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The Never-Ending Pain Of Farming Resources. Come And Give A Suggestion For Improvement.


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Your method of play isn't wrong, worse or better than any other. And until I reached a point where I was waiting for new items / content that's how i played the game. Having attained parity with current items / content, my playstyle has shifted to the above.


Remember, experiences may vary.


Reading your answers in-line, you don't seem to be a farm/grind type. You're just a vet waiting for the focus system like me, so that time spent on max rank frames isn't wasted. :/


I have no argument with you.

Edited by VKhaun
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Effectively, you're *choosing* to be angry for a while, for the sensation of relief and success when the drop finally comes. 

Alternately, you could *choose* to consider ALL drops as progress toward your goal. Anything you can sell is 1/100th or 1/10th of your goal.

Instead of *choosing* to be angry for 30 runs, then getting 100% of your goal at once, you could *choose* to look at it as a fraction of your goal every time you pick up something, with the same sense of satisfaction for the same amount of work spent (probably more work spent and an even better sense of satisfaction), just less frustration and anger along the way. With the small chance, if you ALSO run the actual mission with the drop you're looking for periodically, of getting a bonus of "tada! You got the whole thing! Isn't that awesome?"

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You're obviously wrong anyway. There are very good places to level weapons that drop Neurodes and you can trade anything for plat and plat for Vasto Prime parts.

Except now we have to count in the barter's advantages and disadvantages - there might be no people wanting to trade anything for plat, effectively blocking my ability to exchange the plat (which I don't have because I can't sell) to things I want to get. It's barter, it takes time and still makes some people quit the game - I am not really concerned, but some might be.


You are right with the fact of being able to sell stuff. You are avoiding the fact of saturating the market and the lack of ability to sell some stuff in some time. DE was to make the real pressure-release valve, but they've made us get even more 'choices' - effectively adding us some stuff to get and kill the time with while waiting for RNG to drop what we want, instead of letting us lessen the grind. Some stuff just can't be acquired the other way!


I've tried trading. It was a pain to trade even simple things, let alone get a proper price (yes, a proper, fair price) for the things I want to sell - either way I'd end up being a sucker. I'd sell my parts under price (because I still value the time I wouldn't spend farming the other things) or just waste more time trying to get anything valuable. Both ways are terrible.


And why did DE put the stuff in some places for us to get if the RNG is effectively killing that possibility or making us suffer from the fact that people just want to rip the rest off?

Edited by Filas312
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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.


DE put tons of rewards all over the game. People tunnel vision on just one of them at a time and all the other things they're getting don't matter to them. People doing nothing but void and some key farm where cells don't drop is a classic and it comes up every time they put a new round of stuff in the void. 


I'm not immune. Believe it or not no where I normally play has no Nanospores. I am OUT OF NANOSPORES. I maintain prime extractors on all three nanospore planets and that's the only way I can make things like health restore packs, keys and this event gear item. If I use a lot of packs leveling stuff (ammo for pre-buff Glax, power for spamming skills on frames) I end up farming. I've been lucky for quite a while now with the nanospore alerts at just the right time but atm I'm low. I think I only have 35ish of each kind of restore pack. :/

QFT... hundreds of morphics, like 70 gallium, 50 neurods... and i'm out of ferrite. lmao

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