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League Of Legends Players?


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I have a dog that needs to be walked. Guess what happened?


It either needs to be more lenient, or just needs to be removed entirely.

Well, I kinda understand Riot there.

If you leave, you automatically destroy everyone else's game.

You have to check if you have enough time to play a game, or not.

Also, that's why I prefer a cat, instead of a dog. :P

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Well, I kinda understand Riot there.

If you leave, you automatically destroy everyone else's game.

You have to check if you have enough time to play a game, or not.

Also, that's why I prefer a cat, instead of a dog. :P

There's other ways.


I've personally wanted an, "Out for lunch" thing, where the AI plays for you but depending on the amount of time the AI played, you'll get less rewards

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ranked . . did played ranked srly since season 1 or 2 lol


to much angry kids around

I kinda sucked in S1, so I had a pretty bad elo.

Angry kids weren't a problem back there.


S2 started to get annoying with those kids crying around.

I started to play better though, so I was able to get my elo a little higher.

Randoms denied ~500 elo, though.. sadly.


S3.. I didn't even bother with ranked anymore.

I don't take it that serious as I used to, as I know that I'm not going to get out of silver :P



There's other ways.


I've personally wanted an, "Out for lunch" thing, where the AI plays for you but depending on the amount of time the AI played, you'll get less rewards

Well, Riot is too stupid to program a functional AI.

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Well, so far, i think i'm going to Main Sona


Support Champ that can maintain a good DPS

Sona has some burst damage early, but later in the game you won't deal any damage. Same goes to every support, as you can't buy any damage items.

I'm avoiding the support role. It doesn't fit to me at all.

I prefer the mid lane because it's a comfortable lane.

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Sona has some burst damage early, but later in the game you won't deal any damage. Same goes to every support, as you can't buy any damage items.

I'm avoiding the support role. It doesn't fit to me at all.

I prefer the mid lane because it's a comfortable lane.

Power Chord + Hymn of Valor + Spellblade Item Combo disagrees with you

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Power Chord + Hymn of Valor + Spellblade Item Combo disagrees with you

Trust me, later in the game you won't really deal damage, since you have to focus on getting support items.

If you decide to buy items that boost your ability power, then you might need to change the roles with the adc, since you won't be able to deal any damage without any farm.

Farm makes up ~80% of the gold in an ordinary game.

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Used to play lol before they went on a nerf spree so i switched to warframe and loving the DE Buff spree.


Still play lol sometimes on EU west, if anyone ( not completely new to the game ) wants to play add me Death Warrent ( not sure if many will get where the name comes from but hey :P )

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I decided to Download League again.


I left when i realized the community is poison


I was playing a Bot match, a normal Bot Match, and it was my first time playing Kayle.


Some guy was playing with me, and i honestly forget how it all lead up to this, but he eventually told me to unistall the game because, i was playing for fun. I never, ever touch Ranked Matches because their poison for yourself.


so damn true....I wish I never played ranks, when I got out of provisional i was in bronze 1 (7/10 games won) and i played until i got into silver 5 but the first damn ranked i played in silver 5 these little *@##$es just...well, kept *@##$ing about every little S#&$. they went gg before the game even started. and all because we didn't have some super tank. Like S#&$ we're in silver 5 -.- don't act like we're in some high league and you're a pro that knows wtf you're doing.


but that was my last ranked game and my elo has decayed and I'm bronze 1 now...and almost everysingle game I'm playing against other bronze and silvers... no challenge at all, once in a while I'll go against a gold or plat that's a premade then it'll be fun, but its always sad when i go to lolnexus to check my who I'm against and they're all a bunch of bronze and silvers...when i didn't play my first ranked yet, those games were much more challenging and enjoyable, now its like darius and dunk everyone and hope the rest of my team doesn't lose

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