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"You do not understand what the Technocyte does to a person" i spoke through clenched teeth my calm disolving into anger. "These creatures carry that virus, it mutates and twists bodies into masses of creatures that are controlled by a hive mind. If you go near that ancient you will be exposed to the virus, and it will verry likely kill you if you don't go mad with pain and kill yourself" i started to drag her to the extraction point by her horns.

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I snarled "you need to study them like you need a hole in the head, and if you keep insisting i can arrange for the hole" she sighed heavily "anozer time zen" she sounded enthusiastic still and i snorted "i dont think its wise to get yourself killed, especially by the infested" we arrived at the extraction point, Zan following but still looking in the direction of the ancient. "Im fairly certain it could understand us, and the way it watched us was like it was curious." Two lisets arrived to take us back to the large ship, doc rode with me and was instantly poking at the baby kubrow that must have hatched while i was away. "Vat iz zis little creature?" "Thats a baby kubrow, they are loyal companions that help us on the field. Looks like its done incubating, and its a female. Hmm, what to name her." I knelt down next to Doc and the baby kubrow "what do you think Doc? You want to name her while i blow the facility?" Doc nodded eagerly and i headed up the ramp to navigation.

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The Ancient watched, then suddenly took off, as if sensing something was going on, and that something wasn't gonna end well for their kind. However, it was more than likely, it wouldn't make it, to only be destroyed.


((OOC: Sorry for the short post, I've been suffering from Writer's Block recently))

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As the Liset took off, I heard explosions echoing through the facility, accompanied by the sound of thousands of tons of rock and water fracturing. Enormous bubbles of air poured from the stricken lab, some coming dangerously close to collapsing around my Liset. Walking around the inside of my orbiter, I opened a link to EAmorr and Doc.

"I'm about to start compiling the data. Ordis can't do it by himself, so I'll be wiring myself in. Give me about an hour, there's a lot of stuff here."

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"Eh, take your time i think doc made a new friend" she examined the baby kubrow that had jumped into doc's lap and began sniffing "hmm a huras breed, good for stealth, you can keep her if you want to. I already have a huras breed" i shrugged my shoulders and went to my foundry. I made a sound of annoyance as i noticed what had been finished. My brother's new chroma warframe waited to be claimed. "You sound...irritated at ze moment, something zat has to do with another? "Only someone who believes that he is my older brother, and as a result uses my liset from time to time"

(Been hard to write with classes right now)

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I know the feel.


I jerked upright as the current entered my head, my eyes closing as I saw the data within. I began sorting through it all, first by date, processing enormous columns of Grineer numbers in seconds. I realised there was a problem when the results didn't correlate.

"Oh, great. A cipher. Ordis, can you crack it?"

"Certainly, Operator. One moment."

The numbers shifted, the vast majority of the values changing as the cipher was broken.

"Cipher broken, Operator."

"Very good."

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"Yes, yes you did. Kubrows are cute when they are young but they mature surprisingly quickly. Soon enough she'll be ready to massacre the grineer, or the corpus." I shrugged and gave the kubrow a pat on the head "you should see one of the ones i have in stasis, sitting down her head reaches my chest, i dont know if it was someone she ate or what but she is massive." "Can i see her?" "Eh why not." Selecting the kubrow i wanted the dome poped up and slid back down revealing a huge kubrow that stood up and stretched. She gave a small bark which was surprisingly quiet for a kubrow of her size. "Doc, this is Mave"

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"Alad, where are you?"

"Still on Deke's ship. She's b-breathing."

"Update in the data: Tyl was working on a cure in retaliation to Tengus releasing the Technocyte on the system."

"Excellent! Can y-you synthesise it?"

"That's the problem. As far as I can tell, they didn't complete the research just yet."

"How much data have you compiled?"

"Erm..." I checked the reading. "Three point two terabytes."

"How much left?"

"Three point one terabytes."

"Alad, where are you?"

"Still on Deke's ship. She's b-breathing."

"Update in the data: Tyl was working on a cure in retaliation to Tengus releasing the Technocyte on the system."

"Excellent! Can y-you synthesise it?"

"That's the problem. As far as I can tell, they didn't complete the research just yet."

"How much data have you compiled?"

"Erm..." I checked the reading. "Three point two terabytes."

"How much left?"

"Three point one terabytes."

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(im super busy with homework, working 2 jobs, listening to parents argue that they hate each other, and trying to farm for things in-game. also having no idea what to put in at the moment. But i can try to put the jumbled mess that's in my head on here)


"So we have the incomplete formula of a cure, any idea how we complete it then make it?"


"Alad may have retained enough of his mind to help Doc work on it."


"One or both of us will have to be in that room to guarantee Doc's safety, i dont care how much of his mind Alad retained i trust him about as far as i can shoot him" 


"i c-can hear you y-you know"


"yes, i know"

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Good to see that this thread will live for just a little longer, at least to reach a coherent ending.


After hours of sifting through data, I finally opened my eyes, seeing a physical world, not a data construct. I looked at the various screens that had appeared around me, the remains of broken ciphers now perfectly ordered, the files listed before me.

"Finally, we're getting somewhere. I've finished compiling the data."

Alad's face immediately appeared on-screen, EAmorr standing behind him.

"R-really? Do a k-keyword search, Infestation."

"That's too vague, there's millions of returns."


"Still too many."


"Plenty of info on stolen Aura mods, but otherwise too many results."


Better, we're down in to thousands now."

"Alad V?"

Almost all of the files disappeared, leaving a few test videos.

"Give me a few minutes."

I opened the first file, watching it in its entirety before moving onto the next, copying any relevant data straight into my head.

"Oh, now that is interesting. Tyl was working on a cure alright, but here's the catch, it's only in his sealabs. We need to raid another."

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"Are you f$&@ing kidding me!" Alad gives me a disapproving look "y-you may want to m-muzzle this one" i pulled my helmet off and threw it over towards my foundry knocking the image that was there onto the floor. Alad went over and looked at the image "Ah, now i know w-why you hate me more than t-that Loki does." "You know nothing rat" "t-this tenno in this image, he was the one who tore y-you from my lab" i stiffened,my breathing was shallow, he hit a soft spot and he knew it "he left you because of syndicate choice" the smirk was in his voice "Alad dont" "the warning was too late, i snarled and picked him up by the coat. I pulled back an arm to punch him when Doc grabbed my arm. I growled at her, when she didnt let go of my arm i looked back at Alad. With a quick motion i head butted him and dropped him to the floor "stay the f$&@ out of my head or i will kill you"

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Doc rushes to Alad, dispite not having her helmet on, nor gloves for that matter. She carefully inspects the spot where Alad was hit, and turns to Eamorr.

There is a toxic, vicious look in her eyes, completely contrasting her general harmless, kindly personality. She harshly shoves Eamorr against the wall. Her voice is dangerous, angry, and intimidating.

"If you ever do zhat again, you vill end up just like zhis-"

Doc kicks the steel wall, leaving a dent.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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"i would love to see you try" I curled my lip baring my teeth, my own eyes glowing like a forest fire, poking the barrel of my Tigris at her abdomen, i had somehow grabbed a hold of it when doc shoved me "you'll be blown to pieces before you can even hit me"


"Doc, go decontaminate yourself. EAmorr, come here and cool off"


"Alad, get the F@#$% off my ship before i gut you" Alad left my ship that was docked onto Deke's and went back to whatever corner he crawled out of.


"Zan, its a waste of our time to try to save him, we should just kill him and send the body out an airlock"


"We have to test the cure on him to save Deke" I made my way to Zan once again in my custom body suit


"what did you want me in here for, one of lotus's 'don't hurt your fellow tenno unless the infestation fully takes them' speeches"


"No, i want you to run laps around the room, it'll help you calm down, if you don't want to do that i could just dump a bucket of cold water on you"


"you wouldn't dare"


"try me" 

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"I have plenty of ways of calming someone down, several of which are incapacitative, so I'll ask again. Laps, or a bucket? I've just been trawling through a digital monolith and have got one killer of a headache, so make a choice."

EAmorr's fists seeped with vitriol, the toxins dripping and eating into the floor. I gave her a deadpan glare.

"Come on, what did that floor ever do to you? I don't want a ship full of Hydrogen."

I rolled my eyes when she growled. Dropping a decoy, I turned invisible and projected my voice through it.

"Come on, EAmorr, you need to calm down. Are you going to do laps, or do I need to fill a bucket?"

"Oh, I'm fine."

Her blade tore through the decoy, and before she could react to my disappearance, an electric shock laid her out flat.

"Like I said, killer headache. Incapacitative. Doc, tie her down somewhere so she doesn't immediately try to kill Alad while I plot a course to..." I scrolled through the data again. "Sycorax."

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"Hoh, of course."

When the electric jolt pulses through the floor, the lights short out for a moment, and the jolt below lights Doc's face eerily, pulled into a smug, evil grin. They flicker back on, and Eamorr has been tied neatly to an unused door with spare cable. She chuckles rather sinisterly, and twirls an ancient saw-like tool around on her finger.

"You know, if zhis continues, you could become my latest acheivement,"

Doc has that grin on her face again, and a look in her eyes completely contrasting what she was before the latest argument.

"...Vhich vill require.. some experimenting.. hmm, hmm, heh.."

[you really don't wanna get on doc's bad side..]

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"Ordis, plot a course please."

"Of course, Operator."

I left the Liset, moving to change my gear.  I groaned. I knew that we would have to escort Alad into the caverns, and there was no chance that I'd be giving him a weapon. I took out my Jat Kittag, and my Vaykor Marelok. While trying to decide what to take as my primary, Ordis caught my attention.

"Might I recommend your Rakta Cernos, Operator?"

"Good choice."


EDIT: Post number 420 ayyyy lmao

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"So what, you just gonna leave me tied up like this?" The electric spasms coursed through my body as a dull pain, i was used to being shocked but i was also used to much higher voltage. "Ve should, you attacked ze man for no reason" "I have my reasons, he has a device implanted into my head, if it is attempted to be removed it will kill me. This device goes through every memory i have, he can playback any one he wants. Tell me how would you like knowing that a madman has control over you like that?"

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"EAmorr, surely you've heard of Captain Vor?"

"Yes." She spat.

"Well he's been going around implanting Warframes with an Ascaris. Each time, we've managed to prevent him taking control of a Warframe, but only just. What if he succeeds? Think about others more often. You're not the only one who has things inside them."

I approached Alad, who was now stood in the room with us.

"Is it true? You can read her memories?"


"Show me."

"Zantruse!" EAmorr was looking at me with unbridled hatred. "I swear I will destroy you if you go poking around in my head."

Alad guided my hand to a module on his neck brace. I cringed when I heard EAmorr's words play out again in my head.


"The module, please, Alad."

Eyeing me distrustingly, he took the transponder from his neck and handed it over. I took it in my hand, inspecting and scanning it before dropping it, crushing it under my heel. Alad glared at me.

"There. Problem solved. Calm the hell down and get ready. We're almost there."

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Relief washed over me, i closed my eyes and leaned against the wall "Zan, i know what Vor has been doing, he did it to my brother."


"As far as we know the none of the Tenno can have siblings." 


"good luck telling him that, he is entirely convinced i'm his sister. Now am i allowed to be untied or am i just supposed to sit here tied up like a prisoner?"


"that depends on you, are you calm again?"


"Now that i dont have someone watching everything I've done since waking up, i have slightly less desire to kill Alad at this point in time"

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Relief washed over me, i closed my eyes and leaned against the wall "Zan, i know what Vor has been doing, he did it to my brother."


"As far as we know the none of the Tenno can have siblings." 


"good luck telling him that, he is entirely convinced i'm his sister. Now am i allowed to be untied or am i just supposed to sit here tied up like a prisoner?"


"that depends on you, are you calm again?"


"Now that i dont have someone watching everything I've done since waking up, i have slightly less desire to kill Alad at this point in time"

Doc excitedly run up to Zantruse.

"Zantruz, vhen do I get to use cadavers?"

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