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Sigil Sigil Sigil Sigil Sigil


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1. If I have high tier of sigil, gain extra syndicate point from that sigil even I use low tier sigil.

ex) If I have truth sigil(+15%) and will sigil(+8%), I wearing will sigil but gain 15% of extra syndicate point.



2. In char modification screen, all sigil show their syndicate.

I cant remember their syndicate lol



3. when use syndicate weapon, right bottom of screen show syndicate mark.

What if show sigil mark warframe wearing instead of syndicate mark?



Sigil is fashion

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wut ?


ehm... dafuq?


"1. I want to be able to wear a lower-ranked sigil while gaining the same bonus from the other higher tier sigil that I have also bought."


"2. I want each sigil in the warframe's Appearance/Regalia/Sigil window to show which syndicate it's from, because I forget."


"3. When I use a syndicate weapon, it shows the basic syndicate sigil on the lower left corner, but what about it shows the sigil I'm wearing insted?"


EDIT: Typo.

Edited by Guest
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wut ?

1) They want to gain the benefit of the highest tier sigil they have bought, regardless of which sigil they actually equip because some people like the looks of the lower tier sigils over the higher tier ones.


2) I think they mean here that they'd like a general display on the arsenal screen for what syndicate's sigil they currently have equipped, otherwise if it's not obviously evident at a glance it can be hard to remember if you have a lot of loadouts/frames that you manage. Otherwise you have to go through a few menus each time you need to check.


3) Related to request #1. They prefer a certain sigil look over another, so when they use a syndicate's weapon or mod they'd prefer it had a chosen sigil instead of the default base one, because some of the other ones look cooler/are more intricate etc.


That was what I gathered from it.

Edited by rehspuhkuh
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The title had me thinking of this song:



Your welcome.


Specific to the OP. I totally agree. Syndicate Sigil experience bonus must belong to another system, not attached to sigils. To quote myself in a related topic:


Syndicate Sigil Experience = Arcane Helmets V2.0:

However if I want the most of my time playing I must chose a sigil based on bonuses not aesthetics. This effect my "good feelings" when I play.



Edited by NGarai
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