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Prime Frost Needs To Be Crafted...


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Despite being a veteran, I never know that there's a specific boss to farm BP on. I'll look into that once the parts BP made available.



Your comment is nonconstructive but funny. Your example is far from being similar to what's going on here.

The Frost Prime BP, is a frame. Using your example, that would be your car. Which...Well, let's just say Frost Prime BP alone doesn't do anything.

Insurance and gas are the BP Parts, which is what it takes to build Frost Prime. The component of your car doesn't involve insurance nor gas. It takes gas to run, and insurance to keep it on the road, but no. It is not what it built from.


That aside. I never did I say I do not want the Frost Prime BP. In fact, despite I'm annoyed that I've to farm for it. I'll still do it, just because I like the design and I'm a completionist. Aka people who likes to have everything and everything maxed out etc.


This post is merely pointing out the fact that I'm tiny bit unhappy of which I HAVE to spend at least 10 hours, to grind the Parts BP, another 15 hours for the materials, and another 72 hours for it to be finished. Which it comes to...97 hours. Now to put it in a term you'd understand. That is 4 days NON-stop playing. 


The free time I got each day is around 3 to at most 4 hours. That is 24 days I've to play/spend just to get it done. Now let's not include/mention how drop rate varies from people. Some are lucky, for example. Daily login, quite a few already got potatoes and what not from it. But for me, I've been consecutive login for almost a month, I'm still getting ammo box EVERY time. So the estimate of 97 hours might be even longer for me or some unlucky people.


And let me bring this to my final point, after all this data I've present you. Look to your left. Well, my post's left. What do you see? Grand Master. I'm not bragging I'm rich. I'm in fact very poor. My point is, the reason I'm that isn't just because I like this game and I support DE. It's mainly because - "I don't have the time to grind everything, to get everything I'd enjoy. Thus the reason of platinum, thus the reason of me being slightly unhappy that something isn't even close to be being fast. Not asking for instant, just...With the math that I did, this is gonna take a hell lotta time.

The point is to play the game. I've played mmo's where 10 hours is 1 level. Yet i can farm a whole frame and grind it to 30 in just one hardcore day of 12 hour straight play? You basically saying u don't want to play the game. 


If they just gave it to you, you'd have nothing to do then complain content update is too slow u need more content

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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