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The Nullifiers Were A Great Idea


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Anti Corrupt Nullifier Starter Pack:


- Tank >>> you want live after the "slice attack"


- Boltor Prime / Soma Prime >>> if you want kill the bubble use automatic weapons


- Any melee >>> really does not matter, use any

Alternatively: git gud scrub, amirite? X^D

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honestly this game is 2ez they should make a nightmare mode x2 and give every enemy a red nullify shield that once you step into it you insta die and you can only kill them be killing their 100k health shields and then 360 noscoping headshotting them.


also enemies are too slow and need a 4x movement speed buff and homing bullets and every bullet needs to be like the new corrupted grineer rockets.


&since everyone loves the teamwork in this game if one person on the team dies than everyone dies.

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I love Nullifiers, I think they are too weak at the moment, and they should have a major buff to how their shield works, I believe it should take at least 100K to 1 Million damage from firearms before it goes down, forcing the Tenno that encounter this fearsome Warrior of shielding to deliberately go into melee against these enemies as the only option, because nothing says a melee fight than a corpus man armed with a sniper rifle, Be reasonable friends, everyone knows this should be how nullifiers actually are.


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I love them, they are the only enemy in the game right now that makes my valkyr not charge in to combat with one. Hell, i love using my #2 with my beserker scindo P and going to town on a group of enemies. I have to runaway now when i see them, i think that is a great addition to the game. Finally an enemy that makes you think and have to change how you go about slaughtering there numbers.

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Nullifiers are the best thing to happen to Warframe in a very long time.  Their shields should be difficult to destroy.  I don't think they they personally should do a lot of damage - leave that to other enemy types, but they fill a niche that was badly needed (anti-press 4 to win).

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I love Nullifiers, I think they are too weak at the moment, and they should have a major buff to how their shield works, I believe it should take at least 100K to 1 Million damage from firearms before it goes down, forcing the Tenno that encounter this fearsome Warrior of shielding to deliberately go into melee against these enemies as the only option, because nothing says a melee fight than a corpus man armed with a sniper rifle, Be reasonable friends, everyone knows this should be how nullifiers actually are.


'Spawn of Satan' I think is what you're describing.  They're bad enough as it is, and you want MORE shields?!?  Don't forget that once you're inside their bubble, all of their cronies are focused on you including them and their stupid one shot lanka.  Try going head to head with them as ember.  You will die, and there is nothing you will be able to do about it.

Edited by Althran
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The nullifiers were not a Great Idea because of Not Great Implementation Details.  Every day, 9000s of Great Ideas die because of Not Great Implementation Details.  DE, please stop the war on Great Ideas.  Please stop shooting them dead with Not Great Implementation Details.


To keep Great Ideas Alive, I propose the following 11 Step Plan To Keep Great Ideas Alive:

1)  DE should have rolled out Nullifiers from high level range to low level range so that newbies do not get crushed.  Crushed newbies is a bad thing.


2)  Introduce Nullifiers into the next lower level range as they are changed.  By the time the newbies experience them then perhaps they will not be Crushing at 9000.


3) - 10)  ?


11)  Just Do The All Right Things

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Their weapon indeed needs a buff. I had vitality on Nova and they barely didn't 1shot me at 10 minutes in. That's unacceptable, an enemy that does nothing but block bullet and completely ignore/counter all warframes should 1shot from the start, right now they are just weak.   


They need a spawn buff too, there's usually just 3-4 on screen at one time, it's 2 EZY BOYZ, I can melt 1 of them with 80 bullets from my maxed out Soma Prime, and then they hit me once and I barely instantly die with Vitality, Redirection and Quick Thinking + Primed Flow.  

They just don't do enough right now, I think they could use an AOE knockdown, and they should teleport into you to fully utilize their nulifier bubble.


Buff pl0x

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please add nullifiers to archwing and for gods sake we need infested nullifiers


then we need a nullifier lephantis for nekros prime parts. parts of the key have a 0.00001% chance to drop from regular nullifier infested... and they only spawn on mutalist alad v assassinate.


that's some endgame!

Edited by dddeath
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