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Persistent Faction Battles


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I rather enjoy seeing Grineer and Corpus dishing it out to each other and a little part inside of me feels warm and fuzzy whenever I see 'em going at it.


Unfortunately, the faction fights are rather brief, with one side completely replacing the other once you're past a couple of rooms. And that's fine, nothing wrong with that, but I think it would be much more fun to have the factions continue their battles at length as you're running through your mission.


So what are thoughts on making faction battles during missions continuous/persistent events?



EDIT: Typos.

Edited by shavedllama
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The inter-faction battles can often show you (assuming you're not on a corpus ship) how natural/well done the AI looks in a "traditional" firefight. It'd be fun to have levels in something like where the infested are actively taking over a grineer/corpus ship (instead of just already having half of one), and spawning changes to reflect that as the infested win.

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We should also have two high hills and a valley in between with a mountainside and a large fortified structure built into the side of it. Lets call the fortification Elms Keep.


Then we have the Grineer come from one hill, the corpus from the other and the infestation straight through the valley at the fortification where we, the tenno, are holed up with civilians and other VIP NPCs like Ebolas, Aradorn and Gibli.


So, while this battle is raging at the gates and the NPCs do their DOTA stuff at the towers and pull aggro, we snipe them from the perches with our Paris and snipertrons.

But then BAM, a runner suicides and tears a hole into our wall and all the Grineer Infested and Corpus stream into the courtyard. So we pick up our melee weapons and slide-slash down the steps decaptitating our foes. Its not enough however and the Stalker Tenno, who is leading the Grinner-Corpus-Infested armies attacks us directly head on.


But the dawn of the third day has broken so we look to the east where an army of reprogrammed Rollers, led by the Lotus herself descends upon our enemies and stun-locks them to death.


Yeah, i think this would be really good to have in the game as a mission.

Edited by Mietz
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We should also have two high hills and a valley in between with a mountainside and a large fortified structure built into the side of it. Lets call the fortification Elms Keep.


Then we have the Grineer come from one hill, the corpus from the other and the infestation straight through the valley at the fortification where we, the tenno, are holed up with civilians and other VIP NPCs like Ebolas, Aradorn and Gibli.


So, while this battle is raging at the gates and the NPCs do their DOTA stuff at the towers and pull aggro, we snipe them from the perches with our Paris and snipertrons.

But then BAM, a runner suicides and tears a hole into our wall and all the Grineer Infested and Corpus stream into the courtyard. So we pick up our melee weapons and slide-slash down the steps decaptitating our foes. Its not enough however and the Stalker Tenno, who is leading the Grinner-Corpus-Infested armies attacks us directly head on.


But the dawn of the third day has broken so we look to the east where an army of reprogrammed Rollers, led by the Lotus herself descends upon our enemies and stun-locks them to death.



I am now afraid of Lotus' Balls. Then again this is the most amazing thing I've seen in the forums and I support it with all of my skanas.

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I want to see an actual boarding situation happen. Imagine looking out a window and seeing a Corpus dropship pull in alongside a Grineer cruiser and having them try to take over from there and other breach points, or an infested unit suddenly rupturing (love how descriptive that is) and becoming a charger and starting to spread. Or a 'dead' ship crashing into another ship and doing the same thing.


Just stuff that should happen.

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Always makes me smile if the factions are brawling each other;

this should happen more often, like a faction that is dominant on one system should actively fight on the planet held by the infested etc.

Would spice things up for sure.

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