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"Im destroying that lab,say what you want but its a matter of time before he perfects his tubemen and sends them after us. No one knows what they can do, that place needs to be wiped from the solar system. You dont want me to use the core fine i'll destroy every tube, smash every console, rip out every wire, tear down every wall." I tossed my armor into the side room i used to sleep in and faced Zan. "The grineer want to cure themselves of their degrading DNA, Vor believes the tenno are the key, how long do you think it will be before Regor starts to experiment on the tenno? I dont know about you but i've had more than enough of the tenno being killed for so called research." Now i was angry, if i couldnt use the core then it was up to the next best thing. Sink the entire lab, i would still need explosives, and my liset was going to be in the underwater caves planting them.

"One way or another that lab is going to vanish from the system, now im checking on Deke" with that i headed down the hallway toward where Deke was recovering.

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"Good. No core means no disaster that would make the old-Earth Chernobyl look like a microwave accident. I appreciate you want to destroy the place, but we can't just cause a nuclear firestorm on Uranus. And anyway, we need to data-mine the entire place. Alad still wants his cure. Maybe we can ram him in a tube to set him right."

"Whatever. Just as long as I get to destroy the place afterwards."

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"Long story. Basically, a nuclear fission reactor in Ukraine overheated and exploded, blasting is cover off and releasing a cloud of highly radioactive dust across Europe. My guess, it's probably still contaminated, even underneath the Orokin Forest. If we wen't through with EAmorr's plan to use the Formorian Core to blow up Regor's lab, it would have the side effect of splitting the Hydrogen and Oxygen in the water apart in the initial blast before fusing the Hydrogen into Helium and so on. Basically, it would create a minature star on Uranus, which would quickly run out of fuel and eject its coronal mass, most likely boiling off Neptune and a good portion of Saturn, which is why we are NOT" I raised my voice to ensure EAmorr heard. "Using the core."

"Mein Gott. Vell. I see vhy you would vant to avert such a disaster."


Won't be here till Monday, keep thread alive people.

Edited by Adman99
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"Don't use the core you'll blow up the whole planet" i mimicked Zan's voice as i continued walking down the hall.

"Tenno! Im piloting your ship to hand over the core. I could have you confined to your living quarters on the Saturn relay for months for even thinking of using it!" Lotus was mad at me, again. When i found out that she was supposed to kill us after we destroyed the Orokin she had me on house arrest for 30 Saturn days. I dont know if others started finding out about it. "Oh dear locked in my room like a child" my voice was thick with sarcasm "look MOM" i emphasized the word still being heavy with sarcasm "i have someone to check on then i have to go punch a crazy biologist in his ugly face then sink his lab, you want to lock me in my room, fine but right now i have things to do."

Edited by AutobotRaven
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"Doc, this is Lotus. She woke us up from our cryosleep and guides us. She thinks of us as her children, and most have no idea why." I pulled up a holographic image of lotus while i talked, only i didn't expect it to talk back and move. "First you threaten to blow up part of the outer planets and now you have someone from a separate time stream!" She was still mad at me but i threw my hands up in a time out position. "Hold up, she was on this ship running around doing her thing before i even set foot on this ship." "And why are you on this ship?" Well, we captured Alad V and he mentioned that Tyl Regor might have found a cure to those not yet fully consumed by the Technocyte. So we're taking his reasearch, killing him, and im sinking the lab. Once we can confirm or deny that the research can cure the virus then we bring Alad V to you and you get to choose his exicution date and the like. Now if you don't mind i have an injured teammate to check on then i have a nap to take."

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The Lotus flinched when I used her name.

"We're not using the Core. Also, as EAmorr said, Doc was here before we were. We don't know who she is. Our injured teammate allowed us to use this ship. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a lab to data-mine."

"I do not appreciate you using my name so haphazardly, Tenno."

"Neither do I appreciate you chewing out a teammate for her good work."

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"Would you rather us call you mommy?" I raised an eyebrow all sarcasim gone from my voice. Doc snorted trying to hide a laugh at my serious tone. At that she cut communication. "She just hung up on us, how rude. Ah well, im gonna check to see how Deke is doing then im taking a nap." I continued down the hallway and turned a couple corners to end up in the quarantine room Deke was in.

She wasnt awake yet but she was dreaming, i could tell by how fast her eyes were moving. "At least your brain is still fully functional, brainwave patterns are normal for a person in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. With some luck you should be awake shortly after we land at Regor's lab. Sleep tight." I walked quietly down the halway to the room i had claimed as mine, im sure that as long as i kept it clean then Deke wouldn't mind.

I laid down on what Doc kept calling a sofa and tried to get some sleep, it wasnt difficult soon enough i could hardly kep my eyes open

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I sat down at the controls, staring out of the windows into space. Our destination was visible in the distance, slowly growing larger as we approached. The inside of my helmet lit up, and I slid it on, locking it in place. I sealed my armour; no-one outside my armour would be able to hear.


"I do not approve of even the intent to use a Core."

"Wasn't my idea. I talkerd her out of it."

"Do they suspect anything at the moment?"

"As far as I can tell, no. One moment, don't talk until I say so. Someone's coming."

Doc opened the door to the cockpit and sat down next to me. I twisted my helmet off, the chain links atop the horns rattling as I did so.

"I had a request, if I may, Zantruse."

"Go on."

"As your Lotus knows, I'm not from this time. I've been sleeping for quite some time, since 1972, to be exact. I've clearly missed a lot. Can you... fill me in?"

I laughed.

"Well, I can try. I don't have many of my memories from before Cryo, so I'll do what I can. Now, at the moment, there's a war going on between the Grineer, who were the large, armoured guys we killed in the lab. They're clones. Tyl is close to stopping their genetic degredation, and we can't let that happen. On the other side, you have the Corpus, like Alad back there. They monopolise on pretty much everything. They use a lot of robotic proxies in combat. In the middle, you have the Infestation, which only exists to consume, which makes Alad a problem, since he was actively experimenting with it. Then then there's us, the Tenno, seeking to restore balance and order in any way we can."

"What sort of way?"

"Officially? Through stealth, subterfuge, sabotage, and careful extermination."


"Hah, personally, I run fast, punch people in the face, hope something good happens and take the credit."

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"A Warframe is essentially symbiotic armour. However, as you may have noticed, ther are male and female Frames. However, that means nothing."

I sent a signal and Ordis dropped off an inventory station, the automated systems of the Corpus ship bringing it into the hold before delivering it to the room. I stood inside it, the energy warping around me as I changed my frame from my Loki to Nyx, to the surprise of Doc.

"Interesting... how does that work?"

"Void En- sorry, Void Energy." I caught myself when I heard my changed voice. I kept on talking as my Warframe changed back to Loki, my voice dropping in pitch and bone structure rearranging. "Long story short, desperation in sending us to the Void changed us on a molecular level. Gender is no longer a defining factor of a Tenno. We change, but we keep our personality and basic appearance. My eyes will always be this shade of orange, for example."

"Hmmm." She leant forward, inspecting the inventory station. "Can I try vone on?"

"That... may be difficult. And painful."


"Well, like I said, it's symbiotic armour. It wouldn't take kindly to someone who isnt its partner trying it on. It would kill-"

"Operator, Foundry item finished."

"Excuse me, Doc. Which one, Ordis?"

"The Oberon Warframe."

"How conveniant. Deliver it to the station."


"It's your lucky day, Doc. I have a newly-built frame. Why don't you try it on?"

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"hey guys whats...what are you two doing?" i walked in rubbing one eye at first but was super confused as i saw Doc poking at a set of Oberon armor. "never mind i probably don't want to know." "new inbox messages" Ordis chimed and opened my messages "lets see battle pay, more battle pay, and three more death marks from none other than the Stalker." "Vait, you have a stalker?" "Well not all Tenno went into cryosleep, this guy was one of the few that didnt and he remembers how we killed the Orokin and hates us for it. he hunts us down and kills us, those that can defeat him send him running back to wherever it is that he hides to lick his wounds, others aren't so lucky" "Vat are ze orokin?" "im sure Zan can explain better than i can"

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"I imagine it's going to get quite painful in a few seconds. Your physiology is going to change slightly."

Doc fell silent, suddenly looking quite nervous. A few seconds passed. and she looked at me. I frowned.

"Well, this is unexpected. It would appear that you changed the armour to fit you, not the other way around. It must be because you haven't been exposed to as much Void energy as us. Now, the Orokin. Basically, they were an empire that lived an indeterminate length of time ago. They were at war with the Sentients, who simply subverted our tech in order to beat us. We were thrown into the Void by the emperors, and we changed as a result. We were given old-style weapons, stuff the Sentients couldn't subvert. After that, I can't remember. But, if the Stalker is to be believed, the Tenno killed the Orokin. All that's left now are their towers in te Void, guarded by a mainframe."

"Interesting... can zhis Frame heal?"

"It will be able to soon."

"Can it hurt?"

"Yes, most definitely."


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"Even corpus legends claim the tenno killed their Orokin masters, they call us betrayeres. I shrugged and my inventory system finally arrived into the room i stepped inside and my Saryn was swiftly replaced with a Mesa i replaced my phage for a soma, my tysis was traded in for my favorite pistol the vaykor marelok, i exchanged my dual Ichor for my glaive. "Word on the relay is that Regor has components of a warframe called Equinox, i dont know about you guys but im building it. Those that have been lucky to survive Regor claim this new warframe is supposed to both heal and kill but not even close to the set of abilities an Oberon has." I gestured toward doc who was loving being in that Oberon warframe.

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"Well, I've heard that Equinox has 2 aspects. Should be interesting."

I pulled out My Latron Prime, Vaykor and Kronen, the rifle and tonfa disappearing as soon as I holstered them, only the pistol visible on my leg.

"I guess we're about to find out."

The ship shook as it hit the atmosphere, shuddering as the heat built very quickly before hissing filled the air, the reult of torrential rain colliding with the hull. I turned to Doc.

"Alright, put the helmet on. I need to run you through the display."

Doc did as I asked, the helmet and suit locking together.

"Now, in the upper left is a minimap. Upper right has your shields and integrity. Below that is mine and EAmorr's shields and integrity. At the bottom right is your ammo for your weapons, and below that, you ability and energy gauge. Your first ability is Smite, which deals instant damage. Next is Hallowed Ground, which puts down an area of effect. Then there's Renewal, which heals all of us, and there's Reckoning, in which you lift and slam enemies. Think you can remember that?";

"Ja... I think so..."

"Now all abilities take energy, so keep an eye on the gauge. If you run out, tell us and one of us will drop a restore. Ready?"



The doors opened, and I leapt out, landing on the ocean platform, EAmorr and Doc landing behind me.

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"Well, that would depend on fighting style. All of us are capable to use walls for moving around but not all tenno need to due to what warframe they wear. I will use a rhino as an example" "Vait, rhino as in ze animal?" "No but if you meet a user that regularly uses a rhino dont mention the lack of a horn" i chuckled and heard a snicker escape from Zan in front of us. "Now a rhino doesnt need to dodge bullets, a rhino is meant to use brute force, no acrobatics needed to punch someone in the face. But a Loki user such as Zan is far more fragile therefore a Loki moves around more. All tenno know basic acrobatics, if you don't know then Zan might be able to show you in a dojo if he belongs to a clan." "Why can't you teach me ze basics?" At that i felt the hurt like it was all new again "my clan leader was extremely upset with my choice to join steel merridian, which is one of the few allies we tenno have, he felt that these grineer defectors will eventually turn on us and use us to get them the entire orogin system. He didnt want any part of him being tied to that and so he both disbanded our marriage and cast me out of the clan, i haven't joined one since." I didn't want to talk about that anymore Doc squeezed my shoulder "i am sorry zat happened to you, time vill help" "thank you. Now lets get into that base and beat up an evil genetic scientist!"

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Taking out my Kronen, I dashed forward, lapsing out of the visible spectrum and skewering the first two guards. A neck snap ended the third in the room while a Smite killed the fouth and final guard. I turned to Doc, giving her a thumbs-up. She laughed to herself. We grouped up on the elevator, EAmorr pushing the button, plunging us into the depths.

We moved through the facility with complete stealth, sticking to silent takedowns and invisibility to clear the way through to Regor. Rounding a corner, we entered a huge room, a statue of Regor standing tall in the centre. The man himself dropped down.

"Oh, you are here. I was nervous. Pacing. Thought I wouldn't have the chance to kill you myself."

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"How do you balance such a big head and an even bigger ego on your tiny stick legs?" I heard Zan choke back a laugh and Doc snickered. "DIE LIZARD! LEECH! BLOODY WORM!" He lunged at me slamming me in the chest with his shield, i hit the ground with a thud. Zan sprang at Regor and Doc rushed to me. "Im fine" i stood up and cast peace maker, hitting Regor wherever he moved until he vanished. I holstered my pistols back on my arms. "Where'd he go?"

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"What, no. You're the spies, creeping in here trying to catch me unawares. Filth."

Teleporting behind Doc, he delivered a quick slash that depleted her shield before kicking her down. I opened fire with my Vaykor, the high impact weapon quickly depleting Regor's shields. EAmorr opened fire with her Soma, Regor teleporting out of the barrage and launching his fists at the ceiling. I realised what was going to happen and took hold of Doc, flying her up to the higher platforms.

"You're gonna have to stay up here, he's trying to flood the place."

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