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Bug - 5 People, No Enemies, What?


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So we started the latest Alert mission (No ? reward) for 9000 somethin' credits. We started the mission and noticed... no enemies. OK! Interesting! We continued only to have a random person join us! Oh weird. We noticed we had 5 people suddenly! OK! Very interesting!

We were doing Eurasia on Earth for the credits, we're still in lobby unsure if we should try another run to see if having 5 people trigged the lack of enemies to spawn and discover anything else we can about the bug before it wears off... but I'm afraid of being banned for glitching or something. Any advice would be appreciated. I have screenshots but not sure how to post them if people need proof.

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Just tried a new mission, no enemies spawned again but once I left the game the four remaining players said enemies started to spawn.

Edit, accidentally said lobby, not a mission.

Edited by Nox174
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