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More Testing With The Glaive Revealed


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   Some people have talked about the Glaive bouncing off enemies dealing no damage. Testing more into this I realized that this issue usually pops up when fighting grineer.


 When fighting corpus the bug rarely pops up and against infested it almost never appears. 


  The glaive bounces off of Grineer too frequently. Another interesting mechanic is you can headshot grineer with the glaive dealing bonus damage but anywhere else and you have a good chance that they will not get hurt at all.

Edited by Silenterr
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Could it have something to do with armor/shields?


  no, the few successful hits with the glaive shows that the grineer can be hurt but my assumption is the design of the armour somewhow neglects  the damage.


  I feel that its a bug

Edited by Silenterr
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