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5 Things That Would Dramatically Improve My Warframe Experience


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1) Detailed weapon, ability, and mod stats.


- This is borderline mandatory IMO. A gear/item-progression-based game that requires the player make choices on how to customize stats requires the player knows what the stats are and what the stats will be. Wont go into further detail since I'm sure (I hope) that DE is fully aware of this as a significant issue.



2) Customizable Mod Presets, & 'Soft' Mod Slotting.


- There's a lot to love about the mod system, however the mechanics of having to un-slot a mod to apply it to another weapon/WF is almost as frustrating as it is unnecessary. Your 'bank' of mods should be universal that can apply to all items of that type simultaneously so that you can switch from one rifle to another with both using the same mod without having to take it off one rifle and add it to the other. That leads to the issue of a desperate need for 'Mod Presets' for each Weapon/WF which allows you to save an arrangement of mods designed for specific roles. Since the missions differ drastically in their designs and enemies from one to the next it is important that players have the ability to re-tool their setup as quickly as they progress to the next mission. Spending 2-3 minutes between every mission to adjust WF, Weapon, and Mod specialization is not just tedious & prohibitive.... it constantly breaks up groups due to the requirement to immediately "vote" the next mission or leave it entirely.


3) An Overhaul of the SCT System


- This issue is really a combination of little ones. The current SCT system doesn't really do much in the way of informing the player. For example; Shotgun damage showing 15 tiny numbers isn't very helpful without a total damage indicator, displaying SCT for the total HP ofan enemy upon death can be very informative but not if it looks identical to damage text, display for other players' kills-text should have a toggle, text should be much easier to see, should include more diverse info (e.g. damage taken, energy/hp gain, etc.), and include effects such as "reflected"/"blocked"/"immune"/"resisted".


4) Abilities Made a Larger Factor in Gameplay (i.e. Energy System update)


- Warframes are what makes the game unique yet they really seem to lack defined, 'reminding' roles that really set one's utility apart from another. As it stands right now, there are a handful of really powerful, commonly used abilities ... with the rest being extremely situational, niche, marginal, and very rarely used because; either they're plain inferior to using a weapon... or  Energy limitations make players permanently hesitant to use them. The former is a design/balance issue I expect to constantly be changing ... but the latter is a prevalent inhibitor for nearly every Warframe. More often than not players will NOT use an ability just to save energy "in case they need it later". "Are enough mobs in range to use this AOE?",  "Is draining that mobs shield really worth energy I could use in a few minutes?" Cost/benefit to some degree is fine, great even if implemented right ... but applying a cost/benefit choice to using any ability at all  -- when abilities are what define your Warframe -- instead turns each Warframe type into a marginal element playing second fiddle to weapons.



5) Group Looting


- There really is no reason to have players half-paying attention to enemies and half keeping an eye out for Resources/Mods when there is no restricted looting. It's gotten a bit silly to use waypoints to mark drops more than to actually mark waypoints. It really detracts from playing the game to have to chase loot waypoints and gamble what the best time would be to leave the fight and grab a Mod drop a few rooms back... leaving your party as a swarm of infested stampedes in. The game already group-loots Credits... extend it to Resources and Mods and the players will love you for it.


P.S. - DE would become our BFFs if you made a slight increase to loot & "use" range! Stop making us step on ammo clips!

Edited by Qb3rt
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They've promised adding more detailed equipment stats screens, customiseable Presets will be added back in after they've worked out all the kinks, and shared loot would (IMHO) discourage teamplay and sticking close together.

Proximity loot sharing?

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And with Ancient Disruptors sucking away all of you energy when they attack you, then you have even less of a reason to use powers. I would also like for loot picked up by one person to be given for all. Running around with my super slow Rhino warframe makes looting a pain, even sprinting jump kick to get stamina back & repeat constantly...

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You have collected several lovely and attractive thoughts within your post, some I remember being mentioned by the developers in the livestreams as being their intention to improve in the first place. These would be installing mods, possible mod presets and the application of abilities. In this instance, possibly implementing more abilities for each warframe, which would be aquired through the mod system and installed at your leisure.



The only parts I disagree with would be group looting and energy use. The current individual portion of the looting are ammunition, resources, orbs and mods. As credits are group-looted. The reason is that the current individual nature of mods and resources mean that teamwork is encouraged. Helping to point out a sneaky mod or alloy plate in a corner so your friends can loot it too, is a very refreshing experience to me.


As far as the energy go, barring an energy siphon group, the limited amount means that you have to carefully plan the use of your abilities, thus form a strategy to employ. Which is an interesting bit of added difficulty in my mind.


All in all, a good and well-written list of ideas!

Edited by Felandi
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All I want is for trading to be implemented so you can trade useless mods for weapons or useless weapons mods this would add a more of a community feel to the game ,and make some of the newer players have a slight advantage against overly higher level enemy's, and make it all round a fun experience for all player. Just an Idea please message back if you have a problem or agreement.


from fredthebear

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