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Attention Developers! Microtransaction Strategy Pointers.


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Well imho i can be seen as a defense against the money warrioirs, who take 100 Bucks and go buy the best equip at mastery 1-5. This is currently happening with Boltor Primes in the trading...imagine Rhino being available for 2€. Thats not the way warframe shold be played. 

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Well imho i can be seen as a defense against the money warrioirs, who take 100 Bucks and go buy the best equip at mastery 1-5. This is currently happening with Boltor Primes in the trading...imagine Rhino being available for 2€. Thats not the way warframe shold be played. 

That would not be an issue if DE started assigning proper mastery ranks to the more powerful weapons so that players would have to work their way up to the best weapons.

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In the span of a month i got 5 times 75% discount. 2 times i used it to buy 370 plat each time. That basically gave me slots for warframes weapons and colors that i wanted. Since then I started playing the game and sold random items i dropped in the game. I earned about 2-3 times platinum by selling it to other players than paid for it myself.

It may be expensive but you can simply wait for promotion.

Yes stuff like warframes for 300 platinum is expensive, thats why you don't buy it. You either farm it or buy prime parts from other players. Most expensive frames are still below 200 plat total for a set.

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