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"Oh vell. I didn't expect zat to vork."

Doktor tosses the strange gun on the table.

"Are ve zhere yet? I'm getting impatient."

"About a couple minutes and we'll be there."

"Excellent! Oh, I can't vait to get my hands on zhese intriguing specimens!"

Doktor puts her labcoat on, slides her medical gloves on and stretches the left one, then she slings a pack with a red cross on it onto her back, which is connected to the healing gun via a thick cord.

By this time they are there, and the ship lowers down to land.

The cargo bay door lowers down, the three Tenno and Doktor standing in the opening.

Doktor slowly says: "Let's go practice medicine." The avian creature lands on her pack, and the four rush out onto the sealab's above water platform.

( if I got a little too carried away it's because I was listening to action music XD)

^(link probably won't cooperate because I'm on my iPad..)

(Oh nvm I had to remove the "m." in "https//m.youtube.com")

( I am soooo sorry for my absence, things have been sorta hectic around here lately. Plus I've been focusing on finishing my summer school. Anyway where are we at currently cuz all I know is that the engines are back on and we're going to Neptune correct?)

(Nah we were skipping Neptune I think) Edited by TheMetrocop
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"Alright, here's how it's going to work. One word: Stealth."

As I said that, Ordis flew my Liset in close and dropped a supply pod. From inside, I took the weapons I set aside for sneaking: the Dread, Rakta Ballistica, and the Ether Daggers. As I was placing my other equipment into the pod, I noticed a fresh helmet in the bottom of it. I smiled. While I did like the intimidating look brought about by the crack in my current helmet showing just one eye, I twisted it off and replaced it with the intact one. As I closed the pod, Ordis swept by at just under the speed of sound, a traction beam taking the pod away.

"Doctor, your weapon is only good for healing, correct?"


"Stay behind us then at all times. Oh, and do not take anything from the lab marked Infested or Technocyte. We do not want a pandemic worse than the one we currently have." I turned to the Corpus ship, the other Tenno stood inside staring at me, "Who else is coming?"

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(I have returned from my grandparents)


"Damn, another stealth approach. I wanted to blow up the place." I cracked a grin under my helm but it was true, experimentation on people made me want to blow up the lab they were being kept in. "I may not be the most stealthy of warframes but, if it hits the fan then its time to have some fun with this." I patted my phage and the weapon pulsed from the touch. "So you can count me in on this" I jumped down onto the platform, my illiac armor and syndana swaying from me dropping down from the ship.

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( time to get back into this)


"Stealth...Alright count me in as well, my speed could help us out at a couple of crucial moments. Plus I have some specialized equipment for the job." I had said, tapping the side of my helm as Lina-my cephalon-had flew my liset around as well, dropping a supply capsule. From within I had retrieved a Latron and Lex Prime and a Nikana. "Luckily the Latron and Lex are silenced, the Latron is useful in the case that I had it modded to also freeze whoever it shot so that they won't warn others or trip alarms in time and the Lex is modded with shock for...obvious reasons." I explained for my unusual choice of stealth equipment. "Anyway, I'll take care of anything electrical that might hinder us...that is within my power." 

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Doktor quickly moves around behind Eamorr, touching and poking the iliac armor and looking at it from all angles.

"Ooh, vhat a intriguing specimen!"

"Ah heh, as for stealth... zhat's not my job. I'm a field medic."

Edited by TheMetrocop
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"Doc, you really don't want to touch that stuff. Just look at Alad; that's what it does. Alright, let's go."

I ran forward, an arrow nocked and ready. As the door opened, I fired, my arrow decapitating the guard on duty. I ran forward and caught the head and body, stopping any noise while Ain dropped the guard further down, his Latron barely making a sound. Piling onto the elevators, we dropped into the facility, two more guards falling to my blades before we dropped again, the air becoming warm and humid.

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Doktor struggles to catch up, jogging at a normal pace.

"Vait! I have an idea!"


Doktor ends up sitting on Ain's shoulders, one hand holding onto him and the other holding onto the medigun.

"Vell zhis should vork..."

She thrusts her medigun in the air and shouts "Forvard!"

Edited by TheMetrocop
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"Uh what are you doing?" I asked as Doktor clambered onto Ain's shoulders. "He isnt a ride doc" Zan started snickering and i punched him in the arm "shut up, you know thats not what i ment" i rolled my eyes in irritation just as the elevator came to a stop.

We snuck deeper into the lab, it got warmer and felt like breathing water as we got farther down. "I feel like a fish. How do the marines breathe down here?" I was complaining but the others were probably having similar thoughts.

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"Uh what are you doing?" I asked as Doktor clambered onto Ain's shoulders. "He isnt a ride doc" Zan started snickering and i punched him in the arm "shut up, you know thats not what i ment" i rolled my eyes in irritation just as the elevator came to a stop.

We snuck deeper into the lab, it got warmer and felt like breathing water as we got farther down. "I feel like a fish. How do the marines breathe down here?" I was complaining but the others were probably having similar thoughts.

Doc puts her hands in the air and exclaims "VEEE! ZIS IS FUN!" loudly.

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"You know, I'm sorta used to this already but still Doc, it makes it kinda hard to aim at times. Plus your excitement is making a bit too much noise, remember that we're on a stealth mission." I sighed as I tried not to mind the woman using me as a horse. "Why me of all people? Just hope on Zan or something, he might like being ridden more....wait, that didn't come out right." I groaned inwardly, keeping a lookout while trying to change subject. "The air quality down here is just...non-existant, this must be where the defected of the defects go..."

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"You know, I'm sorta used to this already but still Doc, it makes it kinda hard to aim at times. Plus your excitement is making a bit too much noise, remember that we're on a stealth mission." I sighed as I tried not to mind the woman using me as a horse. "Why me of all people? Just hope on Zan or something, he might like being ridden more....wait, that didn't come out right." I groaned inwardly, keeping a lookout while trying to change subject. "The air quality down here is just...non-existant, this must be where the defected of the defects go..."


Doc hops down and tries to keep up with the group, but trips and falls on her face.


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I helped Doktor to her feet "watch your footing, its going to worse to get to the extraction point." I patted her on the shoulder and kept my pace slower so that she could keep up, after all i was the backup if things got bad. If the others needed me i would know

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We soon came upon a large chamber. Several pipes lay exposed, along with a console. Alad suddenly opened a comms link.

"B-break the pipes and flood the place. That door will open then."

Shrugging, I wrenched one of the plates off, Ain ripping off a second and EAmorr the third. Doc went to advance on the console, but stopped when a Lancer rounded the corner. He did not see the human. Doc crouched, making his way across the floor and briefly struggling over the handrail before dropping to the floor. He stood up, approaching the Lancer and raising a saw. He held it up behind him before thrusting it forward.

"I'm going to saw through your bones!"

The Lancer had little time to make a noise, as the saw penetrated his spine and exited through his throat. I ran up and caught the body before the armour made too much noise.

"Heh, nothing can stop ze Ubersaw."

I rolled my eyes, tapping on the console and frowning as the water rose.

"Ain, whatever you do, do not step into the water while we're in there."

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(Doc is a she but yeah that's something she would do XD)

Doctor inspects the console, amazed.

"Astonishing... technology has excelled since zhe seventies. You say zhat doctors in zhis time haven't mastered zhis technology yet?"

Doc motions to the healing gun.

"Intriguing. Zhat just means I can practice more medicine!"

Doctor laughs, but stops when a ballista trains a gun on her head. Quickly, Doc lashes the saw at the ballista's unarmored torso and the ballista stutters. She quickly stabs her one last time, finishing her off.

"Anuhza successful procedure. But ja, zhe seventies only feel like zhey vere yesterday..."

(There's an actual background as to why doc's still alive)

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"Wait a minute the seventies? When we woke up we didnt know our names let alone what year it was. What fracking year is it and how long ago was the seventies?" Nobody answered me, it was most likely that they didnt know either. Although doc looked like she was calculating numbers in an attempt to answer my question.

The flodding was quick and we began to head down into the caves that would lead to the lab.

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"Wait a minute the seventies? When we woke up we didnt know our names let alone what year it was. What fracking year is it and how long ago was the seventies?" Nobody answered me, it was most likely that they didnt know either. Although doc looked like she was calculating numbers in an attempt to answer my question.

The flodding was quick and we began to head down into the caves that would lead to the lab.

"Zhe seventies, mein freund,"

Doc chuckles and puts her arm around Eamorr's shoulder.

"Is zhe time I should be in at zhis age."

"Ah heh, don't ask me how I know all zhis."

Doc hands her a strange strip of plastic.

"Zis is a bandage. It's from my time. It's vhere zhat vord originated from."

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"Never mind the seventies. We have to go deeper into the lab. I'm honestly quite surprised there weren't more resistance."

I ran up the catwalk, through the next set of doors, a Trooper falling to my daggers as I landed on him. I hacked the door open and jumped down the shaft, the air growing noticably warmer again. I landed, and immediately recoiled from what I saw.

"Oh, that's not good." I radioed my team. "There's Technocyte all over the place down here."


Ain landed next to me.


"Doc, you don't come down here. You'll be Infested in seconds."



The stars have aligned; my rewards both yesterday and day before were Grak BPs.

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"Never mind the seventies. We have to go deeper into the lab. I'm honestly quite surprised there weren't more resistance."

I ran up the catwalk, through the next set of doors, a Trooper falling to my daggers as I landed on him. I hacked the door open and jumped down the shaft, the air growing noticably warmer again. I landed, and immediately recoiled from what I saw.

"Oh, that's not good." I radioed my team. "There's Technocyte all over the place down here."


Ain landed next to me.


"Doc, you don't come down here. You'll be Infested in seconds."



The stars have aligned; my rewards both yesterday and day before were Grak BPs.

(RNG knows it was meant to happen)

"Teamleiter, vhat should I do?"

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(My rewards were....well idk cuz I haven't been playing recently)


"What is all this stuff doing here?" I had questioned, walking around, trying to think of what technocyte could be used for. "Maybe they're trying to make a bomb or something..." I reasoned, looking to the others for some sort of confirmation. "Also Doc....climb on." I sighed, motioning for Doc to climb on my shoulders yet again. "But no telling me to charge or anything like that, I'm not some warhorse or whatever."

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"Vorwärts, mein treues Ross!"


Translation, please.


"Be on your guard. I don't like this. Look at all the wiring. It's been chewed."

Several sparking cords hung from the ceiling, the occasional discharges lighting the corridor.

"T-Tenno, the lab is down the corridor to your left."

I turned off, running to the end of the corridor and hacking into the panel. The doors shuddered open, like the machinery was sick as well. It only opened halfway. I frowned at the sight within. The bodies of what I assumed once were Tubemen were strewn across the floor, some of them intact, others less so. Some floated face-down in the water. Shattered glass covered the floor.

"Never mind them. Filthy creatures. Data-mine the lab."

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"Whoa, these guys look like they got eaten." I rolled over one of the bodies and felt sick at what i saw. Half eaten organs spilled out when i rolled the body over. The bones were in odd places and had teeth marks embedded in them. "I'll se if i cand find security logs to find what happened here." I mooved to a console and began searching for anything.

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My hands drew my Dread as the lights went out, Regor's voice filling the silence. Ain made an arc in his hands.

"Ah, Tenno. In my lab. Well. This is disappointing. Clearly my security weren't good enough. Mind you, nothing is good enough to contain what's down there. Good luck getting back out, and don't forget to file a report on the containment breach."

The message ended, and a roar filled the lab.

"Alad, was there any data?"


One of the doors buckled, something heavy forcing it inwards. I took aim at it, swiftly changing my mind when an armoured head forced its way through.


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