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Mag's Abilities Need Adjustments


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Great points made in this topic. I like using Mag, but I have noticed that she could use some adjustments since some of her skills are situational. Perhaps they did this to go along with the offensive support theme.

1. Agree with changing Pull to bring a target over stair handrails. It also doesn't work on allies if they are behind a handrail.

2. Agree with Shield Polarize working in AoE rather than single target. Since you can't use it on multiple allies or yourself, use is pretty situational. Like others, I've mainly been using it on cryopods.

3. Agree with adjustment needed on Bullet Attractor. Perhaps bullets can target only some weak points and keep the same time duration. Or, increase duration and instead of drawing bullets to the target's core, draw bullets to the closest corresponding spot on the body (e.g. shoot top of circle goes to the head, near leg goes to leg, etc.)

Interesting idea with "Bullet Redirection" since being able to deflect bullets (provided it benefits you as well) would make the skill less situational. Not sure if individual barriers on each player would be too OP, so maybe it should be AoE bubble around Mag, plus the bubble on the boss (to justify energy cost and differentiate the skill from Snow Globe).

I actually did not know about Bullet Attractor ruining well aimed shots due to its mechanics. Guess I wont be using it much out in the open.

4. Basically agree again on Crush where you shouldn't be able to completely get hit and die while casting, or else it's kind of hard to control the mob. Something should happen to new enemies that enter the field, whether they are also lifted and dealt weaker damage, or maybe just repelled/blocked by a magnetic barrier until you're done doing the animation (not sure if that would be too OP though; just shooting out alternative ideas). If they made this invincibility adjustment, then not bumping up skill damage is fine.

Another thing, I once tried to use Crush on top of some stairs in Ceres, Kiste in the cryopod room and got the skill error saying I could not use the skill in mid-air. I had to run to the bottom of the steps and tried Crush under the group of Grineer, and then think it worked. I haven't tested if standing on all rails above ground count as being in mid-air, so there's a chance it's a bug. If it isn't, maybe they should get rid of that. Perhaps it wouldn't make sense to stand on a metal foundation that Mag could "destroy," but what's the difference does it make if it doesn't actually blow up the environment and cause you to fall?

Edited by Proprioception
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Maybe pull need aoe, or arc to pull few enemies.


I think this would make it either over powered or useless, since you would be able to, or more likely, accidentally, pull in a large mob of not just weak enemies you may want, but stronger enemies that can't be one killed by a combo with crush.


why pull btw? its not rino, need push


I feel like mag is an offensive support, pushing instead of pulling would make less sense for her skill set. I think it'd also put less emphasis on teamwork, since part of the beauty of pull is that you could draw in and stun a high level enemy for your team to gang up on and kill much faster. Although, I read a post on RiftGaurds thread that had the great idea to control the direction you can pull, then it could be called something like Shove. (if you can think of a better name, post it!)

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4. Basically agree again on Crush where you shouldn't be able to completely get hit and die while casting, or else it's kind of hard to control the mob. Something should happen to new enemies that enter the field, whether they are also lifted and dealt weaker damage, or maybe just repelled/blocked by a magnetic barrier until you're done doing the animation (not sure if that would be too OP though; just shooting out alternative ideas). If they made this invincibility adjustment, then not bumping up skill damage is fine.

Another thing, I once tried to use Crush on top of some stairs in Ceres, Kiste in the cryopod room and got the skill error saying I could not use the skill in mid-air. I had to run to the bottom of the steps and tried Crush under the group of Grineer, and then think it worked. I haven't tested if standing on all rails above ground count as being in mid-air, so there's a chance it's a bug. If it isn't, maybe they should get rid of that. Perhaps it wouldn't make sense to stand on a metal foundation that Mag could "destroy," but what's the difference does it make if it doesn't actually blow up the environment and cause you to fall?


Repulsion while using crush is a great solution!


That's a minor bug, it can happen when you're on the ground too, apparently you have to jump again to be able to use it. I hope this gets fixed along with the invinciblity/melee disable bug in the near future.

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Hey, funny thing, I just posted on Mag a few hours ago...

Here's the link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37212-mag-needs-help/#entry347859


Yea, Mag's concept is awesome, but the execution is just a little short of the mark. To help remedy the situation I'm trying to create a colletive list of balanced suggestions and adjustments for Mag's abilities as well as the reasons behind those changes. Your topic has some interesting posts I'm going to incorporate into my OP, if it's alright with you (if not let me know, and I'll take them off and redirect readers to yours), thanks!

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Yea, Mag's concept is awesome, but the execution is just a little short of the mark. To help remedy the situation I'm trying to create a colletive list of balanced suggestions and adjustments for Mag's abilities as well as the reasons behind those changes. Your topic has some interesting posts I'm going to incorporate into my OP, if it's alright with you (if not let me know, and I'll take them off and redirect readers to yours), thanks!

Hey, funny thing, I just posted on Mag a few hours ago...

Here's the link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37212-mag-needs-help/#entry347859

If you were referring to me, aaa9, then yes, please use my post to help Mag. :) Maybe DE will fix the warframes soon.

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I find Pull, Bullet Attractor and Shield Polarize simply not worth slotting into the frame. These definitely need some kind of rework.


Crush is fun and useful, and with many enemies about it can be ready again in short order. It's just lonely ..

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Pull right now is okay for a  warframe skill but has alot of poteinal id say keep it as it is or use the ops idea for more flexability

Shield polarize is a joke barring defense refill, no matter what I would suggest chanting shield polarize is a % based amount,50 energy for 1/8 a large greiner shield or 1/4 a moa  shield is laughable,not even counting you cant even refill yourself

Bullet attractor is a  diamond in the rough,good idea bad execution, as it is it has nearly no use in waframe bar bosses with good teamates

most enemies die too quickly to have any use or require too much use to be effective ie jackal I would say either increase effect and duration for same power or lower the effects but dramatically lower the energy cost

Crush is functional but bland, it joins about 5 other uber aoe killing skills for 100 enegry-id say leave this for last

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And so did I. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/38308-mag-abilities-could-use-some-work/


I searched for "mag" and found no results :/


So I did some testing and found out that shield polarize does have an AOE from the target, although it's a little small, now I'm wondering if it's affected by the Focus and Reach mods, since I only have a level 0 for each of these it's hard to tell. If someone with a fully fused reach and focus mod could test this power out, I it would be greatly appreciated and may make this power much more useful than everyone previously thought.


And the search feature needs some reworking then... :/

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And so did I. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/38308-mag-abilities-could-use-some-work/


I searched for "mag" and found no results :/


Forgot to mention, I think exalibur is a bad warframe to use for comparison for mag since excalibur is meant to be offensive and high attack. Mag is supposed to be offensive, but still more on the support side. In this regard, I think pull is nearly fine (read OP original post) just the way it is and the cost is justified. It's meant to bring the target to an advantageous position for you or your teamates, whether its a boss that needs to be stunned and brought closer for a subsequent slash dash, or a grineer heavy gunner that would be easier to kill if it were closer to that barel in front of you, or to bring in a teamate when they're down, etc. It doesn't need to do lots of damage or kill 10 enemies in a short period of time because any weapon could do that, it needs to have distinct utility. That's the basis of most of the suggestions on this thread. They're not suggestions to make Mag's abilites more powerful, but to make them have more utility for support in a useful and balanced manner.


Sorry for the overly long, and somewhat off topic response, one idea just kinda trailed into another >.<

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