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I hope this is the right place for this, if not don't hit me please!

The Volt Warframe was my starting choice and I'm extremely pleased with it. The 1st Ability is powerful and flashy, the 3rd Ability can save lives, and the 4th Ability is basically a "Get out of jail free"-card for tight situations.

But the second one...don't get me wrong, it's nice, but that's it. Nice. And in a game where EVERYTHING looks awesome and feels epice, this ability feels kinda out of place. It's as flashy as the rest, but not that useful.

Sure, I can run away from enemies at high speed, but if you really need to get away from enemies that badly, you're usually as good as dead anyways. So what's left of possible uses is quickly getting from point A to point B. For 50 Energy. Expensive, and it saves you maybe 20 seconds, if not even less.

How about making this ability appealing to players? Make it so that Volt's melee attack is affected while using that ability. Maybe an instant charged up melee attack that gets automatically unleashed when you get into contact with ANYTHING? That way, it'd still be possible to screw up and miss, you could still just run, but it'd make the ability actually interesting and useful in more than one situation.

Other than that I'm very happy with this frame. The ingame description (a frame that offers a potent alternative to gun play) is so true it almost hurts. Electrifying Grineers is the most satisfying thing I've done in a video game, and it's well-balanced with the other frames I've seen so far. That's all I have to say, thanks for reading!

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