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Which Weapon To Stuff A Potato In



Hey everyone, i'm currently having these few weapons in my inventory:
Latron, Gorgon, Lex, Bronco, D.Zoren and Scindo

And i have 2 potatoes too. So right now, i'm enjoying all of these weapons. I'am the type of person who enjoys trying out different playstyles, so right now, i'm stuck at choosing these weapons to potato. 

I would like your opinion/suggestions on which weapons to potato. Or at least, which of these weapons deserves a potato.

Thanks a lot guys

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18 answers to this question

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If I had to choose only one I'd go with the Lex. You'll have a sidearm that is ammo efficient, highly accurate and does quiet an impressive amount of damage. It'll carry you through any mission in case your primary runs dry or just does not work well with the enviroment or enemies encountered. It's not that great against hordes of infested, but even an unpotatoed Scindo will make short work of most infested... and you'll get a second potato BP sooner or later anyway if you keep playing. :)

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Yea, gorgon is crap.  Thought I've always thought it was crap.  I would go with Lex, it can 1 shot about everything in kappa and xini (other than ancients) and thats all anyone really farms. 

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hmmmm that's quite a number of dislike on the gorgon now after the nerf... is the accuracy nerf that bad? I got the gorgon shortly before the patch so, i'm unsure how much has changed on the gorgon (but i'm still enjoying mowing down groups of enemies though).

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Is a potatoed Latron worth it? Does it deal enough dmg lategame? Or should I use my potato on something else. At first I thought to potatoe my Hek, but with the recent nerf, it does not sound like a good idea anymore.

I'm using the Latron right now, but doesn't have any potatoes (last one was wasted on the Gorgon, thanks a lot DE) as of now. It's also only level 5.


I can't really say how much damage it'll deal later on. I figure with Serration, AP, elemental damage and Multishot it'll be a huge damage dealer if you're good at headshots, but I'm not sure.


The Lex is probably your best bet.

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Im considering potatoeing the Gorgon and Boltor, both impressive guns with the right mods. neither gun really comes into it's own until rank 25ish, mine are rank 30.. Cold mods are especially good. Even better when combined with Serration and Convulsion. Add a bit of speedy firing, (except gorgon) reloading and multishot and you got an awesome weapon. Gorgon doesn't need speed fire, but when powered up I should imagine tapping will kill most stuff.


I have a potatoed Bolto pistol and it works very well indeed with the above style of modes.....but definitely need speedfire on Bolto/r


My current decision is what Warframe to add a potato to.. I have a Frost and a Mag (both 30) and an Ash (to claim), Rhino and Ember being built.


P.S. I like the cold+convulsion mods because they slow down the infested and seem to work on all enemy types.

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Im considering potatoeing the Gorgon and Boltor, both impressive guns with the right mods. neither gun really comes into it's own until rank 25ish, mine are rank 30.. Cold mods are especially good. Even better when combined with Serration and Convulsion. Add a bit of speedy firing, (except gorgon) reloading and multishot and you got an awesome weapon. Gorgon doesn't need speed fire, but when powered up I should imagine tapping will kill most stuff.


I have a potatoed Bolto pistol and it works very well indeed with the above style of modes.....but definitely need speedfire on Bolto/r


My current decision is what Warframe to add a potato to.. I have a Frost and a Mag (both 30) and an Ash (to claim), Rhino and Ember being built.


P.S. I like the cold+convulsion mods because they slow down the infested and seem to work on all enemy types.

I can't talk enough about how much I hate the Gorgon now, but if you still like it, go for it :D I never used the Boltor, but it seems solid enough.


On the Warframes, I have Rhino and Ash, both with potatoes. I don't regret using one on each...for now.

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Potatoed latron is great (for me, at least). You'll never run out of ammo, even with fire rate mods and missing every other shot. It's a slower and steadier option to killing bosses solo because of this, many guns will run out of ammo too quickly. Even against round 30+ defense, enemies dropped more bullets than it took to kill them.


The damage isn't the best, but since it's perfectly accurate, you can make up for this by aiming for weak points.

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I can't talk enough about how much I hate the Gorgon now, but if you still like it, go for it :D I never used the Boltor, but it seems solid enough.


On the Warframes, I have Rhino and Ash, both with potatoes. I don't regret using one on each...for now.


I have not used my Gorgon for a while now, was it recently nerfed?

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Potato Hek and Gorgon


Bah dont listen to this fools. Potato the Gorgon.

The Gorgon is overpowered, one of the best weapons.

After the update, the Gorgon is awesome.

The accuracy was buffed to an amazing range now.



I suggest rushing to mastery 4 and getting the Hek.

The drop off damage range is godly now after the update.

You can now hit across the room with the Hek for optimal damage.

Hek is god-tier along with gorgon after the update.

Farm those 500 alloy plates and get the Hek ASAP


Trust Zenjuro


By the way i heard Burston is a good weapon to potato also.


Your knowledge of the weapons seems sketchy at best.

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Hey everyone, i'm currently having these few weapons in my inventory:

Latron, Gorgon, Lex, Bronco, D.Zoren and Scindo

And i have 2 potatoes too. So right now, i'm enjoying all of these weapons. I'am the type of person who enjoys trying out different playstyles, so right now, i'm stuck at choosing these weapons to potato. 

I would like your opinion/suggestions on which weapons to potato. Or at least, which of these weapons deserves a potato.

Thanks a lot guys


There is no question here, at all.

The Scindo and LEX are by far the most effective tools in your stock.

Potato them post haste and look not back.



Your knowledge of the weapons seems sketchy at best.


At best he's joking and trolling. At worst, he's intentionally hindering and harming a fellow Tenno.

Eitherway, his post is of no contribution and serves only to detract. The official channels should handle it.

Edited by OriKlein
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What is that a potato?


and what does it gives extra?


It is the nickname granted by the player-base to the Orokin Reactor/Catalyst, due to their potato-esque shape; they're used to upgrade warframes and weapons via doubling their mod capacity.

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oke, yeah still need a good guide about making mods, can i put Crit Rate and Critdmg in 1 mod, or not possible so just crit dmg with dmg and crit rate with rate.  etc.


Critical Chance and Critical Damage have their own separate mods, for each of the weapon types.

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