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Rhino Thrak Helmet Needs A Buff


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Well.. Thrak should be buffed for a different reason. Right now you get 25 HP for a big decrease to your sprintspeed meaning that you get more of something you have plenty of by default and then, as helmets downside... get your slow sprintspeed (which is not that much increased by sprint mods as it is for other Warframes) decreased even further until it nearly makes no difference if you sprint or run normally.


When you look at Mag who has high shield values by default (further increased immensly by mods) and then put a helmet on which drains some shields as a downside, which is neglegible because you have plenty of shields and get as a bonus a good amount of additional Power Range, the mag helmet is the winner.


I suggest a total rework of the Thrak helmet, giving it stats like -33% Armor (leaving Rhino still at ~100 base Armor instead of 150) and increasing his sprintspeed by 0.3 (leaving him at 1.1 (from 0.8) which is slower than a fast warframe like loki (1.6) but faster than a normal warframe like Ember (1.0)) and giving the player the option to change his playstyle a bit from tanky&slow to less-tanky&faster.

Edited by Namacyst
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I was just about to add something similar.


The problem with the Thrak helmet is that it takes away something that is used constantly (speed) and only gives something that is rarely used (health). It also doesn't make the Rhino any tankier, because no one tanks with health, they tank with shields.


I would suggest one of the following:


Still tanky and slow:

+25 shields or +15% shield regen

-5% speed




Less tanky and faster

+20% speed (or whatever needs to be added to bring it up to the 1.0 speed frames)

- 5% shield


The current Thrak helmet is the only helmet that is out and out bad. The rest of the helmets range from balanced (where you have to trade 2 useful things off) to good (where you give up something generally useless - health normally for something good).


The Thrak as it stands is terrible because Vitality is such a cheap mod for large benefit (as befits it effecting a largely useless stat - health) and Rush is so expensive for little benefit (as befits it effecting such a useful stat - speed), meaning you can't even mod around it.


It does look awesome though and I wish I could use just the skin and not have the terrible "bonus" it currently has.

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I was just about to add something similar.


The problem with the Thrak helmet is that it takes away something that is used constantly (speed) and only gives something that is rarely used (health). It also doesn't make the Rhino any tankier, because no one tanks with health, they tank with shields.


I would suggest one of the following:


Still tanky and slow:

+25 shields or +15% shield regen

-5% speed




Less tanky and faster

+20% speed (or whatever needs to be added to bring it up to the 1.0 speed frames)

- 5% shield


The current Thrak helmet is the only helmet that is out and out bad. The rest of the helmets range from balanced (where you have to trade 2 useful things off) to good (where you give up something generally useless - health normally for something good).


The Thrak as it stands is terrible because Vitality is such a cheap mod for large benefit (as befits it effecting a largely useless stat - health) and Rush is so expensive for little benefit (as befits it effecting such a useful stat - speed), meaning you can't even mod around it.


It does look awesome though and I wish I could use just the skin and not have the terrible "bonus" it currently has.


Or rather, in Rhino's case, you tank with immortality :P The thrak is more or less an outright nerf. There is 0 reason for Rhino to be going into health. If your shields go down god mode comes up and they'll be back up by the time it ends.


Though to be fair Ash and Nyx's helmets are also pretty bad. I don't think I've ever run out of stamina in melee before, only when sprinting across the map.

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Yes I agree regarding Ash and Nyx's helmets, however I then thought, well there might be a reason to take the Ash helmet (you are going for a speed run so are willing to give up the power efficiency to get more stamina to get there faster), and perhaps there is a reason to take the Nyx, you can at least think about taking either of those.


The Thrak though is just purely bad.

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