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/?\ Alerts For Artifacts - Rng Is Terrible, Make It Craftable?


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As the title says. I been trying to get my hands on Energy Siphon for a long time now but haven't been on at the right time at the right day at the right moment. Just now even, I was up for 20 hours, with an eye on the twitter before calling it a Night. I planned to wake up, keep an eye on the alert twitter some more while I study for Anthropology. And what happens? In the 5 hour nap I took, two hours ago energy siphon appeared while I was sleeping.

The RNG is terrible. it's not skill based, it's not reliable. You just have to hope your not sleeping, working, or otherwise doing something not on the computer when the artifact you want FINALLY pops up. Here are some numbers, for the kick in the teeth. Currently counted, 726 ALERTS have come out on twitter. Only 4 are for Energy Siphon. You have a 1 in 181 (and a half) chance that an alert will give you one of the better, if not best, artifact around.
Which leads me to ask the idea, make artifacts craft-able with blueprints in the shop. It takes out the crappy RNG out of the picture... and I can finally have a use for credits again. And crafting Materials. Right now there isn't anything to craft since I got my two favorite warframes to play and all the weapons I want. Might as well use my crafting materials on making artifacts. That's my two cents on it anyway.
Similarly related note, the alert system in general is terrible. I like the random mission part but depending on it for ANYTHING... is just dumb and dis-empowering to the player in my opinion. If anything all the current stuff that's random on /?\ Alerts could just have more expensive, convoluted crafting recipes (like Warframe parts) to keep them still more shiny than everything else, take more effort to achieve... But I personally loath dumb luck. I just missed an energy siphon on pure, dumb luck.
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The RNG is terrible. it's not skill based, it's not reliable. You just have to hope your not sleeping, working, or otherwise doing something not on the computer when the artifact you want FINALLY pops up. Here are some numbers, for the kick in the teeth. Currently counted, 726 ALERTS have come out on twitter. Only 4 are for Energy Siphon. You have a 1 in 181 (and a half) chance that an alert will give you one of the better, if not best, artifact around.


This portrays the idea you might not know what an RNG is.

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Random Number Generator - That doesn't make it any less a terrible idea to base something on pure chance. Or are are we playing the Lottery?


Nah, I guess he just sits infront of the game 0-24 so he can crap on people who go to work and / or attend school, so keep missing certain blueprints and / or artifacts...

Talking about RNG, did the Storm Volt helmet EVER was available on an alert?

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I have all 10 artifacts, wasn't that hard to get them all, but this was before they started annoucning alert rewards through Twitter which makes things easier since I just avoid doing alerts that reward artifacts. 


But I don't like how the Glaive is alert and platinum only, if that's how they're going to do this, then they need to make all the weapons that you can only get through alerts also made available for platinum to keep things fair, or make them available for credits too, at least adds some extra credit sink.

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Random Number Generator - That doesn't make it any less a terrible idea to base something on pure chance. Or are are we playing the Lottery?


Yes, yes in fact we are.


If you didn't notice the maps are randomly generated, rewards from lockers/supply crates are randomly generated, material drops are randomly generated, blueprint drops are randomly generated (from a pool), Mods are randomly generated and your crit is randomly generated.


Everything in this game, every reward, besides the monetary guaranteed cash reward, is randomly generated.


Why should the alert mission rewards be any different?

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