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More Defined And Challenging Enemies(Bosses).


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I do realize this a beta btw, just feel that this should be prioritized instead of adding more weapons/warframes/things to fight unchallenging or dull enemies.


Throughout my total gaming experience I have always found a strong drive to make whatever character I am playing a badass or just very strong (I mean really, who plays to be weak/un-viable or a complete @(*()$ $#*(@?) After a certain amount of time there is simply no challenge involved with this game whatsoever. Your weapons F*** S#&$ up everywhere you go after you've reached this point. Lv 100+ enemies on defense missions are just very lengthy instead of being very hard, Bosses are just giant regular mobs with increased size and health, basically turning them into bullet sponges. Some bosses add a new degree of difficulty but it is very negligible. This so far has been the biggest limiting factor in how many hours I log and I feel adding actual bosses would add more reason to progress your equipment as having difficult bosses would actually require better gear This applies to everything else as well of course. Challenging defense missions or just missions in general should be somewhere in this game later on as well, not just at the early levels when you are undergeared and inexperienced.. Collecting and progression only appeals to me when I can do something more with what I've earned. Just a suggestion. 

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Im not sure. I just hope they are like real bosses instead of just bigger versions of mobs we already face. Maybe some totally new situations to deal with. I've never been too creative,so the best boss designs I can think of wont be exactly stellar but they would still be better than say the grinnie bosses. I know 100% DE can make more interesting and difficult bosses.

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Yea something big would be fantastic. Multiple stages with varied objectives instead of just break shields then kill health. Even just that concept can be made more interesting such as an increase in trash mobs that swarm you right when you break them. After the Jackal I was extremely excited for future bosses because I felt the need for adequate preperation and strategization could only increase as levels progressed but this was not the case. Maybe more projectiles so players need to be alert as opposed to just "run backwards and shoot" for every boss encounter after the Jackal.

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