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Courteous Gameplay: Unspoken Rules



Something that I have noticed as I have played this awesome game is that players are able to communicate their actions without having to actually talk or text to one another. Based on their warframe's style the other players are able to support/attack/defend as necessary in order to help their fellow comrades. I think this is true teamwork and union within a community of ninja space-warriors HOWEVER there are those who would disrupt this chemistry with their insatiable urge to complete the mission/take all the kills or open all of the stupid lockers. I am going to list a few things that are very inconsiderate and should be noted:


1) RUSHING AHEAD!! Honestly why would you want to rush through a mission? You get no experience, no mods, no resources, and no help from teammates. 


2) Trying to kill EVERYTHING. I understand that we all want to max out our warframes/equipment but deliberately stealing kills or standing directly in line of fire of other players KNOWING that their bullets cannot go through them is obnoxious an infuriating. I understand if your team is in a hallway but in an open room there is no reason for teammate interference. 


3) On the other hand...killing NOTHING!! I know this has been mentioned but I feel like it should be mentioned here as well that new players who attempt higher levels by counting on the other players to rescue them/fight everything or "piggybacking" is just not cool. If you attack an enemy and do NOT kill it and it then begins attacking the other players makes you burden. If you cannot help your teammates then you need to only attempt missions that are within your rank.


4) Those elevators...*sigh* If you are the first one in the elevator then you wait for your teammates and should provide any covering fire they need for them to get there. If you are the last person to get to the elevator you should be focused on running to said elevator and not on the enemies.(that is what the covering fire is for) And since your loving teammates are focused on firing at the enemies behind you it is YOUR job to start the elevator!! 


*Note this can also be applied to extraction zones


This list is obviously not complete so please list any other inconsiderate actions that self-absorbed players seem to care about. NOTE this is NOT a hater post. Please do not name names or over use bad language. This is just a post for those who would like to vent a bit of frustration. 

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Yeah, on online missions trying to kill everything is annoying. If people are rushing to the end, that means they probably just want to grab the reward money and go. Don't be that last guy still plinking mobs with his bratton while the rest of the team are sitting on the exit pad waiting for the timer to tick down.

If you want to control the pace of your game... go solo or with friends.

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rushing saves time .. i join public alerts with high credit reward to do it fast... i do break every container/ open all lockers but i'm fast and efficient

2 guys waiting for the slow pokes that stay to kill 1 camera or a trash mob .... gets you left behind ..

i was in the elevator with another guy today waiting for a slow guy to catch up ... he comes in front of the elevator then goes around ... clueless and wandering ... bam left behind...


you want fast credits .. rush trough the level brake all containers on the way to target

you want exp and mods ... defence/mobile defence missions 


there are people who have trouble using the game mechanics to get "that edge" (wall jumps, wall run, slash dashes for speed) or do not know the map/shortcuts that well.. guess what .. you gonna get left behind


there is gonna be someone who imposes a certain speed of pace .. the ones that do not comply are usually the ones complaining ..


don't have time to babysit everybody ... "hey lil' Jimmy ... run towards the wall and press and hold space .. then release to do the " ..... not gonna happen


you get a rez if you die ... if you keep dying cuz you joined a high level mission and you have crappy level/mods .. guess what .. you'll have to get used to the cold cold floor 


you died in an infestation defence between 3-4 poison ancients because you wanted to melee them and now you type help help help rez me ... guess what ..

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There is no kill stealing in Warframe. Experience is given to all party members for the same kill.

I know but I was referring specifically to when there are a ton of enemies and a teammate would intentionally move in front of everyone so that they get a higher kill count/streak even though others may need kills for a sub mission such as "killing 20 enemies with a pistol" or something like that. 

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4) Those elevators...*sigh* If you are the first one in the elevator then you wait for your teammates and should provide any covering fire they need for them to get there. If you are the last person to get to the elevator you should be focused on running to said elevator and not on the enemies.(that is what the covering fire is for) And since your loving teammates are focused on firing at the enemies behind you it is YOUR job to start the elevator!! 




HAHA! Totally agree with this line. If you're the last person to get in the lift, you should press the button; instead of waiting for their personal lift attendent to ask them, 'May I know which floor you're heading to, Sir/Madame?'


Just basic courtesy when you're the last to enter the lift you press the button isn't it? Unless you're like a distance from the buttons in a crowded lift that is.

Edited by Heimdallr
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I know but I was referring specifically to when there are a ton of enemies and a teammate would intentionally move in front of everyone so that they get a higher kill count/streak even though others may need kills for a sub mission such as "killing 20 enemies with a pistol" or something like that. 



i doubt that happens that often .. team blocking is gonna happen from time to time .. don't have eyes on the back of my head to see random Jimmy is there trying to go all sniper and stuff


when someone blocks me i move to the side and carry on .. no biggie...

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i doubt that happens that often .. team blocking is gonna happen from time to time .. don't have eyes on the back of my head to see random Jimmy is there trying to go all sniper and stuff


when someone blocks me i move to the side and carry on .. no biggie...

You are right and I agree. It was just one mission that put me over the edge one guy was always getting in our way and all of us were not happy about it. Can't avoid everything. :)


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Regarding cameras: if you are a rusher please take them out on the main route so that when your teammates try to catch up they don't run right into a laser wall because of the cameras you activated as you ran by. 

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Yeah, on online missions trying to kill everything is annoying. If people are rushing to the end, that means they probably just want to grab the reward money and go. Don't be that last guy still plinking mobs with his bratton while the rest of the team are sitting on the exit pad waiting for the timer to tick down.

If you want to control the pace of your game... go solo or with friends.


Have you ever stopped to think that player is stuck killing mobs because the rest of you rushed through them leaving them all behind for him to wade through? So not only is he now miffed at you guys because you left him behind, but now he suffers more because the timer is counting down.


You go into a game as a team, you should finish the game as a team. Leave no Tenno behind.


And I'm in support of the elevator rule. Also, though most do this anyway, using a Waypoint on a Module is a definite crowd pleaser.


Oh, and take out the damn cameras! :D

Edited by Lifeshield
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Most of these are good - but isn't killing everything the point of the game?


No. According to some players running through the entire map as quickly as possible and killing as little as possible is more fun.

Edited by Lifeshield
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There is no kill stealing in Warframe. Experience is given to all party members for the same kill.

It's like barely anyone knows this!! >_<


People, if your fellow MAG casts Crush, please don't direct your attention to mobs caught in their AoE.

Far too often (seriously every 4p mission) someone either Slash-Dashes through my Crush or starts shooting at the victims,

when there's plenty of other mobs attacking them.

These players are going out of their way to waste a squadmate's power and the whole squad's time.

Galactic Facepalm.



Laser doors.

Please shoot the cameras controlling them.

The lasers aren't always on, they often activate right when someone tries to get through,

chopping their shields and knocking them back.

It's also likely you'll get trapped inside the lasers, taking multiple hits for massive damage and more time lost.

To me it's certainly not efficient or pleasant to mandatorily slide-attack through every laser door whether it's active or not.

Edited by Denninja
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Why is no one posted about marking mods?

Seems like one of the simplest things to learn.

The only players I've seen neglect it are always the otherwise rude ones though.


(Point and hit default "G" to set a Waypoint for everyone to see for a few seconds, if you're pointing at a mod, it will say "Module" instead.)


I'd never expect anyone to do it for mods along necessary paths.

Just use common sense to judge if others are likely to see the mod without a marker.

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There is no kill stealing in Warframe. Experience is given to all party members for the same kill.


......unless you're rushing ahead outside of the experience share range, in which case no one else gets experience for your kills.

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