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The Most Logical Ways To Change Shotguns.


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Changes to base weapons

Tigris: More spread, No falloff, Innate punchthrough, Faster reload speed. Change from duplex auto to fully automatic. 

Every other shotgun: More spread, less falloff, ragdoll

Tigris, Hek: Load one shot at a time. 

Kohm- Nope


Changes to mods

Blaze: Change fire damage to status chance. Fire damage just screws with your elemental combos. 


Lingering torment: Costs too much to use. 

Shotgun spaz; Too uncommon. I'm mastery rank 15 and I've sadly spent more time fighting the corrupted than corpus; I still don't have one. 

shotgun savvy; you should have buffed this one years ago.  it's painfuly obvious DE neglects balance when this thing still exists like it does. Same for sure shot/rifle aptitude/melee prowess


Sweeping serration/Breech loader. 

- Scrap entirely or replace with something meaningful . another example of foolishness where it'd just be better to buff the original mod. 


Vicious spread and hells chamber. Have them count as the same mod (so you can't use em both at once) Hells chamber reduces the accuracy but provides more pellets to make up for it (so you're doing the same damage but in a wider area) and vicious spread gives the player more damage over a wider area (but is less good for status chance/crit chance)


Point blank: totaly fine. at the most you cound buff it a little to be more like pressure point.  I've got more issue with hornet strike and serration being overly strong. 


Now this isn't from someone who's got every syndicate mod or shotgun (missing kohm, strun wraith and the original boar) but I think this helps me get a more 'average player' perspective in that I don't have those crazy syndicate mods and have to look at them from an accessible viewpoint. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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