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Two Possible Balance Problems


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Tell me if im wrong but I find some of rhino's abilities abit lacking. So theres rhino charge which is abit like blade dash except less damage,less range but the only advantage you get as far as i know is that it knocks over people that it doesnt kill. Then theres iron skin which is fine but the other two abilities which are abit weak since they do little/no damage but do stun but compared to other warframe abilities which usually end up killing enemies out right it seems abit weak.


Also theres the amphis, i know its attacks ignore armour but considering power attacks already bypass armour its pretty pointless since power attacks are the only melee move worth using since basic attacks do terrible damage, just something to consider when balancing the game.

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You keep saying his powers are weak, but then stating the one feature that makes up for it. Rhino was designed to be a tank so that's why he has low damage in his powers but a lot of crowd control. Also that's just his powers. You don't need powers to do high damage. Tweak your weapons to do massive damage.

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I don't know about you, but my maxed radial blast does plenty of damage. Also, rhino is a tank. I slapped power duration on my rhino and maxed iron shield. Needless to be said, i'm imortal for 20 seconds, and it takes only 50 energy.

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I think the problem is more of the cost of the third and maybe fourth abilities.

Radial blast (the 3rd one) is just a little aoe knockdown, for this kind of thing a jump attack with a heavy melee weapon do better. It could be usefull in case you have a lighter weapon, but the price of 75 energy is far too much for this. If it stay like this, 20 energy is the more I see myself using for this ability.
And for rhino stomp (the fourth one), it is not on par with others ultimate (as a crowd control, nyx's chaos is far better). Its cost need to be tuned down and/or its duration increased.

As for Rhino charge, I think it is fine and the problem might just be slash dash being too powerful...

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