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"D'sliss... D'slisssssss..." Slurred Zan, rolling the name around as if he were tasting it. "Where... where have I heard it before? D'sliss..."

"Okay, will someone please knock him out?" Aaron asked, waving dismissively at Zan. Zenox cracked his knuckles.


The Rhino approached the sitting Zan, rearing back and bearing down with a crushing punch, shattering the Decoy.


"So ruuuuuude." Zan landed on Zenox's shoulders, dancing and twirling as the heavier frame tried to throw him off. Zan flipped off, landing and ducking another punch. "What did I do?" He shot a glance at EAmorr, rife with confusion. Rolling her eyes, she raises a hand, a Wormhole opening under Zenox, catching him in a loop.

"Oh, come on!"

Zan turned back to Vesydus.

"Where have I heard of you before...."

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"D'sliss... D'slisssssss..." Slurred Zan, rolling the name around as if he were tasting it. "Where... where have I heard it before? D'sliss..."

"Okay, will someone please knock him out?" Aaron asked, waving dismissively at Zan. Zenox cracked his knuckles.


The Rhino approached the sitting Zan, rearing back and bearing down with a crushing punch, shattering the Decoy.


"So ruuuuuude." Zan landed on Zenox's shoulders, dancing and twirling as the heavier frame tried to throw him off. Zan flipped off, landing and ducking another punch. "What did I do?" He shot a glance at EAmorr, rife with confusion. Rolling her eyes, she raises a hand, a Wormhole opening under Zenox, catching him in a loop.

"Oh, come on!"

Zan turned back to Vesydus.

"Where have I heard of you before...."

"Scratch that... This is going interesting..." Aaron kneels down, placing his finger on his chin and observing the Loki. Although his other hand is reaching for his hammer.
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Zan sat against the wall, humming a tune to himself as he rocked back and forth, clearly quite unstable. Every now and then, he raised his hands, watching gold and blue energy flow between them. He knew the Oberon was watching, his hammer within his grasp at all times. Zan allowed more energy to flow from his fingers, twisting it around in mid-air and passing it through the floor of the ship, the metal bleaching at its touch. Soon, he grew bored, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, but not falling asleep. Instead, he listened, waiting for the point at which Aaron fell asleep. When he did so, Zan leaned forward, seeing that the hammer had slid from the sleeping Tenno's grasp. Zan argued with the solitary shred of sanity that still remained in his mind, and it lost spectacularly. Creeping forward, he put his hands on the hammer, watching as the metal became bright white under his fingers. He grinned and backed away, straight into EAmorr's legs. He looked up sheepishly.

"This... isn't what it looks like?" He said, punctuated with a giggle. EAmorr rolled her eyes, picked him up and threw him in a store cupboard.

"Stay in there until I say, okay?"

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(i have been busy doing 6 and 7 hour shifts at my new job and getting my final paper in along with doing a group project and the presentation is on Thursday, so hopefully i can be more regular soon. I also just played the new quest and it blew my mind to pieces, i wish that quests were replayable so that i could watch it over and over)

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Ignore the events of the Second Dream. Since we had this thread going long before then, continue as we were.


Zan contemplated the cupboard he was in, before he twitched slightly, pitching forward and phasing straight through the door and landing face-first on the floor. He stood up, giggling to himself before moving through the ship. He silently paced the corridors, picking locks and peering into rooms until he found the sleeping form of Vesydus.

"Who... Where... have I known you before?"


Someone needs to drive the plot, since this is no longer an arc I had a hand in starting.

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(My thoughts exactly raven)

The paper reads:

Deslisen, Vesydus. 12 Terra yrs. DNA SUMMARY:

12% Corpus, Neptunian origins.

0% Grineer.

82% Unknown, DNA Structure is abnormal.

We have tested for civilian origins, although we came up blank.

Individual is approved for jettison to the Aedromis station by the Board of Genetics and Science.

Notes: Child is abnormally intelligent, and was aware of our motives immediately. We interrogated the child for family history, but subject was irregularly stubborn. Has the demaneor of an adult. IQ is 278, very high above standards.

- D.T

Vesydus quietly sleeps atop a crate, appearing harmless and gentle.

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Reading the paper EAmorr glances at the girl, fully aware of Zan close by. "Zan, you claim to have heard of her surname before, do you remember how you came across it?" "Not sure, just know it" clicking her tounge EAmorr sits by the sleeping child and begins to stroke her hair "can i get down now?" Looking to her brother who was still in the wormhole loop EAmorr's voice was that of an older sister "think you can behave yourself for ten minutes?" "I hate you" "love you too bro" "im kicking you into the next earth week when we get back to the dojo" "i would love to see you try" she purred with a feral grin.

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Vesydus slowly wakes up. She looks at the date, and time. She sits straight up.

"We have to vacate. They're coming."

She assumes her mask, the visuals glowing neon blue. She pulls up the hood on her padded robe, and makes sure her boots are tightened. They have a clawlike blade forged to each side of the boot near the tip. She grabs a venka-like bladeset on each hand, albeit being shorter and much more curved. It also assumes the thumb as a karambit blade. Inside the blades are a hidden dose of liquid VX, the flow controlled by a pressure grip.

The com blares above.

"All residents of Aedromis, please assume inspectory positions. Breach is underway."

Alarms immediately start to wail. Vesydus, shouting over the clamor:

"Godspeed, Tenno!"

Vesydus salutes, climbing into the vent and running ahead.

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"You did not just say that" EAmorr facepalmed and pulled her brother out of the loop "indeed he did" "then you can try to be sneaky for once" "but im rhino" "don't whine, i had to drag your fat head, and the rest of you attached to it, out of a compound where the grineer were studying you" Zenox made a circular motion as if telling his sister to get to the point "without setting off the alarm" Zenox shrugged and EAmorr shoved a crate of Vesydus's belongings into his hands "get back to the landing craft and put this inside if we aren't back with the girl shortly after find her and get her on the liset" "and what about you?" "I'll be leaving the executioners a little surprise" with a wink her helmet was back on and she motioned for Trail and Zan to come with her.

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When they come out of the ventway, there lie a group of Corpus military soldiers, spasming uncontrollably. Some have grievous puncture wounds. Even more have had their helmets torn off, terrible mauling to their faces. Bloody boot tracks stretch to the docking bay, the damage done to soldiers along the way becoming more severe with their rank. One right by the docking bay's face is unrecognizable. At the docking bay, Vesydus swings fiercely, like the searing claws of a hawk, fighting off swaths of soldiers, abdomen bloody, face cynical. At last, the last soldier falls, death by a swift bladed kick between the eyes. She limps over to the group of Tenno.

"No time.. *cough* to vindicate.. Swiftly!"

She staggers over to the Lisets docked, leaning against a wall, holding one bladed hand to her midriff.

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"Oh! I have a faster way! Liset no good, only takes 2 at a time."

EAmorr glanced at Zan nervously.

"Will it get us out of here?"

She ducked as a blast of energy drove away one of the Liset. Zan nodded eagerly.

"Is it safe?"

Zan tilted his head and cowered as a blast came close to his head.

"I'll take that as a no. Get into the Lisets! We'll hold them off!"

Zan leapt forward, spun, loosing a pulse of energy- Radial disarm, but it was tinted gold.

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A figure, guarded by masses of Corpus soldiers, walks pridefully in. A vague voice, boldly;

"Vesydus, oh Vesydus. When will you ever learn?"

Vesydus limps over in front of the individual.

"You. You sentenced me to a life of torture and loss. You-"

Vesydus is shoved to the ground by the figure, caught in a weak weezing fit.

The figure, donned in an exquisite bodysuit not of Corpus design, chuckles gleefully.

"We're taking you back for testing. No, you do not have the liberty of death, malignant. You will be analyzed by the best surgeon in all the Corpus medical field, strapped to a cold, hard, steel table. Wide awake. Oh, and don't forget your re-education!"

The figure shoots a few rounds into Vesydus's legs to add to the pain. Vesydus weakly screams, blood gushing out of midriff and leg. Suddenly, there is a small explosion, shooting the crowd out of the docking room. The sector recedes into mode six, locking them out.

Vesydus weakly, slowly, crawls to the Tenno, leaving a bright red trail of blood behind.

(I managed to create some sort of visual picture of Vesydus. Took four hours in an IPad app, so for an app I think it turned out alright.)


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EAmorr cant stand it anymore she launches herself at the figure "I'LL RIP OUT YOUR HEART YOU MONSTER!" She tumbles to the ground wrestling the figure to the ground until she manages to pin him and begins to repeatedly punch him in the face "Do you know what it feels like to be wide awake while your body is torn apart, if not then i can educate YOU!" She snarled like an animal and pulled the orthos off her back "Zan, hack the lock down then Trail get her on my ship, i have medical supplies" She still had a sneer on her face that twisted her into something of complete hatred, and that hatred was directed at the figure that was pinned under her struggling for air.

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EAmorr cant stand it anymore she launches herself at the figure "I'LL RIP OUT YOUR HEART YOU MONSTER!" She tumbles to the ground wrestling the figure to the ground until she manages to pin him and begins to repeatedly punch him in the face "Do you know what it feels like to be wide awake while your body is torn apart, if not then i can educate YOU!" She snarled like an animal and pulled the orthos off her back "Zan, hack the lock down then Trail get her on my ship, i have medical supplies" She still had a sneer on her face that twisted her into something of complete hatred, and that hatred was directed at the figure that was pinned under her struggling for air.

"Oh, Eamorr, you wouldn't- *cough* know what it would be like to... be stripped of all your dignity... be called a monster... nearly die.. all because you were trying to save the system?"

The suited figure shoves Eamorr off, and with a subtle wave of the hand, calls it's guardsmen to pick the Nova Prime up , and seal her in break-proof titanium bonds. They begin to carry her away.

Vesydus tries to crawl to the Liset, renewal orbs not functioning.

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"I know exactly what it feels like to do just that the zanuka project made sure of it" suddenly Zenox stomps the ground suspending the gaurds in the air "you made two mistakes, you hurt a child and you touched my sister" "fancy yourself a hero, boy." "No, just a better man than you" " hey big shot next time make sure i cant melt the lock" dangling the bonds between her fingers she EAmorr held up one of the ends of her vaykor syndana the hose spouting fire with wink she primed the gaurds and the executioner and fluttered her hand toward Zan "would you like to play a game my crazy friend its called blow up all these guys while i go patch up Vesydus"

(Got finals coming up but i have one class finished and one where i just need to present to finish it)

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Vesydus's knees buckle, giving up. She starts to slip into unconsciousness.

"Oh.. oh, Ea-Eamorr.. heh.. Surely you wouldn't want to h-hurt your old friend? Th-that would be complete n-non-nonsense!"

The figure backs away, shielding itself.

"I'm- I'm on your side, my t-ttietp! The child is dangerous, deranged!"

"D-Don't... *gasp* listen t... to h...her..."

Vesydus weakly mumbles.

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