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Why Cod Is Bad, The Myth Of "shotgun Sniping", And Can We Love The Gorgon Again?


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Just trying to play again with the Hek or Gorgon it's so awful, it's entirely undesirable to use either now. Especially with weaker frames. Higher end content I could just barely do before, I just can't do at all now. I get overwhelmed and just have to sprint again through the whole level because a gunfight with either of those guns is genuinely not fun anymore.

I just finished soloing the second level on Pluto, and I only died once because I ignored the enemies to rush to the objective rather than taking my time and methodically killing them all first. I've never use the Hek or Gorgon, and I really had no problems with the level otherwise; I was using my level 30 Excalibur, level 30 Boltor, and level 30 Lato Vandal, all supercharged.


I honestly don't know why all you guys are crying about the high level content being unplayable; I can do it just fine.

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I think the falloff rate should be adjusted, giving each of them sweet spot to work in the field.


Boar probably going to be as it is since the purpose of it is CQC shotgun.

Strun should have an extended range more than the Boar, giving it a close-medium range spot in the shotgun hierachy.

Hek is a bit tricky to balance. Perhaps giving it a longest range but lowest clipsize/highest reload time/lowest spare ammo. Turn it into a monster shotgun but hard to use.


The Strun and Boar already had their effective range limited by their shot spread, and the Boar's range was already less than the Strun's due to its wider spread and fewer pellets.  They don't need this obtuse mechanic artificially pigeon-holing them into near point-blank range.

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Test Subject: Lech Kril


- Boltor: AP 60%, Cryo 90%, Shock 90%, Damage 105%, Multishot 90%, RoF 50%


- Gorgon: AP 60% Cryo 90% Damage 105%, Multishot 90%




- Boltor: 400+ bodyshots to kill Lech Kril

- Gorgon: 300+


-> Boltor has 50% RoF, and 90% Shock while Gorgon doesnt have.

Uh, you measure ammo used, but...ROF is completely irrelevant then. Measure time next time

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Are people actually saying high level content is unplayable? Quote someone.


Personally, I could go into eris assassination with volt, using nothing but a stick (bo) and a catalyzed rifle of any kind and I'd be fine.


I honestly don't know why all you guys are crying about the high level content being unplayable; I can do it just fine.



Just woke up. saw your quote. how sad for him.

Edited by aliasAnonymous
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So, yeah, recent changes to shotguns and the Gorgon, plus a new weapon; I have no opinion on the new Glaive as I don't have it yet. Some people love it, and others are having problems. Whatever, the game is a beta and bugs will crop up with anything new and introduced no matter how much money you throw at quality assurance. It's the nature of PC gaming, you can't possibly know all the bugs before they happen.


But, the shotgun and Gorgon nerf? Yeah, that's something I definitely have an opinion on. I'll cut to chase of this little treatise and traipse out the thesis now: I'm not happy with it. Here's why.


Shotguns do not work like they do in Call of Duty, or at least they didn't before the patch and that was a marvelous thing. Warframe is not Call of Duty, it should not be Call of Duty, and it should not cater to Call of Duty fans. Why? Well, the obvious commercial answer is because Call of Duty fans already have Call of Duty. They won't be interested in something that isn't Call of Duty.

Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting me to rant about how CoD is "ruining the modern-day shooter" or whatever? Yeah-no, I have more important points to make. Like how shotguns worked like their real-life counterpart before the patch, how shotguns were practically the perfect weapon for many of the tile sets in Warframe, and how that was a good thing. You see, much of Warframe is fought in relatively close quarters right now, and recent tile set expansions notwithstanding, the game is sometimes claustrophobic. Narrow corridors open up to sealed chambers, or fenced-in gantries without a lot of ready cover. Now, stop-just-just stop! Do not add a cover system! This isn't Gears of War, and Warframe shouldn't be Gears of War for the same reasons it shouldn't be CoD. The point is, however, that the distances that you fight in about maybe 70-80% of the time are really close. Like, stupidly close; heavy-urban-combat-close; so-close-that-I-could-reliably-hit-them-with-a-pebble-close, and it's these ranges where a shotgun excels. Really, they do, it's what they were made for. The hypersonic pellets remain hypersonic and deadly from modern-day shotguns up to and exceeding 60-70 meters at the lower gauges and heavier, denser shot-types . . . and I just ran a Corpus Defense where I was doing 10-15 points of damage at about 15-20 meters with a level 24, catalyzed Boar fitted with all the elemental damage mods, plus a mid-range Point Blank damage mod.

Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to have spent both money and hours on a shotgun that is suddenly useless at close-ranged combat? At no time should my sprays of heavy-guage, armor-piercing people-shot be reduced to sprays of peas and pearl onions! I want to kill my target, not garnish them when I shoot them in the face!

The concept of "shotgun sniping" is as stupid and it is factually and semantically incorrect. Sniper rifles are designed for ranges up to half a mile and in many cases beyond that. We're not fighting in environments where true sniper rifles are a factor. Warframe takes place at SMG/Shotgun ranges, and I'm guessing that most of the complaints about shotgun sniping are mostly being made by whiners who either aren't accurate or aggressive enough with their tactics and weapons. Or, perhaps they're just too hung up on being lone-wolf killing machines with the biggest gonads ever in their online co-op experience, and don't appreciate a quick resolution to the Heavy Gunner that's had them pinned for 10 seconds.


On to the Gorgon!

Why for did you screw up my 90-shot semi-automatic rifle with hose attachment? Was it the way it worked a dissonance against what you intended it to be? Before the update, it was really good at what I just described it as being - a heavy semi-auto with an 'oh crap!' option. Now it's... not. I don't know what roll the Gorgon can play now. AI isn't capable of being suppressed. Ammo drops, even with an artifact, are too stingy to support spray'n'pray, and its spin-up (and new inaccuracy) means that it's useless in bursts. And how is this inaccuracy supposed to work in the lore, anyway? Warframes enhance speed, strength, endurance, and expand their senses. You're telling me that this heavy, massive gun in the hands of a spess mareen is somehow too flimsy to handle the recoil of one bullet? That-uh . . . that makes my head hurt.

Again, I don't care if people complained about the Gorgon being overpowered. They're coming from la-la logic, and it's killing my immersion, enjoyment, and murderection. In this game any and ALL guns are overpowered with enough use, anyway; not only through modules, but also through familiarity of use. Even the old Mk 1-Braton becomes a killer in experienced hands and good mods are added so what's the point? Are you going to turn that vicious head-hunter into a hunk of junk, too?


Please don't be CoD, because you aren't CoD, so give me back my useful shotty. While you're at it, ignore the whiners and give me back my ballistic cat penis (THE BARBS!), too, alright? I miss it so much, and I'm not even 4 hours into the new update.


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I feel the Gorgon is lacking even at close ranges now.


If I'm close to a heavy unit and I want to shoot it in the head, the bullets fly everywhere, sometimes they hit it in the head.


That's kind of annoying.

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