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Warframe Slots


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 solo is not single player, no story, no plot AND me3mp had a solo mode as well IN the multiplier,


EDIT: if you had actually played a real single player game, you'd know the difference.


Single player = PAC MAN ...... Where is the story, plot for PAC MAN xD


Campaign = Plot and story and it is generally played by 1 player (SOLO).


Please get your definitions correct before further debating with EVERYONE.


Edit: GG.

Edited by Pisirk
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I disagree. It would be a valid point if this game was PVP but it isn't. It is purely PVE. The way I see it, if I am helping fund this game so people like you can play for free, then I would like something in return.


For all the arguements of not being able to find the measly amount of cash to buy a bit of plat to get frame slots, it's rediculous. I really don't like this F2P mentality, it's BS. "I expect everything". "The people who pay and fund it are only allowed stuff to look pretty" F**k Off. Computer games are a Luxury, not a god damn given right.



I agree you should get something in return. And i think paying 1$+ for invisible slots that you "almost" need to keep playing isnt it. I think you should get some badass skin or cool colors/better animations for supporting the game.

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If warframe was a single player game it would have a 30 metacritic score and would be on sale for 1.99$


Its horrid to play solo through any large part of the game unless your already beefed out and using the right frames


The coop is what makes this game fun.

agreed which is what sets it apart from me3 single player, which is a joy to play alone, and you can play it OFFLINE

whereas the multiplayer is free but you have to be online and its fun with others

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your comparing an xbox game to a PC one?

were talking mass effect pc, whcih I got for 32 bucks a month after the game came out, online pass included with the digital purchase. 

no i was comparing a game that i had to pay for to a game that i didn't but i chose to

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In the design council they showed us story content, in-game and commercial cinematic clips they are working on. I think they have their priorities in the right places. Work on the game first then flush out everything else after you make a little cash. Im actually tired of a lot of triple A titles i purchased recently that just have absolutely bare content because they spent so much on advertisement and cinematics first. COUGH COUGH Star Wars MMO

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On topic: We have already been told that the devs are looking at inventory slots being tied to a different mechanic such as mastery level, rather than being plat only. In the future, you will most likely be able to earn slots through mastery, with the option to buy them with plat for convenience.

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500k? If you're at "endgame" that's maybe a 4-5 hour investment.

I made approx 270k just spamming defense maps for the weekend operation which is not at all a good way to farm cash. I make about 200-250k / day when I play, and I only play roughly 2 hours or so, depending.

I make credits slower than you because i spend 90% of my farming time farming materials to craft. Alot of these maps only give mediocre credits and are generally Defence or Mobile defence (Making them take three times as long). I dont need the credits i need ALLOY. 


Also it takes about 700-800k credits worth of fusion cores for the last levels of some mods. 

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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On topic: We have already been told that the devs are looking at inventory slots being tied to a different mechanic such as mastery level, rather than being plat only. In the future, you will most likely be able to earn slots through mastery, with the option to buy them with plat for convenience.

 "the future" needs to come sooner

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I make credits slower than you because i spend 90% of my farming time farming materials to craft. Alot of these maps only give mediocre credits and are generally Defence or Mobile defence (Making them take three times as long). I dont need the credits i need ALLOY. 


Also it takes about 700-800k credits worth of fusion cores for the last levels of some mods. 

Warframe slots are $1.80 each.

Devs gotta eat, to eat they need money, to get money they need people to buy stuff. A prudent f2p'er would have unlocked 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots which would give them more wiggle room but that's besides the point...

They do this sort of thing to incentivize purchases. I know many people don't like it, but it's the way of the world; people work to get paid and DE's job is designing and developing games.

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I have no problem paying for items in Warframe. They've been a really cool and actually listen to their players. Considering how much it takes for them to run a game like this every day, I think it's completely fair

 you haven't been keeping up with the conversation. You are arguing against a point no one is making.

we are not saying what the devs deserve, we are saying what some cares can and/or will pay for

​there are many players who don't have disposable incomes and there are many player who simply will not pay for a game they don't play all that much

the game needs both sets of players to keep running, especially the first as they are likely to devote much time and effort to playing the game and making the experience better for playing players

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Warframe slots are $1.80 each.

Devs gotta eat, to eat they need money, to get money they need people to buy stuff. A prudent f2p'er would have unlocked 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots which would give them more wiggle room but that's besides the point...

They do this sort of thing to incentivize purchases. I know many people don't like it, but it's the way of the world; people work to get paid and DE's job is designing and developing games.

HUH? i was responding to somebody? Im not a f2p hippe who wants everything. he said he gets 500k per 4-5 hours of play and i wanna call his bs. Its realistically closer to 10-13 hours

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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Patience is a virtue, they are literally building this game from the ground up around us. Let's not treat it like it's a $60 AAA title, funded by an entertainment giant hmm?

true and if it had EA funding it there would probably be a lot more problems with the game, lol

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HUH? i was responding to somebody? Im not a f2p hippe who wants everything. he said he gets 500k per 4-5 hours of play and i wanna call his bs. 

I was more making a general statement; I was trying to point out that for someone motivated 500k isn't very much.

You can call it BS all you like, I get 100-150k / hour like clockwork; it's not really hard if you know how to move fast.

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wrong wrong and wrong

mass effect 3 made TONs of money from micro trans actions:

everything was unlock able for free

teamfortress 2 also made and still makes tons of money

everything except vanity items is attainable for free

​you sir need to broaden your experience of the video game industry before making ridiculous comments like that.

I've been a fan of ME since the first game. Incase you didn't know, ME3 was a huge letdown and part of the reason why EA took bioware off the ME franchise.

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true and if it had EA funding it there would probably be a lot more problems with the game, lol

If EA was funding it i would not be playing it because i refuse to use Origin. (im old enough to remember what that name used to stand for)

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