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Just Another Idea For Warframe Maybe In The Future


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I love the  stances for melee weps great idea !  what if you created wep attachments - like using a quanta "sorry if spelled wrong." your shooting your lasers and then popping out boxes that blow up. well why not have attachments like lets say a soma or soma prime you can get a gernade laucher granted not as powerful as a penta but just a added extra but this attachment can go on all riffle type weps , then for a shotgun add a ranged pojectile "might i add i cannot spell everyword correct just bare with me.:" a sniper riffle a shot gun attachment , a bow a sniper scope attachment. , maybe adding these attachments for your kubrow to wear as well idk but you get the idea then you would be able to create mods for these as well.       i know things get more and more broke with every new feature but i also have ideas for frames as well but ill save that for another topic some time later. anyhow lemme know your thought as i know not every idea is good for the business or the fans  but if its a good idea then maybe you can make it work.

Edited by edwardwashere
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(noted) well like it said this was all a example im sure the minds of warframes could make a better config for wep attachments and there nothing wrong with adding more customizations to weps , frames ect we already have these just taking to another level. being like other games is like what every game is. remember when doom came out. take that and profect it about a few millions times and time that by a  few more millions  and you have a bad to the bone warframe game. adding  features to everything ,only broads your clients, customers aka people like me and you and others everyone want to play a game that has everything.

heres some other ideas  and ill break them down to simple form  only 10 for now there just to many and i dont want to toss to much at you or get to carried away,

1. add a pvp archwing mission and have it be capture the flag

2. clan wars  - make it to where you can attack a clan dojo and steal creds or resources but only if both accept the war decree

3. clan built planets that your clan can build and harvest resources, kubrow eggs and actually have to fly to  go into and require tools to harvest or build anything there. and you could add alot of other thins to it.

4. bigger team battle mission - party of 6-8 peeps to battle massive amounts of spawn make it like a defense mission but where spawn keeps coming and if you doe you cant revive.

5.clan vrs clan duel competitions - place a bet or wager  from clan to clan and customize it to what both agree on like only melee or anyhing go's.

6.well consigning a kubrow to the lotus and costing 25k to do it and you get nothing for it only  just room or a empty slot - maybe give reward of something or points for rewards

and add a extra option to return to earth. to abandon your pet after its happyness gets to 0%

7.THIS IS MY FAV one but not last---- Make  a Frame that can pick 1 ability from each teer from any frame your already own<----LOVE THIS ONE

but once you pick make it permenant.

8.when warred by sndicates and they spawn there goons at ya like the stalker u get no reward for killing them all not even a common mod or resource how come?

9.This would be nice--- Can we figure a way to auto For Best Host or Maybe get A server for Hosting so not dropping people so often.

10.LOg in Bonus . rewards are awsome but when i get a primary exp reward and i have a level 30 wep equiped  nothing happens and i lose that exp . cant use it for a wep that needs it. any way we can pill form these bonuses  make it a item that you can double click when ready to use it.


thanks for reading and these ideas are not meant in any way to insult or debate over. just simply throwing some ideas to think about.  hope any of it was useful

Edited by edwardwashere
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i also know the quata is a secondary fire. i was saying use that same idea but use it for attachments when you add something u take something away in its place maybe no zoom for the riffle in place of a gernard launcher . or maybe another button to add in config or two buttons to push at once to activate . just a idea anyhow mr orbister. but thanks for your info.

Edited by edwardwashere
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