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Looking For A Bit Of Rhino Help.



  I finally got my Rhino made....yay! Now I'm stuck as to how I should load him up. I've been reading around the forums and noticing the Braton is pretty much a beast yet I find myself leaning in the way of shotguns. I mean after all I am a tank frame and I WILL be in the heat of things. Here in lies the dilema.  With the recent nerf the shotguns were hit with would it be ill advised to grab a shottie? If so could you the community point me in a righteous path of slaughter? All help is graciously appreciated and most humbly acknowledged.



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6 answers to this question

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The wonderful think about rhino and this game in general is you can make a good case for just about any weapon. That being said, Shotguns are awesome, try both, see which ones fit you best. I personally switch weapons up eer couple of days for variety.

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Oh a few things I would recommend, you will run into some trouble with mobility with rhino so I suggest you get a dual zoren or one of the daggers with high speed rate (or something like the fang, alternatively having a maxed fury gives you the same effects). Now I recommend this so that you can do the mobility combo:


Run, Jump , Crouch (at this point you should be sliding mid - air) , then hit melee.


This will not make the impale downwards animation but the melee dash one, only difference is that you would be doing it midair for some sick air time and movement speed.


This will give you the maneuverability to choose a different array of weapons as you can be close and mid ranged or mid and long ranged with your loadout.


My suggestion between rifle and shotgun is go with the one you feel like you like best. The strun is very average and does what a shotgun should do, the Boar is fun and consumes lots of ammo but it has a ridiculous fire rate, the hek is a better version of the strun with a longer range and smaller clip. 


So between rifles and shotgun: Choose any one you find interesting.

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The probelm with the melee attack, not that i begrudge anyone using it while it is available, is that the other movment speed combo was removed for breaking the expected gameplay (DE's not ours). I can't help but fear when we lose that nice lunge for attacks due to over abuse ><.


That being said, you do need to consider movement with rhino, Since he is damn near invincible I used high redirection/Fast Deflect and then used movement mods (stamina/speed(yea i use speed, every bit helps)/quick rest). With this setup I usually end up being t he first done unless playing with a true rusher(0 kills).

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A great bit of advice from all; Very much appreciated. I've already had the Scindo crafted ( I have a thing for obnoxious large weapons) and was in fact pondering the idea of grabbing the gorgon or hek yet the time/ money constraints have kept me from making both. In relation to mobility I've been running "Rush" and slide jumping most everywhere. 

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The probelm with the melee attack, not that i begrudge anyone using it while it is available, is that the other movment speed combo was removed for breaking the expected gameplay (DE's not ours). I can't help but fear when we lose that nice lunge for attacks due to over abuse ><.


That being said, you do need to consider movement with rhino, Since he is damn near invincible I used high redirection/Fast Deflect and then used movement mods (stamina/speed(yea i use speed, every bit helps)/quick rest). With this setup I usually end up being t he first done unless playing with a true rusher(0 kills).


Yes, that is very true. I just know that the first thing that hits most new Rhino players is the speed decrease, so I can't help but advice anyone to learn that combo to avoid feeling left behind. Also I find that if you use the combo continuously you do not need Rush or Stamina increase, Quick Rest will suffice as whenever you hit the ground you will have a full bar.... hahaha as I type this last sentence I realize how it is a little imbalanced when it comes to movement, but although it might not be meant to be feel free to use this for as long as it is in effect.


I myself just get a bunch of mods like Continuity, Flow, Streamline and Reach. I have 0 Stamina and Redirection mods, since Rhino's skin is so very spammable.


Edit: Screw PvP we should have racing mode lol.

Edited by katari
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