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My hands drew my Dread as the lights went out, Regor's voice filling the silence. Ain made an arc in his hands.

"Ah, Tenno. In my lab. Well. This is disappointing. Clearly my security weren't good enough. Mind you, nothing is good enough to contain what's down there. Good luck getting back out, and don't forget to file a report on the containment breach."

The message ended, and a roar filled the lab.

"Alad, was there any data?"


One of the doors buckled, something heavy forcing it inwards. I took aim at it, swiftly changing my mind when an armoured head forced its way through.



Quickly rolling behind some consoles, I keep my head down as the roar echoes throughout the lab. "What the hell is that thing? Seriously I'd prefer a round with 10 infested Zanukas over than this thing!" I had shouted, turning towards Alad quickly. "Don't get any ideas from that either, anyone have a way of taking this thing down?"

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Doc stands in the path of the thing, grinning with a insane look in her eyes.


(when in doubt be a battle medic)


"Prepare for your examination..."


Doctor flips the switch by the lower handle of the healing gun, glowing red. Serrated venkas pop out, and she climbs on top of it, striking it and laughing manically. When it tries to puncture Doctor's abdomen it does nothing to her. She successfully stuns the creature.




Doc jumps off and lands behind cover, grabbing her healing gun just as the effect wears off.

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"Doc stay back!" I planted toxic growths on the creature, but that made it mad and it began to chase after me. The poisoned creature was gaining on me, I shed my skin and hid behind a small stack of crates nearby. It finished my shed skin of quickly poisoning it further. It screached, cracking a couple of nearby windows. "I cursed inwardly, doc didnt have a way to breathe underwater so had to find some way to kep this thing quiet enough to keep the windows from breaking.

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Seeing how my Loki Warframe had exactly zero offensive abilities, and the armour on this Infested thing- no, Juggernaut- was impenetrable, I climbed upwards, observing from above as my teammates attacked and dodged. It roared, a deluge of brackish liquid spreading across the floor, smaller chargers climbing from the dark water. I frowned. The Juggernaut roared again, before a section of the plates on top opened to release a storm of acidic liquid, the metal fizzing and corroding away beneath it. I fired an arrow into the gap, its attention immediately shifting to me. The top plates opened again and I was almost skewered by a hail of barbs. I landed in a crouch and turned invisible.

"Whenever it attacks, its plates open. Attack it when it attacks you."

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"Trust me, we're trying!" The beast reared up exposing its soft belly. I threw one of my Ichor axes into the soft flesh. It sunk halfway and made the creature even angrier. It charged at me with full intent to smash me into the floor. I dived out of the angry beast's path before it could trample me. The top plates opened up once more and Zan took another shot. The creature was confused and began throwing out a hailstorm of barbs all over the room. Ain poped up and shocked the creature in between charges before ducking back down. Doc stunned it if it started to get too close to any of us, giving us a small window to find a new hiding spot

Edited by AutobotRaven
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"I have an idea. It's asinine, but it should work."

"Whatever works, Zan!" Was the reply from Ain.

I climbed up high, waiting for the top plates to open again. I readied my daggers. As the plates began to slide apart, I turned invisible and dropped, the massive amp to my melee damage allowing me to carve straight into the Juggernaut, deep to a point where just my legs were waving around outside. I lashed out as much as possible until someone wrenched me from the beast, the plates slamming shut as my hands cleared it.

"If that didn't kill it, it doesnt have long to live."

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The beast roars even louder, infuriated. It prepares to charge straight at the group. Doc stands right in it's path.

"Everyvun, get behind me! Raus! Schnell!"

Doc flips a switch on her medigun, and a glowing, transparent surface appears in front of the medigun.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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Pouring my all into this, I deliver a high voltage shock to the juggernaught, hoping to stun it long enough for Doc or anyone for that matter to do anything. "Hurry and do what you can! I only have so much energy to keep doing this!" I had shouted as I saw my energy reserves depleting at a alarming rate.

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I gathered what was left of my energy and spun, a pulse tearing the Juggernaut's forelimbs off. Radiation spread across it, confusing it momentarily, before it began to shudder from the electricity now surging through it. In a spectacular display of gore, the beast's eyes exploded, shortly followed by

the rest of its head. A solid chunk of skull nailed me and knocked me flat. I laughed.

"Well, that's one hell of a way to kill something." I stood up, quickly becoming serious, looking at Doc. "You've been exposed. Come on, we need to get you decontaminated."

As we turned to make our way out of the lab, I frowned. I could see a strange light, with oddly shaped, almost square particles coming off it. Before I could warn the group, the simulation crashed, the lab disappearing and Regor's voice appearing again.

"Oh, you thought my labs were on Neptune, did you? Shame. I would have loved to kill you myself. Pity the Juggernaut didn't fair very well. Oh well."

The transmission cut off. We quickly made our way back to the ship.

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The others headed for extraction but i stayed for a few moments to find the axe that had been lodged in the juggernauts belly. Searching through gore is not fun by the time i found the hilt of my axe the lower legs and arms of my Saryn were coated in blood and bits of flesh from crawling and digging through the messy remains. Once i found the hilt to my axe i gave a tug pulling it free, a spray of blood following. I jumped back trying to avoid it but heels are not the best for jumping around in. I slipped on a hunk of flesh and found myself sitting in a puddle of gore and quite covered in blood. I sighed and stood up attaching my axe on my back next to its twin and carefully made my way through the gore and ran to extraction.

"What happened to you? Were you rolling around in dead bodies or something?" "Or something." i answered making my way towards the ship.

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"Doc, don't touch that stuff without a suit. I don't want to have to put you down."

"Raus! I'll be fine."

I groaned, shutting the door behind me. She could kill herself if she wanted. I wasn't going to be held responsible. I headed into the cockpit and signalled Ordis.


"Trace this signal."

I played back the recording of Regor.

"I'll see what I can do."

I sat and waited. Around ten minutes later, Ordis contacted me.

"Operator, the signal originated from Titania, Uranus. Are we going to- TEAR HIM TO PIECES- apprehend Regor?"

"That is the plan, yes. As well as find any data that could cure Alad."

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(I've been somewhat sick the past couple days. Allergies are freaking making me sneeze at least every half hour, and yesterday we caught a possum in our squirrel trap and had to drown the mean little creature, as well as picking up branches from trimming our lilac bushes. I've just been busy is all but lets see what madness i can put in here)

I was sitting on the floor cleaning my warframe, mumbling to myself the entire time. I hated getting my frames this messy because i wated the time it took to clean them. Normally i would have just stored it in my arsenal for Ordis to clean, but he wasnt on this ship so i had to clean it myself. For this reason i missed my senile AI. Who am i kidding i loved his split personality, it reminded me of myself. I gave a wide grin and radioed my liset "hey Ordis, i want to plan a surprise for Tyl Regor when we go see him. Whats the biggest useless thing we have onboard?"

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"You can help me clean this thing" i help up a a

Shoulder plate that was about half cleaned. "Or you could go check on Deke and see if shes awake yet." I shurgged and the ship lurched forward. "Seemed like we're off to Uranus, better get thes cleaned off quickly" i continued scrubbing mumbling to myself about stupid infested creatures getting my beautiful sickly colors covered in blood

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Usually in the range of 20-30 Plat.


"Ugh. Tyl Regor. To think that he's almost created a nigh-unkillable strain of clones... I dread to think of what would happen if he were to successfully release a batch og his so-called Tubemen."

"Lighten up, Zan. He's a degenerating clone. What's the worse he can do?"

"EAmorr, I've heard that he's undergone several cybernetic changes recently, as well as creating a shield and axe for himself. Failed assassination attempts always send back reports of rocket-propelled fists and Tyl deliberately flooding the base. He sounds deranged. Insanity is always a dangerous foe."


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"Insanity is fun, think of it as chaos, and Loki ushered such as yourself thrive on chaos. Besides im planning a surprise just for him, you'll love it." I gave a mischievous smile from my spot on the floor still scrubbing at my armor. "What are you planning?" Zan's eyes narrowed at me and crossed his arms. "Oh, it's nothing. All im doing is putting the last fomorian core i stole to good use." I scrubbed a stubborn spot and i heard Zan facepalm "please tell me you're not doing what i think you're doing" "well that depends on what you think im doing"

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I huffed and finnaly got my armor cleaned "Doc, i dont know how you treat the insanity of having your bones ripped out then using bone cell to regrow it. All i can tell you is im a ball of fury when it comes to the man that ordered it to be done. Your medigun may have fixed Zan's eyes but it cant cure the emotional scars left behind." I stood up gathering my armor that was scattered on the floor. "Im going to check on Deke and see if shes awake yet"

I left the room an upset expression set in my face, i wasnt angry, more like overwhelmedand needing some time to myself. I was going to blow Regor's lab to the twenty second moon of Uranus if i had to, one way to break a person is to take away their passion in life, and i was going to break him if it ment acting reckless. I figured Zan would try to talk me out of it, but that would take more than luck

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A Formorian Core... that's insanity... if that thing ruptures on the planet, it'll fissate the water and atmosphere before fusing both....

I headed after EAmorr, but beore I did, I turned to Doc.

"Make sure you decontaminate yourself thoughroughly. I don't care if you have a healing factor, we don't. So just do it."

"Fine. I can see you von't take nein for an answer."

Nodding shortly, I ran after EAmorr.

"We are half an hour away from Uranus. I won't let you go near the planet with that core until you tell me exactly what you intend to do with it."

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