop here and there there is virtually no point in opening up lockers or exploring in the game. The current addition of rare caches certainly does NOT help since the reward or lack of, is not worth the time wasted searching for those caches.
-Non endless missions are pointless(not including assassinations or void missions of course). Other than to advance on the star chart or get the end reward from an alert or void run there is no point in doing anything but endless missions. Xp grind? Endless missions. Mod drops? Endless missions. Resources? You guessed it! Endless missions.

Possible solutions
-Make mods drop from lockers and chests. Make the credit rewards from lockers and chests worth the time and scale with enemy levels.
-Make non endless missions drop more cash or some other type of reward in the end and make them give even bigger bonuses when completed stealthily.
-Make non endless missions more exciting via random events. Imagine suddenly feeling the ship shake during a corpus missions then in the next tile there are grineer elite units dropping from wires from the ceiling. This is just one small example of many.

Additional notes
-The rare caches aren't a good idea because again our old enemy, RNG shows its face. You either get something for your efforts or absolutely NOTHING and that only serves to further stress and annoy the player. A system that rewards players based on their effort is better.

The issue=weapon power creep and enemy level caps(and a little bit about end-game)
-Most updates introduce weapons that are grossly overpowered compared to the older ones thus rendering them obsolete and narrowing the choice people will have when end-game appears.
-The lack of enemy level cap makes balancing things in the game a million times more difficult because there is no certain way to compare the damage dealt by weapons and abilities to the maximum resistance of the enemies....because there is no maximum resistance!

Possible solutions
-The addition of a level cap for enemies that is preferably a bit higher than what we currently have in the star chart.
-Make endless missions spawn more enemies instead of higher level ones once the level cap is reached.
-Buff up the old weapons and take more care regarding power creep. If this was a game like WoW where you just pick up a new green after the old that looks just like it but with a different skin it would not be an issue but here the effort you pun in a weapon is far bigger than that and they all have their unique looks. Making some of them "obsolete" on purpose would be quite a bit of effort.

Additional notes
-Please, PLEASE don't just slap the end-game sticker on the focus system and call it a day. GRINDING after grinding to become powerful is NOT endgame. Endgame is supposed to be a challenge for players that already have reached their maximum potential in the non endgame part of the game(in other games questing and dungeons. Here its normal missions and void for example). That is the simplest definition of end game I can come up with so please abstain from posting if you are about to tell me that "endgame for warframe is what the devs say it is!!!11!". You cant paint a goat pink and call it a pig.
(my comment is not meant to be disrespectful for the devs but I am tired of yes-men than have no clue about things such as end game yet feel the need to make pointless comments).

The issue=lore and the codex
-While the game currently lacks in the addition of quests have fixed a bit of this issue the lore is still vague for most of the part. What were the Oroking? Who is the Lotus and just why are we following her so fanatically? There are many very important questions unanswered and since we are part of a larger organization in world where apparently even our enemies know more about us pulling a "dark souls" on us and adding vague lore that we can have to search for is a poor decision.
-The codex feels like a chore because of the grind required to fill it up. No one will stay and scan all those enemies instead of just doing a quick search on the games wiki.

Possible solutions
-Explain whatever lore cannot be explained with missions (such as why are we following the Lotus) via cinematics. Certain cinematics such as more background on the Grineer could even be introduced in the game. Imagine killing Ruk then being able to watch a video on a security terminal of him doing a speech in front of his troops and explaining why he believes the grineer are superior and should be rightfully responsible for the defense of the system and its inhabitants from threats such as the Tenno, the Infested or the Corpus or even each other. There can't be wars if only one faction with a singular purpose controls all there is in the system right?
-Make all enemy codex entries require only one scan or just make them scan on their own. While it can be fun to scan enemies at the beginning it quickly loses its charm.

Additional notes
-This games lore is a huge and barely tapped gold deposit! If the story telling is expanded properly it could even rival far "bigger" sci-fi titles.
-Good job on the quests. Keep it up.

That's pretty much all I have to say. The reason I made this post is because I am very concerned with the current direction warframe is heading towards. Certain issues that I have mentioned above are completely ignored while the game keeps getting more content that seems to distract a part of the players from these problems. I hope that once the hubs are released some of these problems will be checked.

Edited by Cabadath5
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If the enemies are getting tougher and the weapon mods aren't hitting hard enough, get Tenno working together. I felt a long standing issue with Warframe is people sprinting & coptering away into the distance like Rambo :[ (presuming Rambo could copter)


The locked doors slow them down a bit but I would love to see bonuses for staying together; a buffed, shared energy pool from nearby Tenno, higher resource drop (more eyes to spot such things) or even having two members of the same syndicate getting an overall buff together like Bro's.

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I do agree with some things however not with all

The AI is pretty good,

The AI can be as good as it wants if it has no ways to fight back except level scaling


Skills are necessary to survive high level content and not die

They are OP for low and mid tier gameplay but fit just well for high level

And weapons are pretty OP too on low and mid level

The balance is ok and DE is balancing those things all the time anyway dont worry about it


I allways suggested to have gain/min implemented and not go for endless mission > normal mission


Lore and codex for warframe suits gets updated once in a while

I would like to see more enemy/boss/tileset lore though


I did post a thread with my whole opinion on it though and you can read through it if you want

Edited by Seyenas
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I do agree with some things however not with all

The AI is pretty good,

The AI can be as good as it wants if it has no ways to fight back except level scaling


Skills are necessary to survive high level content and not die

They are OP for low and mid tier gameplay but fit just well for high level

And weapons are pretty OP too on low and mid level

The balance is ok and DE is balancing those things all the time anyway dont worry about it


I allways suggested to have gain/min implemented and not go for endless mission > normal mission


Lore and codex for warframe suits gets updated once in a while

I would like to see more enemy/boss/tileset lore though


I did post a thread with my whole opinion on it though and you can read through it if you want

The AI is trash....seriously they hide behind things that aren't even solid or decide to start spinning around wildly sometimes and shoot while facing you. As for ways to fight back I don't really understand what you are referring to. If they are high level enough to pose a threat to the player then yes they can fight back. Too bad they can't really fight while dead because they decided to take cover behind THIS:



While abilities should be part of the game and necessary to survive higher level missions they are currently downright spam-able and they take away any sort of challenge from the game. Part of the problem is infinite scaling that forces people to spam abilities in order to CC enemies or get murdered by miss corrupted heavy gunner[999] the second she fires.


Weapon may be overpowered on lower or mid level missions but again that's part of the "cheap numerous fodder enemies" problem comes in. Also people won't stay low to mid level forever and you will get laughed at if you bring a Dera for example on a tier 4 defense mission instead of a boltorP, a dread, a heavy weapon or whatever meta is weapon was launched a few weeks ago.


Weapons should scale with late-game but the issue is that there is no exact late-game and that is why I suggested a level cap for enemies.

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The AI is trash....seriously they hide behind things that aren't even solid or decide to start spinning around wildly sometimes and shoot while facing you. As for ways to fight back I don't really understand what you are referring to. If they are high level enough to pose a threat to the player then yes they can fight back. Too bad they can't really fight while dead because they decided to take cover behind THIS:



While abilities should be part of the game and necessary to survive higher level missions they are currently downright spam-able and they take away any sort of challenge from the game. Part of the problem is infinite scaling that forces people to spam abilities in order to CC enemies or get murdered by miss corrupted heavy gunner[999] the second she fires.


Weapon may be overpowered on lower or mid level missions but again that's part of the "cheap numerous fodder enemies" problem comes in. Also people won't stay low to mid level forever and you will get laughed at if you bring a Dera for example on a tier 4 defense mission instead of a boltorP, a dread, a heavy weapon or whatever meta is weapon was launched a few weeks ago.


Weapons should scale with late-game but the issue is that there is no exact late-game and that is why I suggested a level cap for enemies.

The AI is good I hide behind those railings too, apart from that, would it be easier for you to shoot them behind the railings or if they were standing right in front of you and shooting?

The spin occurs due to pathing issues that EVERY game has (even AAA titles)

What I meant with no means to fight back is Innate skill resistances, faster walking speed than our sprint speed, weak spot mechanics, high dmg on low levels, invincibility mechanics on their own, buff-type enemies etc...


and yes skills are spammable because they were designed to be, level cap is not a good way to balance challenge since it will just make enemies weaker. Leave the warframes+ weapons and buff the enemies, scaling is introduced to stop people from reaching 6+ hours in survival/defense etc...


*edit* and weapons should not scale either with level increase since that would keep the challenge at the same level even after 2hrs+ in survival

Edited by Seyenas
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  • 1 month later...

I agree with most of the points you made: while I still enjoy this game (and laugh my &#! at some comments in the meantime) and think that even with all these problems we have a product that's better than most, that's no excuse to leave some of it's issues unattended.
The AI does suck as you can more often than not see lines of five or six grineer that are hiding in places where you can simply shoot them because they give no cover or because they are randomly running around, stealth makes little or no sense simply for the fact that in endless missions it's impossible and non endless missions are, as you said, useless (without mentioning that even if they actually had a purpose the current stealth simply messed up and there's no reason to play that way since you actually get less xp since there are less enemies).
As far as all the rest goes i pretty much agree although i can accept those problems if i think about all of the horrible products out there(yeah products, calling them games is an insult to the genre).

Only thing would be the RNG which simply takes any form of effort, spits in it's face, tramples it under a dirty boot and then leaves it dead on a side of the road; seriously: some randomness is nice but knowing that the only thing that matters is luck(and F*** everything else) isn't as much.

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