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Warframe Slots


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I didnt say free,slots should be free and unlimited,frames should stay the way they are,and people would still buy them since they get potato as well and its instant instead of 3 and half days wait.

Limited slots are only fault to this game as f2p model and they should work on that,if they manage to fix that this game will become really big and successful.

And I don't mind 3 day wait either,but i do mind lack of slots now that all my frames are 30,i have nothing to do anymore,only option is to sell one and make new one,which is rather stupid.

So now you dictate what should and should not be free in a game. What should be free in a game could be argued for a long time without achieving anything. I will admit that I was initially surprised at limited color selection and slots but that is their decision. They need to build some incentives for people to spend money and not just play their game indefinitely for free. Some people could say the same about merits of paying almost $40 for Ezrael skin from LoL.


Also you cannot make a statement like 'if they change this one part, it will be a success' without some facts or proving expertise in the area. Are you seriously saying that if the game came with unlimited slot, this will be an instant success? If this were true, do you not DE would have thought of that?

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So now you dictate what should and should not be free in a game. What should be free in a game could be argued for a long time without achieving anything. I will admit that I was initially surprised at limited color selection and slots but that is their decision. They need to build some incentives for people to spend money and not just play their game indefinitely for free. Some people could say the same about merits of paying almost $40 for Ezrael skin from LoL.


Also you cannot make a statement like 'if they change this one part, it will be a success' without some facts or proving expertise in the area. Are you seriously saying that if the game came with unlimited slot, this will be an instant success? If this were true, do you not DE would have thought of that?

Well since you started twisting my words there's no point in arguing anymore.

A lot of f2p people would agree that limiting slots is downside of this game,while people who paid for it don't want to see it go free since they wasted their money already,its nothing new,happens everywhere.

But its just a fact that this will affect playerbase in time,sure now people jump in to try game since its in open beta,but half of them wont stay due to limitations.

If they don't change slots part,this will be just another fake f2p title.

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Well since you started twisting my words there's no point in arguing anymore.

A lot of f2p people would agree that limiting slots is downside of this game,while people who paid for it don't want to see it go free since they wasted their money already,its nothing new,happens everywhere.

But its just a fact that this will affect playerbase in time,sure now people jump in to try game since its in open beta,but half of them wont stay due to limitations.

If they don't change slots part,this will be just another fake f2p title.

I do not see where I have twisted your words but I agree this is going nowhere.

Also, you said 'wasted their money'. This is how you view Warframe isn't it? Good if you can play for free without limitation but not worth spending money on. 

Plus, for every time someone leaves this game for limitation, there are people who find this game worth their money. I wonder whom DE would cater to

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I do not see where I have twisted your words but I agree this is going nowhere.

Also, you said 'wasted their money'. This is how you view Warframe isn't it? Good if you can play for free without limitation but not worth spending money on. 

Plus, for every time someone leaves this game for limitation, there are people who find this game worth their money. I wonder whom DE would cater to

Wasted money as in that others can get that without spending plat for it.

Sure all money supports game and thats good for those who have option to do so.

And f2p game means free to play,right now it isnt so free is it.

Its like demo game where you can use 2 out of 12 frames,and 8 out of what 50 weapons.

If alot of people leave regardless if they paid or not its bad reputation to game,they can spread the word of how game is not worth the try and such.

Only reason why League is successful is cause its free and thus fun since you don't have to worry about limited slots,do you think league would have 12 mil people if they limited your champs to 10 out of 110? I don't think so.

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Plus, for every time someone leaves this game for limitation, there are people who find this game worth their money. I wonder whom DE would cater to

Doesnt matter who they cater to. If the F2Ps leave, the game dies and nobody pays for a dead game.

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Those are legit points,not whining.

But I guess you have nothing smart to say so you just came to troll.


"Legit points" in which the majority are comparing this game to large games, with a huge fanbase and quite a bit of financial comfort.

Atleast until the game picks up in users, DE need a more guaranteed way to get an income that simply cosmetics. Hell maybe if they do pick up a following slots will be free! But at present, I am 100% sure that simply relying on cosmetics would not be enough given the small amount of users compared to the large games which for SOME REASON people insist on comparing with this game.....

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You understand that crippling the content kills rather than helps free2play games, right? Taking an SWTOR approach to gating and monetisation is counter-productive, as it makes the players say "gently caress this bunch of matriphiles, imma gonna play something less crippled".


I don't think anyone would disagree with you. The point, however, is that the current setup is NOT in the least bit crippling at all. You can use every frame and weapon and beat every map without spending a single penny. This is one of the least crippling f2p games I've ever encountered!!

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You already grind for mats,buy bp,and have to wait 3 and half bloody days,why doesnt it come with slot?

Doesn't seem quite fair does it.


Again, the fact you can only buy slots for platinum is the one and only reason I bought platinum. DE need this trigger to get their profits coming.

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Warframe could easily support itself off of skins and color palates and a means to get past the grind.


Warframe slots are toxic to the game and will/have cause/d a decline in players which will undoubtedly kill the game.


These are assumptions. I personally find it very unlikely the game could sustain itself on skins and other bling. And I'd be willing to bet that the warframe slots issue made a lot more people buy platinum than it made people quit the game. Furthermore, people who quit because they disliked having to pay money for a slot or two were, let's face it, never going to pay anything for the game anyways, so they are absolutely no loss.


If it helps at all, think of slots as bling / cosmetic. All they are doing is allowing you to acquire new stuff without selling old stuff. Hence they are in fact a luxury item, and in no way prevent or hinder your progression in the game.

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Why free? There will still be slots for plat for people to buy it,but there has to be alternative for free users.

Limiting game content to free users is just fake "free to play" game.




No content is limited. NONE


You can use any gun you want


You can use any frame you want


You can play any level you want


What the HELL is limited here? This is the least limiting f2p game EVER.

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500.000credits for the first extra slot.

+250.000 for each following slot.

(500k, 750k, 1m, ...)



300.000 the first slot (only +1 slot)

+75.000 for each following slot

(375k, 450k, 525k, ...)



- It is clear that Slots are the one of the roots for DE's money

- The high credit amount will make sure people who have money will use plat

- Still players who really don't want to spend money can still obtain slots by spending time farming credits

- Raise in cost because player can decide themselves when they think credit spending isn't efficient for them anymore and spend plat instead

Edited by Thypari2013
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These are assumptions. I personally find it very unlikely the game could sustain itself on skins and other bling. And I'd be willing to bet that the warframe slots issue made a lot more people buy platinum than it made people quit the game. Furthermore, people who quit because they disliked having to pay money for a slot or two were, let's face it, never going to pay anything for the game anyways, so they are absolutely no loss.


If it helps at all, think of slots as bling / cosmetic. All they are doing is allowing you to acquire new stuff without selling old stuff. Hence they are in fact a luxury item, and in no way prevent or hinder your progression in the game.

These are far from assumptions look at any F2P MMO that has class slots like warframe.


None of them are doing well in any way.


Look at F2P MMO that only sell Vanity items and a means to beat the grind and you have some of the most successful games ever I.E. TF2 LoL and so on.

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More people would play it if they could collect all frames,play them all to lv 30,collect weapons and mods don't you think?


Yep I do think that. And they would not spend a penny on the game either.


Instead now when you start you can make 1 frame out of 12,you have to feel bad if you choose wrong one and spent 3 days for it cause then you need to sell it if you want new one and then again you have to wait 3 days to build it. 


If you built the wrong one, what do you care if you need to sell it? I built Ember and found I hated her, so I will sell her instead of buying another slot.

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No content is limited. NONE


You can use any gun you want


You can use any frame you want


You can play any level you want


What the HELL is limited here? This is the least limiting f2p game EVER.

the Warframe and weapons slots are BY DEFINITION limiting content.


You should really think before you post.

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Having all the weapons and warframes that i use actively AKA about 70% of the game.

Buy & switch limited would be not being able to use them at all



Also to comparing this game to LoL  2013 World championships gave away one million dollar prize the stadium held 8000 spectators  drawing with another 8,282,000 viewers but PAX Prime paid 8.4 million to riot for holding the event at PAX, Hell if you can draw in that kind of money to warframe i will personally buy you platinum to unlock slots

Edited by Arcanis
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It's entirely possible to sell warframes and weapons you're not using to free up slots.



If you spent platinum on the Orkin boosts for them, then, yeah, that's unfortunate, but, you can get those via ingame means, and buying them in the first place is always a bit of a questionable investment.


I think ones bought with platinum should be refunded if you sell the item it's slotted into, but, that's a different matter.



I know selling something you've worked on sucks. I get that selling warframes isn't really what anyone wants to be doing.


But, the game already offers so much content for free, you have to take a sacrifice somewhere, and if that means you have to sell items you're no longer using, it's really not that bad of a thing.


The game cannot be completely free to play. There has to be something somewhere that allows the developers to gain money.


And that could very well be entirely from cosmetics, but, I don't think it's unreasonable for them to also have slots as something which is locked behind platinum.

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Having all the weapons and warframes that i use actively AKA about 70% of the game.


Nope. You can make any weapon you want. If you sell something for space, there is NOTHING preventing you from making another copy of it whenever you want. So in fact you can use any combination of weapons and frames. Inconvenient? Yep. Impossible? Nope.

Edited by GhostlightX
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Buy & switch limited would be not being able to use them at all



Also to comparing this game to LoL  2013 World championships gave away one million dollar prize the stadium held 8000 spectators  drawing with another 8,282,000 viewers but PAX Prime paid 8.4 million to riot for holding the event at PAX, Hell if you can draw in that kind of money to warframe i will personally buy you platinum to unlock slots



How do you think League of Legends got to this point?


They created a system that didn't limit anyone from experiencing all content of the game other then cosmetics. This goes for any MOBA game out there right now.


Look at Guild Wars 2 and the newly released F2P Neverwinter. Both have items that are important to buy with in game currency, but they at least took the time to create a system where players can trade in game currency at a ratio with other players for Plat. Players set the ratio according to supply and demand. Allowing both of these games now to not be considered "limited". 


Really you have no logic behind defending this content. If you cannot play more then two warframe and not even use half the guns then you are limiting the players from playing the game with hopes of longevity. Your going to experience loosing 50-70% of your players from this. Don't believe me? I'd gladly give you my email for you to email me in a couple years when this game is dead unless they do something right away.


At least there is already discussions with the Dev's out there stating they may implement unlocking warframe slots for getting mastery profile level.


After reading this entire thread and each page you can easily see that the ones complaining about warframe slots are people who didn't purchase founders pack. I am being judgmental and saying your all fan-boys and need to take a step back and look at reality. They will in fact loose players over this. I use a sub-forum for multi-gaming that has been popular sense 06. Everyone who was excited for Warframe on there quit after getting two warframes and max guns. No one is going to pay for this your out of your mind. 

Edited by Motox831
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I also wrote up this on a similar topic : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/39570-platinum/page-2



It would take me a year to write back to each and every person who posted on here, but there is pro's and con's to what everyone has stated. There will also be pro's and con's to what I write myself. Of course how couldn't there be? People have different opinions on money, prices, what should or shouldn't be purchased ect ect. Instead of going deep into it I want everyone to look at the longevity of the game.


How many people here like to play a game you can complete within a month or two?


    - The average gamer who spends 4+ Hours a day gaming would say :I don't like to complete it that quick but I play a lot.


*Well what happens to that average player?


    - He now has nothing to do because he filled his "One Free Character Slot" and his few "Weapon Slots." 

    - He also has mats for multiple Warframes and Guns, but can't make a single thing without Spending Real $$.


Say more then half your population in this game get to the point where they have to spend money what will they do?

    - Well most commonly with this game or any game your going to find people who quit.


Why is that?

    - They have nothing to farm, no pvp, and maxed warframe levels / guns, but no room to make more guns / warframes.


As you can see my MAIN complaint for them would be to eliminate the restriction on war frames and guns. 


How do you except them to make money then?


   - This game has decent developers and a team behind them. They created a game that has brought a lot of fun into sci-fi shooters again for myself sense Halo. It has everything a PC mmo/rpg/shooter lover needs besides PvP. (Hopefully being worked on with some intelligence cause that could be the next thing to break the game.)


   - With that statement I am saying they are capable of coming up with great ideas on ways to make money. 

      * Warframe Skins

      * Weapon Skins

      * Warframe Add - ons (Silly or cool accessories.)

      * Weapon Add - ons (Silly or cool accessories.)


Are you purposing that Warframe Spots and Weapon Spots be free then?


         -NO WAY!

         -The longevity in a game comes from Farming that is fun or PVP. (Even though some items aren't fun to farm, some are)

         - If you were to slightly decease the drop rates on blueprint warframe drops you would be farming twice as much.

         - If your farming twice as much then you have twice as much in game currency

         - If you have twice as much in game currency you should be able to drop 250K - 300K in game currency on an extra warframe or weapon slot. 


I also don't want to get into it, but as someone who sadly spends a lot of money in micro transaction stores I can easily say your prices are crazy and your out of your mind. 



My Personal Thoughts and What I think should be done to increase longevity for the game:


1. Be able to purchase warframe and weapon slots with in game currency @ a high amount to where it HAS to be farmed.


2. Be able to purchase color schemes with a high amount of in game currency. (Even more then warframe/weapon slots 

because its a cosmetic.)


3. I honestly think drop rates on certain warframe blueprints should be lowered. I got my ash in 5 runs. (I heard others take 40 runs, so if not lower it then balance it?)


4. Biggest one I will get flamed for is: I think you shouldn't be able to purchase any blueprint for warframes or weapons. All of them should be drops. Otherwise people just farm out in game currency and look for bugs on how to make it faster. Once they figure out how to make currency drop faster. Ease mode warframes. Let us figure out how to farm 15+ bosses in order to get drops rather then one thing.


5.  Do what League and other MOBA style games do: Sell warframe / weapon for first week to two weeks before allowing it to be farmed just like you did with the glaive. 


6. Something I find fun and interesting is your defense game. Although I feel some get a little to hard due to odd spawning system and certain maps, I think certain blueprints for weapons / warframes / and other blueprints should drop from lasting 20+ waves or something. This will create a challenge in which people will have to think of a way to defend properly. This part of the game really reminds me of other defense games where say 1 person can watch these two doors with a sniper while the other 2 watch 3 doors. I also think on every 5th wave should be a boss at the end. 

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These are far from assumptions look at any F2P MMO that has class slots like warframe.


None of them are doing well in any way.


Look at F2P MMO that only sell Vanity items and a means to beat the grind and you have some of the most successful games ever I.E. TF2 LoL and so on.


Do you have access to their financials?


Do you know their operation costs?


Do you have a clear sense of user base and size with accurate projection and cost benefit analyses?


Sales projections?




Then you are making gross assumptions and demonstrating your ignorance of actual business requirements.


Your posts continually make baseless assertions with no facts to speak of past 'other guys do it, it must be workable here too' which is practically the very definition of false reasoning.


For someone who professed to be quitting the game you insist on grinding your 'more for free' axe, making much noise and saying little.


I do my best to be patient and constructive with posters but you have tried my patience.


 If you want to get into a factual debate, stick with facts, not opinion masquerading as truth.


Enough already.  

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F2P should never have essential items that can't be obtained without in game earned money. Weapon and Warframe slots are essential items because without them, you'll be limited to only a small section of the game.


No, you're not.  You can max out a certain number of frames and weapons and with those, you should be able to run any mission in the game. That's not "a small section".


I get that many people don't have much disposable income, but... the smallest platinum purchase is like $10.  You can't save, say, $2 a week over 5 weeks? 

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