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What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?


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I know others have mentioned it before, but PvP has either made some games I've played worse overall or made me "chat" with folks who's personality drives me to wonder why haven't they had an aneurism from the amount of bile and rage they are throwing in anyone's direction. Add to it that when they buff or nerf things for PvP, the PvE side gets messed up all for the sake of "balancing for PvP".


The only game off the top of my head that I can think of that handled PvP properly is Guild Wars 1. You don't have to play PvP if you don't want to (unless you are going for those PvP achievements) and things that happen in PvP or PvE do not affect each other. In fact, the skills you can equip for PVP are very much separate from PvE. If something needs a buff or nerf in PvP, they do it. Likewise if things get way too OP in PvE, they tone them down slightly.


E.G. A ranger in PvE with the Glass Arrows preparation (think of a slash weapon that procs bleeding if the attack is blocked) will do 25 damage per arrow if at max Expertise (Innate skill that increases power efficiency to the point that max rank makes all skills only cost 20% of the original cost.) While the PvP version only does 14 damage tops. In fact, a good chunk of really powerful healing and attack skills get a hefty reduction in order to try and get it as balanced as possible.

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Joined a dark sector conflict with limbo.


1-Use vanish on unsuspected players.


2-Slay him before  gets up.


3-If he/she/it is not dead, just throw vanish again.


4-Rinse and repeat, but you gotta dodge the abilities of the other players too.



In fact, the lesson is: spam your op abilities like a mad.




Gotta admit that Limbo vs Limbo is funny.




But, the real thing that pvp leaves me, is the fact that some abilities needs to be tweaked in PvP, as well some weapons and mods (Grakata with infinite blast procs wololololo).

Edited by Episode3
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