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[Suggestion] Alternate Fire


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Some of the weapons are rather similar as they are now, in particular some of the melee longswords, though the Grakata and Gorgon are beginning to appear uncomfortably similar as well.


The solution I have for this would require another keybind, unfortunately - that for Alternate Fire for the given weapon equipped.  The melee weapon would be affected by using your melee attack key immediately followed by the Alternate Fire key.  This idea was something I saw in the Dark Forces games, many years ago, and the idea stuck with me.


Alternate Fire would give every weapon a unique feature, method of attack, or function that could truly make that weapon unique, at the expense of needing another key to bind for this feature.


- Grakata's alternate fire could be an EMP bomb that shorts out the shields of enemies caught within its radius.


- Gorgon's alternate fire could be immediately going to full auto; no wind-up time, higher fire rate, but lower accuracy.


- Braton's alternate fire could be a sudden burst of ten shots for a nice burst of DPS, that would work well even at medium or long range.


- Snipetron's alternate fire could be a target marker that makes the affected enemy glow, increasing accuracy for all shots sent at that enemy by your weapons, or any ally's weapon.


- Paris' alternate fire could be an exploding arrow that does half its damage in an AoE around the target struck.


- Hek's alternate fire could be firing a single slug; half the damage, but twice the effective range.


- Boar's alternate fire could be emptying the entire clip in a single, overcharged shot - doing great damage with poor range.



Additionally, mods could be included to add to a given weapon's alternate fire effect or distance.

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As much as I love alt-fire and the creative solutions for combat, as well as combos, they can produce, this simply isn't unreal tournament.


The abilities of the warframes is what distinguishes you and what produces creativity in combat (or should, right now its a bit lacking).


PS: the braton alt would be the burstron

Edited by Mietz
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as a side note, slugs usually equal more dmg to a single target with greater accuracy, even up to 230 yards, standard load, and smoothbore pump action shotgun.


So, slugs ==1/2 dmg but dbl range doesn't seem to make sense logic wise, balance wise, i can somewhat agree.


Gorgons secondary can be setting up (bipod, bracing, whatever) with increased acc instead of RoF (cause standing still and bracing oneself shouldn't increase RoF, but it does increase stability and the ability to aim, at the cost of being able to move, along with a set up time, set down is optional, cause I do believe in picking up your gun and high tailing it w/o having to reset a bipod or whatever)


grakata's could be a reload with a mag that has a higher base dmg, or dbl its base dmg, and would be on a 1 or 2 minute cooldown or that mag costing 1.5 times the ammo, cause if its dbl dmg and costs 2 times the ammunition is pretty pointless, or it could be used only every other reload.


Paris could be to fire 3 arrows in a horizontal spread, or 3-4 shot burst, although explosive arrows/rounds could definitely be a mod


braton's is.....uh, i don't know, it seems so, normal, its good at everything, so jack of all trades status, ummm, this seems so cliche for assault rifles but i can't think of anything else, a grenade launcher? or something like a charged shot, i don't know really.


as far as shotguns go, i think something like a choke mod or alt fire where you could switch between chokes could work, or the type of load for your shells, say 1/2 or 3/4 load has the current dropoff but you only use half ammo for it, or an overloaded shell could have a longer range before dropoff while costing 1.5 or 2 times the ammo, while normal shots will have something in between.

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Quite honestly, I didn't have any truly good ideas as specific examples for this idea. The main idea though was to give an alternate means of attack for each weapon, that did not overlap overmuch with Warframe abilities.

Edited by rhoenix
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The ability to carry more weapons would be an alternative to giving the existing weapons alt-fire, and it would have the same effect of giving greater tactical diversity to combat.


So essentially, a way to equip two primary weapons (i.e. Hek & Grakata)  plus a sidearm (say, a Lex in this case), or two sidearms (Dual Vipers & Lex), plus a primary weapon?


That actually sounds awesome.  In my mind, the first slot should be your main gun (a rifle), the second would be a specialty weapon (shotgun or sniper rifle or sidearm, but not another rifle), and lastly would be the sidearm.  How does that sound?

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I think this 'could' be done with guns but I don't know about melee.  I believe something like the Glaive was an excellent step in the right direction but it can only go so far.  Guns on the other hand could have something like different rounds available such as slug, double shot, bird shot, incendiary round, armor piercing round.  These would replace the elemental mods but would be rather difficult to balance and work with.


Melee could be possible in that it amplifies certain suit abilities, such as an Ember (we know all Warframes are getting more abilities, maybe not unique ones either).  Could 'enchant' his blade with fire damage for a certain amount of time, something similar to Saryn's third ability.

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