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Can The Panthera Get Another Pass?


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Panthera requires:

20,000 credits for the BP and 20,000 credits to craft, 24 hrs to craft.


Miter-15,000 credits to craft. 30min-2hrs to farm the BPs. 24 hrs to craft.


Hikou-15,000 credits for the BP, 15,000 credits to craft.  24 hrs to craft.


5 orokin Cells


500 plastids


600 rubedo


4,000 salvage


So that's a minimum of 48 and 1/2 hours to craft, 85,000 credits, and various amounts of time to farm the resources alone in order to craft this ONE Weapon.


Now we get to the bad part.

Before we even get to the damage statistics lets talk about the ammo mechanic. How can you justify the ammo mechanic of the Panthera? It fires 1 round and costs you 5. There is no way that this can stay as it simply makes figuring out how many rounds you have left difficult in the middle of a hectic fire fight.

Please remove this mechanic.



Miter dmg   +    Hikou dmg    =    Panthera dmg

     250        +          25           =           100

How does this math work?


So at this point we have a large investment of both time and resources for an extremely lackluster weapon that requires two relatively good weapons to make.



Please buff this weapons damage up to 250 or 275 to ensure that our investments of Time, Resources, and effort are not wasted for Mastery Fodder.

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Right, got to 30. Opinion time!



+Fast Projectiles

+Cool Name!

+Never ran low on ammo. Rifle ammo everywhere.



-Total Damage per flick compared to Miter was reduced(Oh my, Hikou are super-lightweight!)

-A handful of Hikou that were melded together deal less Puncture when shot from a gun than a single one thrown.(Wow, the material is so light- waitaminute. How does that work?)

-(grudge)Named Panthera, not ferocious pair of Claws. Eternal Disappointment.

-(grudge)Miter Chassis took me a while to find.



A. Get rid of the Miter+Hikou requirements. Use Oxium and Salvage/Alloy Plate instead. Oxium is pretty bouncy right?

B. Make [Fire] the Alt.-fire and when [Fire] is released, launch the hovering blade forward. Increase launcher fire rate to 2-3 and boost blade deploy/return speed for ripper so you can flick saws like a mad man.

C. Change the name to We-Tried *Sad Trumpet* and walk away. Save the name Panthera for a better face destroying blade weapon like badass claws or Catbrows.

D-1. 1m Punch-through, a larger saw blade and saw blade hitbox for some more Collateral Damage.

D-2. 1m Punch-through, saw blade shoots 3-5 Hikou in a burst whenever it hits something/someone.

E. Remove/reduce Miter parts or use just 1 Miter Part in the Panthera recipe. 

F. Increase Fire Rate by 50% to get that 225 damage out just a bit faster.

Edited by DarkLizalfos
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