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The full impressions of a single player


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We are testing content. The entire point of these "make warframe better" threads is to give input on the content that's there, and maybe give ideas about how to improve them. This isn't a review of the game, these are my impressions of the current state. Would you not feel these changes are needed, had the game been in its final state?

you don't get it, we're here to test how it works, not how much of it is there

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Or for a show of hands on how many people share similar thoughts within a sizable community.

or for making the job of the people that sort out these suggestions harder, you know you can always reply to an already existing topic that makes the same suggestion as you

Edited by ff7fan
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or for making the job of the people that sort out these suggestions harder, you know you can always reply to an already existing topic that makes the same suggestion as you

Community-based feedback is always going to contain some amount of repetition, especially when said community is fairly large. It can't really be helped, and if you honestly expected anything different I don't know what to tell you.

Incidentally, I like how you're saying this about an entire section of the forums - the one used for airing ideas on the future direction of the game, and the one we're posting in right now, for that matter. You have essentially dismissed it's whole purpose. Would you rather this part of the forums be removed entirely?

Following that logic, we might as well remove the bugs section as well, there's just as much inefficiency with multiple posts reporting similar issues.

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seems that you can't tell the difference between making a purposeless topic and replying to it

I didn't make the topic. It's really time for you to stop posting, you haven't contributed anything at all in this thread and Final Fantasy 7 was vastly over rated.

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Community-based feedback is always going to contain some amount of repetition, especially when said community is fairly large. It can't really be helped, and if you honestly expected anything different I don't know what to tell you.

Incidentally, I like how you're saying this about an entire section of the forums - the one used for airing ideas on the future direction of the game, and the one we're posting in right now, for that matter. You have essentially dismissed it's whole purpose. Would you rather this part of the forums be removed entirely?

Following that logic, we might as well remove the bugs section as well, there's just as much inefficiency with multiple posts reporting similar issues.

yes we can all start running to extremes now, you know some forums have penalties for duplicating topics and whatnot, filtering and supervision, but really, we don't need that, 'cause we're all civilized people and can think before we do something, right?

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I didn't make the topic. It's really time for you to stop posting, you haven't contributed anything at all in this thread and Final Fantasy 7 was vastly over rated.

OOhhh that was low, but soreslore are you trying to hurt my feelings?

Edited by ff7fan
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yes we can all start running to extremes now, you know some forums have penalties for duplicating topics and whatnot, filtering and supervision, but really, we don't need that, 'cause we're all civilized people and can think before we do something, right?

So now you've abandoned your original point and are advocating tighter forum regulations? That's a different matter entirely, but I'll bite.

Yes, some forums DO have methods of managing topic duplication and the like. This one, as far as I'm aware, does not (aside from some topic merging I've seen for particularly popular discussions), and given the nature of the forum (where many people are likely to post reports about the same issues) I'm fairly certain that was a conscious decision - as I said earlier, multiple instances of similar feedback does not make that feedback any less valid, no matter how tiresome you think it may be to see numerous occurences of it.

As for your remark about "running to extremes", you're the one who decided to tar the entire "Improving WarFrame" section with the same brush and deem it pointless. Your initial point of contention - that we're not here to test content and provide suggestions for expanding upon it - is rendered null by this section's existence. If the devs didn't want that kind of feedback, this section wouldn't be here.

Edited by Kirbuncle
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ff7fan, I want you to honestly answer this question:

What do you think the point of the 6 part "Improving Warframe" section of the forums (each section titled *x* feedback) when there is also a 6 part "Closed Beta Bugs" section?

If we really were here just to report about it working properly, only 1 of these 2 sections would exist.

Because of the obvious nature of this argument and strain of logic, one could conclude that you are simply trying to insight controversy over something that is obvious (aka trolling). If you continue to try and derail this discussion, I will report you and I would urge others to respond in a similar manner.

You also seem to believe that posts like mine are harmful because it insights discussion, and thus gives the devs more feedback to read through. If you believe this, you do not understand the nature of forums, or even the definition of the word "forum."

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ff7fan, I want you to honestly answer this question:

What do you think the point of the 6 part "Improving Warframe" section of the forums (each section titled *x* feedback) when there is also a 6 part "Closed Beta Bugs" section?

If we really were here just to report about it working properly, only 1 of these 2 sections would exist.

Because of the obvious nature of this argument and strain of logic, one could conclude that you are simply trying to insight controversy over something that is obvious (aka trolling). If you continue to try and derail this discussion, I will report you and I would urge others to respond in a similar manner.

You also seem to believe that posts like mine are harmful because it insights discussion, and thus gives the devs more feedback to read through. If you believe this, you do not understand the nature of forums, or even the definition of the word "forum."

okay, i'm gonna say it again, topics, a lot of the same, dull topics are not gonna help

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Honestly this is one of the smoothest closed betas I have participated in, general gameplay mechanics are in place, maps are smooth, weapon variety is constantly increasing, and the beginnings of a story is there.

There's no question that the beginning of a good story is here, they just haven't done much with it other than giving the player missions.

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okay, i'm gonna say it again, topics, a lot of the same, dull topics are not gonna help

I'm giving you one more chance before I report you. Please clarify your answer.

Are you saying these sections of the forums exist to be the same thing?

Also, a bug report is a pretty dull topic, but it definately helps the devs.

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-For a game that relies souly on PvE, there is very little of a story or narrative. In PvP, all you need to invest the player is the urge to be better than your opponent. In PvE, the player needs to feel that there is some signifigance in his or her actions when he or she is just killing an amalgamation of npcs. If I were to invest a signifigant amount of time into this game, I would want some kind of continuous narrative. As it stands, there may be a good amoutn of lore, but the actual story of the game is "we need you to go here, and we need you to do this" in every single level, with little explanation of why.

I appologize about any spelling errors, and I hope you will take my assessments into consideration for the finished game.

Definitely something I'd like to see. Adding some flesh to the Tenno Mythos would be most welcome. It's such an interesting backdrop. It really would be a shame if the only issue in this game would be a lack of replayability and context.

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-- Last thing for todays list, Dropping data packs. If you run out of ammo for your pistol and are carrying the data you just drop it and switch to your rifle. This is bad. Both new players and experienced might not notice in the middle of a firefight and I have had the pack fall under stairs where it can not be reached. I understand the dynamic of carrying the pack around but I also believe that it is a detriment to most sessions in that single player takes you down to a low ammo pistol and in co-op (I have had this happen) the other player dies and now you have to try and make it through a level on Pluto with only a pistol and no backup. I do have to give props where they are due on this with the decision to allow one person to carry all of the packs and not gimp the entire squad but what if the squad is just one or two people?

Anyway, enough rambling for one morning ( I have been playing this game for 12 hours straight and really do enjoy it) hopefuly some of the issues that have been brought up by myself or the preceding commenters is taken as what it is, a look from someone that is not stuck on one design decision for months without having time to poke in and enjoy the great work that this game is and could become. (In other words . . . dang you guys have had to put some work into this thing)

They should have an audio warning when that happens. Maybe have Lotus say something along the lines of: Go pick up the data mass, again.

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They should have an audio warning when that happens. Maybe have Lotus say something along the lines of: Go pick up the data mass, again.

Honestly, the less they have Lotus talking, the better. That or hire a VA to do the lines properly.

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okay, i'm gonna say it again, topics, a lot of the same, dull topics are not gonna help

I've already pointed out that the Bugs section experiences much the same thing. As a result this observation of yours is irrelevant unless you also want to call the entire Bugs section pointless.

It's irrelevant anyway since your original argument was that we're not here to test content in the way the existence of this entire section implies. Your position is null and void, and you're dragging us around in circles.

Honestly, the less they have Lotus talking, the better. That or hire a VA to do the lines properly.

I agree with having Lotus talk as little as possible. The overall feeling I get from WarFrame is that it would benefit best from a narrative that's handled in a similar vein to, say, Dark Souls - with much of the lore sitting quietly in the background - and with as little speech as possible.

As for the current VA, she sounds alright to me, though she sounds a bit more naturally human than I was expecting. A touch of a voice-changing program to add a slight mechanical or electronic edge may have helped.

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I agree with having Lotus talk as little as possible. The overall feeling I get from WarFrame is that it would benefit best from a narrative that's handled in a similar vein to, say, Dark Souls - with much of the lore sitting quietly in the background - and with as little speech as possible.

As for the current VA, she sounds alright to me, though she sounds a bit more naturally human than I was expecting. A touch of a voice-changing program to add a slight mechanical or electronic edge may have helped.

The best way to describe this VA is "confused". Half of her messages are stiff and wooden, some try to be casual and cocky, some try to be "nervous mission controller who cares about your survival", but none of it is consistent. Every time she's surprised that there's a heavy enemy unit responding to my attack on their space ship, I die a little inside. "Something's wrong, they're not bending over for you."

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"Something's wrong, they're not bending over for you."

Goddammit, I read that in her voice. I agree she's inconsistent, though there's a flipside: having one operator with the same personality will get boring fast, and having multiple operators would needlessly complicate things. I'd propose having the current VA run through the full set of messages several times, each time applying a different tone, then have the game choose Lotus' mood at random at the start of a mission and have her stick with that particular set (I could probably communicate the idea better, but I hope you get what I mean). Could work as a compromise between variation and consistency.

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Goddammit, I read that in her voice. I agree she's inconsistent, though there's a flipside: having one operator with the same personality will get boring fast, and having multiple operators would needlessly complicate things. I'd propose having the current VA run through the full set of messages several times, each time applying a different tone, then have the game choose Lotus' mood at random at the start of a mission and have her stick with that particular set (I could probably communicate the idea better, but I hope you get what I mean). Could work as a compromise between variation and consistency.

I get what you're saying with that, have her more excited during an alert due to the time sensitive nature, more bored during a regular spy mission, etc. Anything to get past the, "Now get the hell out of here" "There's a security force approaching your location. It's the Grineer!" (it's a Grineer ship, who else would have a security force there) "Bypassing door. I can't bypass this door. Go run back 8 rooms and do my job for me. Activate the console to release the key."

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It's irrelevant anyway since your original argument was that we're not here to test content in the way the existence of this entire section implies. Your position is null and void, and you're dragging us around in circles.

call it whatever you like, i never asked for a conversation with you

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