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"What, no. You're the spies, creeping in here trying to catch me unawares. Filth."

Teleporting behind Doc, he delivered a quick slash that depleted her shield before kicking her down. I opened fire with my Vaykor, the high impact weapon quickly depleting Regor's shields. EAmorr opened fire with her Soma, Regor teleporting out of the barrage and launching his fists at the ceiling. I realised what was going to happen and took hold of Doc, flying her up to the higher platforms.

"You're gonna have to stay up here, he's trying to flood the place."

"Vhat? Zhey are spies? ZHEY'RE DOUBLE AGENTS?"

Doc takes out a bonesaw she snuck with her and attends to strike Zantruse with it.


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"Gonna pull this ocean down on us if i have to!" Regor's fists punched through the glass like it was nothing. Water came pouring in through the shattered opening, i started climbing up the huge statue of Regor with one hand and shooting Regor with the other. When i made it up to the others manics began dropping from somewhere up above. "Doc these guys are fast, stay aware of your surroundings" i used peacemaker again taking out only a few manics before my energy was depleted. I drew my vaykor and lined up a headshot, the manic teleported away and i hit one that was behind the one i was aiming at. "That works too" i shrugged and noticed Regor coming up from a flank "Doc, duck" she dropped down and my glaive flew over her head and hit Regor in the shoulder

Edited by AutobotRaven
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Before Regor could pull the disk out, I appeared behind him, thrusting one of my Kronen through his back and holding the other to his neck.

"One question before you die: Can the Infestation be cured?"

Regor laughed before coughing violently, blood streaming from both his chest wound and mask.

"Wouldn't you like to know..."

At that point, he expired, becoming a dead weight. Grunting, I took his head for good measure.

"Find the lab. I'm sure there's a cure around here somewhere."

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"I understand killing him and taking his research but why are you taking his fat head?" It was repulsing and made my stomach turn just looking at it, Zan merely shrugged and i walked away suddenly verry interested in the windows. "We should see if there is an elevator that goes farther down, the lab could be there"

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"You know what clones are like. They just need one piece of genetic material and then they come back. I have no doubt Tyl has some stored well away from here. But anyway." I placed the head down and emptied my Vaykor into it, the Blast rounds tearing it to pieces. "They can't get this clone's memories now."

I left the statue room, hacking the nearest panel and pulling up a map. I saw another lift down and plotted a route.

"Follow me."

Running through the facility, I stopped at the top of the shaft and groaned. About halfway down, the air became water. I turned to Doc.

"You haven't got an Archwing, which means you won't be able to come with us down here."

"Vhy not?"

"It's flooded. The Archwings give us life support."

"Great. Now what?"

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"Here Doc, take this" i handed her my vaykor merelok "This is a very powerful pistol, use it to protect yourself while you try to drain the statue room. We might have to go back the way we came for all of us to extract" Doc looked at the pistol i had placed in her hands "Zhis doesn't look zhat powerful." " trust me this will keep you safe while we search for the data, but i fully expect it returned, it took a lot of work to get" i have doc a pat on the shoulder and stood next to Zan by the hole in the floor "ladies first" i rolled my eyes ever though i knew he couldn't see it. I dived into the water my archwing quickly attaching to my back and propelling me out of the way so Zan could follow,

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Navigating the scuttled facility was an absolute pain. Normally, I had plenty of space to move around, as normally I used my Itzal in space. In these narrow corridors though, my abilities were severely limited: Blink sent me crashing into walls, Penumbra was easy for an enemy to stumble into and the walls themselves got in the way of Cosmic Crush. Only my drones had no problems, their lasers picking apart doors for EAmorr and I to fly through.

"What's the matter Zan? Too fast to avoid crashing into everything?"

"Shut up."

My drones began to charge their lasers. I backed away to avoid the powerful concussion from the evaporating water when they fired, the metal door crumpling under the pressure, revealling the Biolab.

"Perfect. EAmorr, we have the lab. I'm going to start data mining."


In the statue room, Doc was searching the different panels, trying to find a way to drain the room.

"Stupid Grineer text. I can't read this."

She ducked around a corner when she heard footsteps, and when a soldier stepped into her view, she fired the Vaykor, the recoil almost taking it out of her hands. She quickly primed the lever again.

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Watching Zan slam into walls made me laugh, his desire for speed the thing hindering him while i glided smoothly through the water.

Zan's drones blew the passage to the bio lab, the place was disgustingly incredible. Tube men lined the walls along with manic bombards and other units. Consoles were scattered around the room, Zan was running back and forth between them while i was planting explosives around the room. "Ordis how is it going with the supports to this place?" "Nearly all charges are planted -YOU IMPATIENT BIT- operator, i will be at the extraction point momentarily." "Right...i still need to get you fixed before you kill me in my sleep"

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(sorry, I was stuck in a power outage that lasted for three goddamn days, and while I was at it I broke my f**king phone. whoopee.)

Doc peek around the corner, and gives the all-clear.

" Mein Gott, I vould zhink you'd had turned zhat psychotic little zhing off already!"

Doc refers to Ordis.

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"Bad idea, turning off a Cephalon turns off Nav and Life Support, heating, oxygen, the works. A ship without a Cephalon is a dead ship."

"How... inconveniant."


I hacked another panel, the data streaming into the memory chip inside my helmet. I repeated this for the final panel before tapping EAmorr on the shoulder and backing out, blinking through the door and through the corridors back to the statue room. I emerged from the water, my Itzal flinging me forwards and vanishing from sight. EAmorr burst out behind me, hitting the ground running.

"Time to run!"

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"What are we running from? If its my explosives then you look like an idiot, they're rigged to a detonator inside my helmet. Once we are outside the blast zone i'll trigger the explosions, sinking the lab to the bottom of the ocean." I kept to a casual jog with Doc matching my pace.

"You need to get zat AI repaired before he sends you out zhe airlock"

"Ordis actually puts us first, in most situations. Mine has gone farther down rampancy but keeps me hidden and alive. Once i save up enough credits to get him repaired, or an entirely new ship, then he wont be as much of a...colorful character as he is now which can be both good and bad"

"How could it be bad?"

"Well we have a similar personality, he was scavanged for parts and weapons and i was experemented on. We both comfort each other when certain missions or people come up. Repairing him might take away the bond we have, but there would be the upside of him having the less vulgar language"

Doc gave a small chuckle untill she realized all i had said

"You vere experimented on?"

"Zan and i both were, his eyes were taken while my bones were broken, cut out, then repaired so that a metal beast could have a proper skeletal structure. Im not sure what ever hapened to all the bones they took from me, but whatever they were using to grow them back worked within hours of them being removed. I stole a vile of it the day i was rescued and handed it over to a trinity where it could be used in healing broken bones due to combat. As for Zan i cant say, all ive heard him talk about was that his eyes were taken, if there was anything else he hasn't talked about it."

"I wonder why"

"Im not gonna ask if he doesn't want to share" i shrugged, which was slightly awkward to do while jogging

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"What are we running from? If its my explosives then you look like an idiot, they're rigged to a detonator inside my helmet. Once we are outside the blast zone i'll trigger the explosions, sinking the lab to the bottom of the ocean." I kept to a casual jog with Doc matching my pace.

"You need to get zat AI repaired before he sends you out zhe airlock"

"Ordis actually puts us first, in most situations. Mine has gone farther down rampancy but keeps me hidden and alive. Once i save up enough credits to get him repaired, or an entirely new ship, then he wont be as much of a...colorful character as he is now which can be both good and bad"

"How could it be bad?"

"Well we have a similar personality, he was scavanged for parts and weapons and i was experemented on. We both comfort each other when certain missions or people come up. Repairing him might take away the bond we have, but there would be the upside of him having the less vulgar language"

Doc gave a small chuckle untill she realized all i had said

"You vere experimented on?"

"Zan and i both were, his eyes were taken while my bones were broken, cut out, then repaired so that a metal beast could have a proper skeletal structure. Im not sure what ever hapened to all the bones they took from me, but whatever they were using to grow them back worked within hours of them being removed. I stole a vile of it the day i was rescued and handed it over to a trinity where it could be used in healing broken bones due to combat. As for Zan i cant say, all ive heard him talk about was that his eyes were taken, if there was anything else he hasn't talked about it."

"I wonder why"

"Im not gonna ask if he doesn't want to share" i shrugged, which was slightly awkward to do while jogging

Doc's eyes brighten inside her helmet, and she sounds excited at the mention of experimenting.

"Aheh, zhat gets me zhinking... it looks like your last medic barely experimented on you at all! Truly a shame.."

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Bleh, college stress.


"Our Medics, Doc, do just that. Medicate. They hurt the enemy with things like Link and Energy Vampire, but no, we do not experiment on each other."

"Zhat sounds wasteful."

I stopped running, turning around and bearing down on Doc.

"No, Doktor, it is not. What is wasteful is the Corpus tearing out parts of our bodies and using them to create creatures that we're just going to destroy in revenge."

Doc shuddered in her Oberon.

"It seems I struck a nerve. I apologise."

"They took more than just my eyes, you know."

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The creatures moved along silently. Appeared to be a small pack of chargers, with an Ancient Healer. Either way, the infested didn't appear the least bit bothered by the presence of the tenno. Appeared they were on their own mission, then again, it could just be a trap, to lure the enemy to their death.

The Ancient suddenly stopped. It seemingly looked around, the tentacles where a mouth could...or should be, moved slowly, as if feeling the air for something. The chargers also stopped, looking to the Ancient, as if awaiting its orders. They seemingly gurgled, one giving a loud screech.

As if on cue, the Ancient gave a strangled screech, as if having caught the scent of something. Then like that, the group of infested were off, on the hunt.

One could only pity the poor fool who fell victim to the claws of those ravenous beasts.


((OOC: Anyone may to reply to this, just a random group of infested stalking around))

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(Interesting, the infestation is a hive mind but these chargers looked to the ancient for orders. Not to mention ignoring the tenno, infested normally attack anything they are aware of, this is interesting indeed)

I extended my hand motioning for Doc to give me back the gun i let her borrow, she placed the gun in my hand with a sigh.

"They always take more than what they want" i spoke softly but not meekly "they not only cut you open and listen to the screams they take ANYTHING they want from you, in that place they own you."

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At that point, the chargers stopped, staring at us. Several of them tensed up, their bioluminiscent spots flaring up. I pulled Doc back.

"I think we would be better leaving them alone."

I looked at the group warily, letting out a breath I had been holding as the chargers ran away, leaving only the Ancient. I spoke out to it.

"Can you understand us?"

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At that point, the chargers stopped, staring at us. Several of them tensed up, their bioluminiscent spots flaring up. I pulled Doc back.

"I think we would be better leaving them alone."

I looked at the group warily, letting out a breath I had been holding as the chargers ran away, leaving only the Ancient. I spoke out to it.

"Can you understand us?"

Doc tries to wiggle out of Zantruse's arms, outreaching towards the Ancient.

"Bitte, Zatruse? It's a perfect cadaver! Something to use those spare parts on!"

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I grabbed doc by the horns to keep her from getting too close to the ancient that was watching us. "Yes we're bitter about experimentation, being awake and aware while getting sliced open isnt science or medicine." My voice was a deadly calm. I kept one eye on the ancient and Zan who was focused on the ancient.

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The Ancient seemingly stared, well, what one could only assume that is what it was doing as it heard the voices. It turned its head, watching the Chargers take off, the mandibles around its mouth moving more aggressively. It then released a pulse, casting a damage mitigation aura, surrounding allies.

It gave that strangled screech of earlier, its form release another pulse of power. It then grew quiet, taking note, as if analyzing these tenno, taking in the appearance, perhaps even sizing them up, who knew.

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