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Going Stealth through missions.


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When I play warframe I like to think that my self and others are basicaly ninjas. And the lady at the begging of each mission basicly tells you when you are noticed by the ship and when you arent. I also noticed that certain people set off the alarm to get you noticed by the ship so it dosent just happen randomly.

With that said... Is it possible to compleate missions without getting alerted at all? Can you guys add some stealth kill mechanic to the game where you press E behind an enemy to assassinate quietly? Maybe even a silencer mod so they wont here you shoot. I mean I dont think that is to much to ask for seeing as the game looks like it can do well with a stealthy format.

Players can choose to either carfully make there way threw a mission without getting spoted or just go all out slashing everything. What do you guys think about this idea?

Edited by Katukaz
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I would also love to see this kind of option especially like with Loki. He goes Invis and can get like Assassin Kills with it. Maybe also not make the enemies set of the alarm just random when they see you but something like a consol where they have to run first and alert others. In that case you could kill him before that with maybe Excalibur with dash and slash or also Loki switching places and the team kills him.

Would be fun to add it like an option, if you manage to do it you get some extra reward at the end of a mission for "ninja mission". xD

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I belive there is a system now where they run to the console to alert others but with so many enemys its hard to find the one running to it most of the time.

Hmm indeed I never noticed that really. But that reminds me of the funny moments in Metal Gear with the "!" over their heads and the small sound playing xDDDD

Still implementing something like I wrote before or even more ideas in that direction would just benefit the gameplay varioty.

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i sneaked one entire mission which was to capture the VIP. was hard to do but possible

used my ash frame with sniper rifle and dual sakana's. its just alot of waiting for enemy to get alone, charge skana and kill em or snipe him if they are alone.

shuriken strong enough to kill most unamored with a headshot and all turrets with 1 hit

if i remeber only took 28mins or so, didnt time it but i was watching a show on my other monitor about 30mins long

stealth in warframe for the most part is just hiding behind cover watching enemies and knowing wether to attack with a certain weapon or use skill or leave them alive. sames as normal lol

Edited by frostyrose
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I've managed so sneak to the prison once, took me like 40 mins though. Was fun, but a little boring but fun.

I'd really like some silent kill option, whether it's melee or silencers. It'd add a little more to the game.

Melee kills ARE stealth kills, PROVIDED that you A. Kill them in one hit, B. Make sure no one is facing you when you kill him, C. No one else is within 15 meters-ish.

Also, there are only a set number of consoles per room, if you watch the consoles you can make sure that no one activates it. For Corpus the Crewmen seem to be the preferred activators, for Grineer the sawblade guys seem to like using the consoles.

Edited by reiji
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All I know, as long as you don't hit anyone, you can walk right past them. On the engineer mission i literally was walking with the AI and after the leg robots spotted me, they attacked.

I have walked by couple of enemies without any detection. One of them found and and hide. Then i went to him and waited behind him like couple of minutes, touched, jumped, made every noise i could make without killing him but...nothing happened. AI is really dump and i know DE is working really hard on it to fix this issue.

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I have walked by couple of enemies without any detection. One of them found and and hide. Then i went to him and waited behind him like couple of minutes, touched, jumped, made every noise i could make without killing him but...nothing happened. AI is really dump and i know DE is working really hard on it to fix this issue.

Good, btw I find it funny he used the wrong kind of through for the topic name.

Edited by Ryitus
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Coordinating stealth with three other people around would be extremely difficult to do properly. I think the devs are merely not going to waste anymore time on a mechanic that will only see its highest points in single player. Not only that, but stealth would be more of a gimmick than an actual legitimate playstyle... most enemies can be killed quickly enough anyways through certain means without warranting the inclusion of a stealth instakill. Also, the AI only really focuses on one player at a time, and maybe its just me, but i find having the big, strong, frontline waframes like rhino pull all the aggro while warframes like ash and volt flank and focus kill the stronger enemies a much more compelling flow of gameplay than simply everyone crouch walking around instakilling one enemy after another until everyon is dead. Modeling line of sight and basic hearing, I think, is enough for this game.

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