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I've seen it possibly one or two times online. That's it. Out off all my hours spent on the game, I've only ever seen it that many times.
Is there a reason? I've just bought it, and currently it seems alright. Slide attack + Charge attack rinse and repeat. Damage output is somewhat low, but not completely terrible. Despite having the base stats of the Skana, it has armour ignore. 

Does anyone else use this? How is it? I'm not too keen on the Amphis, so it's probably the furthest I'll venture in the staff area.

Note: I'll probably keep it, until I need a slot or something, as at this point I have the gear to do mid-high level missions, and keeping it is no hardship. Plus there's mastery!


EDIT: Also, does anyone know how to pronounce it? :P got no idea on the Japanese sort of thing.

Edited by CheeseHasLeafs
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14 answers to this question

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I don't think there's a lot of ways to pronounce "Bo" :p

This was my first melee weapon after the Skana and I found it pretty fun to use,

but yea it lacks numbers so people generally don't use it. It's more of a defensive weapon

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I love the bo, its the most satisfying weapon to use imo in terms of animation, style and sound. I just supercharged it, on my way to maxing out fury and that alone is making it so much better.

Plus smacking away lancers like I just buckshotted them in the belly is awesome.

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Amphis + supercharged = fun fun fun :) Lots of flying bad guys. It charges fast and still launches people in the air. It's worthwhile imo.


I don't know much about the bo, I think it's just a more boring amphis.

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I bought it and i gotta say i love it's default colors. If gram has on the wiki as a advantage "color customization" Bo needs that too :P


And the damage isn't too bad. Even the charge animation is ninja style :O 


Loved it! :)

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To be honest. It's a cheap, low rank melee weapon with armor ignore and area damage. That's basically all the bo has to offer.


It has pretty low damage (25 base attack damage) and low charge damage (only 75). Yes it has armor ignore, which is a plus at the beginning, later on you want just more damage. I used it at the beginning, leveled it to 30 and sold it right then for something better (scindo, dual ether, etc)


It's style-factor is cool and it's animations are well done, though.

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I got a Bo at Level 30 but compared to other Melee weapons i found it just bad. Low Charge Damage, tiny jump knockdown Attack(you basicly have to land on the target), slow execute animation.


It just can't compete to weapons like the Gram or Dual Heat Sword.



You can still kill enemies with it, but other weapons are just flat out better at it.

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