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Vesydus's knees buckle, giving up. She starts to slip into unconsciousness.

"Oh.. oh, Ea-Eamorr.. heh.. Surely you wouldn't want to h-hurt your old friend? Th-that would be complete n-non-nonsense!"

The figure backs away, shielding itself.

"I'm- I'm on your side, my t-ttietp! The child is dangerous, deranged!"

"D-Don't... *gasp* listen t... to h...her..."

Vesydus weakly mumbles.

"Oi! Vesydus! Stay with me here! Listen to my voice!" The pair has almost reached the landing crafts now.
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Sorry for the slow reply on my behalf, been away all weekend.


"Hee! Hee hee hee! Explosions? Really?"

His unhinged smile faded when he heard the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the floor, and a sideways glance confirmed his suspicions. Remaining reason left him as he processed Vesydus' limp form.

"Innocent... death?" He turned to the Corpus, all glee vanishing from his eyes. They shifted unconfortably underh is golden gaze.

"Nonsense. She merely blacked out. Those wounds are-"

"Wounds? On an innocent? I know not of the Void to forgive."

Energy began pooling around his fingers, and he fashioned a dart. The Corpus smirked, and vanished. A quick pulse from Zan's armour revealled them, paralysed by gleaming lightning.

"E-emergency teleport! Now!"

Zan fired as the Corpus phased, the dart disappearing along with the suited figure. He scowled before turning to Vesydus.

"I.. Oh! I can try..."

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Zan whimpered quietly, rubbing his hands together, Void Lightning arcing between them. He approached Vesydus and kneeled, leaning backward and opening his armour. Golden light spilled from it, and the lightning from his hands passing through the stricken child. The effect was instantaneous; she gasped, bolting upright and breathing deeply. Zan groaned, the damage reflecting on to him.

"Done..." He whispered, and collapsed.

Zan whimpered quietly, rubbing his hands together, Void Lightning arcing between them. He approached Vesydus and kneeled, leaning backward and opening his armour. Golden light spilled from it, and the lightning from his hands passing through the stricken child. The effect was instantaneous; she gasped, bolting upright and breathing deeply. Zan groaned, the damage reflecting on to him.

"Done..." He whispered, and collapsed.

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Zenox grabbed Zan by the ankle while EAmorr got her ship opened up pushing everyone inside. "I'll have your landing crafts meet up with mine, in orbit around saturn. Lets get these two to the back of the ship they should be more comfortable lying on a bed." Scooping up Vesydus EAmorr moved to the back of her liset where three doors hummed with power, going to the one on the right EAmorr set Vesydus on a bed with a stuffed kubrow doll "Is this your room?" EAmorr nodded and pulled some bandages off a high shelf before heading into a small attached room that must have been her bathroom. She came back with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth. Thanks to whatever Zan did her wounds weren't bleeding but still needed care. Vesydus was taking in what the room looked like a small shelf for ancient things that were called books sat by the bed and the light purple tinted metal walls were covered with images of kubrow puppies and some wild kavats that had decloaked. "What should we do with him?" "Put him in your room, he should wake up soon" Zenox huffed and half dragged half carried Zan to his room. "Where does this middle door lead?" Trail poked his head in EAmorr's room "Not sure its loked from the inside, and i have no idea how to open it" Trail shrugged and tapped on the locked door "If you want you can take off your warframe and relax for a while, Ordis can clean it and make any needed repairs to it"

(Yes, i am using our big new landing craft interior but the room for using the focus system will remain locked and unused...metro i get the feeling that the mysterious figure was Deke and now she is going to be chasing us across the system)

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Vesydus's mask states an emotionless stare.

"Oneself shall bring wounds to themselves to heal another's."

The Nova Prime expresses concern.

"What are you d-"

She dashes to the nearby sectorial engine room, plugging wires into the engine input. She runs back, dragging Zantruse onto a small cargo tram carrying cryotic back to the engine room. Vesydus drags him with all her might to the input interface, clamping a mass of wires to the Warframe's spine.

She flips a switch to convert power to the interface.

A large clang is heard. Vesydus rushes to the automated power supply, molten cryotic being fed into generators by masses of gears and tubes. A gear has fallen out of place, but the machinery is still running. She scurries to the console to shut the process down, but the inversion cannot be made. She pounds her fist against the console, and picks up the gear by hand, feeding it into place.

Suddenly, there is a sickly crunch.

Vesydus screams.

Her arm, up to her shoulder, has been crushed, stuck in the moving gears. Panicking, she fumbles for a curved dagger strapped to her belt with the other hand as she is pulled closer and closer to the molten pool of cryotic. She hesitates, whimpering.

She plunges the dagger in, slicing the skin open, through the thin layer of fat. She rips open the flesh with the tip of the dagger, screaming. She saws through the bone, ripping herself away from the mangled remnants of the arm pulling her through the gear. She drops nine feet onto the platform below, just four feet away from the long fall into the white-hot minerals. She lay there, paralyzed in pain.

Zantruse's wounds slowly mends as the energy surging through the wires, into the spine of the Warframe, activates the Void residue contained within the suit. Eamorr and Trail come sprinting in.

Zenox grabbed Zan by the ankle while EAmorr got her ship opened up pushing everyone inside. "I'll have your landing crafts meet up with mine, in orbit around saturn. Lets get these two to the back of the ship they should be more comfortable lying on a bed." Scooping up Vesydus EAmorr moved to the back of her liset where three doors hummed with power, going to the one on the right EAmorr set Vesydus on a bed with a stuffed kubrow doll "Is this your room?" EAmorr nodded and pulled some bandages off a high shelf before heading into a small attached room that must have been her bathroom. She came back with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth. Thanks to whatever Zan did her wounds weren't bleeding but still needed care. Vesydus was taking in what the room looked like a small shelf for ancient things that were called books sat by the bed and the light purple tinted metal walls were covered with images of kubrow puppies and some wild kavats that had decloaked. "What should we do with him?" "Put him in your room, he should wake up soon" Zenox huffed and half dragged half carried Zan to his room. "Where does this middle door lead?" Trail poked his head in EAmorr's room "Not sure its loked from the inside, and i have no idea how to open it" Trail shrugged and tapped on the locked door "If you want you can take off your warframe and relax for a while, Ordis can clean it and make any needed repairs to it"

(Yes, i am using our big new landing craft interior but the room for using the focus system will remain locked and unused...metro i get the feeling that the mysterious figure was Deke and now she is going to be chasing us across the system)

(lol didn't notice that you replied, oh well though)
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(I'll continue from Autobot's. Since it isn't as edgy as Metro's)


My Scimitar flies in shortly after. "There's my ship... But I think I'll stay here. Easier to communicate among ourselves." Trail takes a seat somewhere. "Now that we have Vesy with us, the Corpus will be all angsty and about, trying to take back their experiment. I say we bait the Corpus to the Grineer worlds, and let the two factions fight each other. That should kick both factions off our tails."

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(I'll just align whatever split timeline we have here)

Ten minutes later, Vesydus slowly gets up, ripping off a little strip of cloth from her robe, and wrapping it around the stub that used to be her right arm.

"I'll.. I'll be fine.. don't distress over it. I did what I c-could."

She looks extremely pale.

Vesydus stands up, balance wobbly. The rhino drags the unconcious Zantruse to the Nova Prime's Liset, and she boards behind them, still staring at the bloody stump.

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EAmorr was having her warframe removed, all that was left were her arms when Vesydus came back. EAmorr looked ready to throw up or scream when she saw the girl. "What happened?! ORDIS! I need you to start building a prosthetic arm and i need it twenty minutes ago! Come here, i'll clean you up and do what i can to stop any pain." As she said that her warframe was fully removed revealing the scarred crisscross patterns and corpus brandings. Some new scars were on her shoulder, they resembled bite marks from a large animal. She picked up Vesydus and spun on her heel giving trail the view of her massacred back that had a received some new scars, one was still new enough that it began to weep as the girl was picked up. "EAmorr you're bleeding, were you hit?" Trail grabbed her shoulder and saw that in exactly the same spot in her midriff was turning a deep crimson. "Not hit today, i was impaled recently i'll be...ok" She leaned against the wall and made it back to her room. She was able to set Vesydus down before she collapsed. "Bandage her first" she weakly pointed to Vesydus before passing out entirely.

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Hooray for darker and edgier.


Zan trembled, then awoke in a room that was not his own. His armour split apart into their constituent plates and dropped to the ground, leaving him in a simple suit. Most of his flesh had a metallic tint to it, flecks of gold easily visible in the pale skin. he shook again, dropping to the ground as the Void Radiation in his body flared momentarily before he confined it. He lifted his head and inspected the drained pieces of armour.

"No... power?"

He attempted to summon his lightning, but screamed weakly when a splitting pain filled his skull, forcing him to stop.

"No... energy..."

He forced himself to his feet, leaning against the wall heavily, making his way up towards the cockpit. As he made his way past the foundry, he noticed that it was building an arm. He frowned, putting it out of his head for the time being. EAmorr turned to him as he approached.

"You look worse for wear. Can I get you anything, since my Liset is now a sick bay?"

"Void... key."

"No. We're not going to the Void."

"We're not! I just... need key..."

Arching a brow, EAmorr took one of the golden artefacts from storage, weighed it in her hand before willingly ceding it to Zan's grasping hands. What he did next caught her off-guard- he lifted it up in both hands, like it may slip away if he let go, positioning it above his head. She watched te key shake, crumbling into metallice dust and falling onto Zan, who shook as it passed into him, the glow from his x-shaped scar relighting. He stood up and laughed derangedly, causing EAmorr to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"That explains everything."

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Vesydus runs to the aid kit, very crudely and hastily wrapping up her own wound. She returns to EAmorr's room, wrapping gauze under and over the shoulder several times. She lays down next to her, blood count too low to maintain conciousness. She lays her robe as a blanket down on the Tenno before weakly closing her eyes, in the cold Liset.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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"Are you guys going through my sister's stuff while shes in her room? And from what i can see, shes passed out bleeding"

Zenox pushed past Trail and Zan into his sister's room. The child had bandaged herself as best she could before ending up unconscious next to EAmor, but she had covered up his sister which he thought was a little sweet.

"Trail come here, you can heal to a lesser degree than a trinity, but it should be enough to close up her wounds. And we are going to have to bandage them which is difficult because of the way her bodysuit is"

"Please dont tell me the we have to cut it off her"

"Ok, then i wont tell you that we have to"

"You guys do know that we could use the robe shes coverd up with to cover what we need to right? Or did either of you forget about that?"

"Leave it to the guy thats entirely insane to be logical"

"Crazy doesnt equal stupid you know"

Edited by AutobotRaven
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"You're in pretty rough shape." Trail was leaning next to a wall nearby with his arms crossed. "The others really care about your well being rather than planning the next course of action." He sighed. "They ignored me twice now. I'm starting to think I shouldn't be here." He sat down next to Vesy, facing her.

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Vesydus's eyes shift slowly over to Aaron.

"I.. I am not important.. Aaron.."

Vesydus exhales.


She places two fingers on the right of his chest, where the heart would be.

"The Tenno.. are."

She resumes clutching her bloody absence of a limb from the shoulder blade down.

"Take care of your fallen Tenno, not me.. I am only a child. I need not have to live."

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"No... There's something special about you." He placed a hand on her shoulder of her missing arm. "The Corpus, they want to experiment on you. We're not going to let that happen again." He stood back up, and looked outside. "Tell them that if they need me, I'll be searching for the Aedromis Asylum Laboratories." He stepped onto the Liset, shortly after, his figure can be seen flying towards his Scimitar using an Archwing.

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Undulu outpost, Europa: 83:46, end of Second Shift.

"We failed to catch the girl, Dictator Tohn. The transportation was too fas-"

A masked, robed figure whirls around to face a Corpus soldier, in General attire.


The figure shoves the general against the wall, kicking and punching the console in a blur of destruction. The smoke clears, the enraged Dictator staring at the general.


The Corpus general salutes shakily, running frantically out the door. As two soldiers does their shift, walking past the room, they hear the rending of metal and ruined circuitry. They look at each other. One points back around the corner. They turn back the way they came.


Vesydus, with her remaining energy, crawls over to help patch Eamorr up.

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"Vesydus, as long as you need to stay here you can use my sister's room, whoever wants you has to go through us" "are you sure she would want me in her room?" "Trust me she would love it, i think children in particular bring out the best in her." "How is that?" "Well, children like you are the most innocent beings, and she wants to keep innocent people away from terrible things. But she can't save them all, she knows that and she sometimes loses herself, and having you nearby would give her hope" Zenox ruffled the girl's hair once they bandaged EAmorr. "Hope is a dangerous thing, it can make the difference between bending and breaking. Always keep your hope alive Vesy, its something that scares your enemies." After a pause he spoke again "You know i acted on instinct when i hit you, i didnt fully analyse the situation, im sorry that i hurt you, i should have used my head instead of my brawn" "well its about time you apologized you brute" EAmorr's hushed voice was more like a parent than a sibling towards Zenox. "Check to see if Vesydus's new arm is ready, i need to get a hold of trail, i was never able to tell him that his idea was a good one"

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Vesydus scooches next to Eamorr, handing her a small, soft artificial model of something that looks Kubrow-like. It's nose is round and smooth, and it's ears are more curved, not picking themselves up as if limp. It has no claws and it's eyes are much larger. Vesydus's eyes start to water.

"I've- I've had this since I was.... born. Y-you have a probable chance of necessitating it more.. more than I do."

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"Keep it, it means more to you. Besides i have my own" EAmorr winked at the girl and stroked her hair. "You're very brave, very few would have done what you did to save Zan like that. I'm actually building you a robotic arm, so that you can have some sense of normality back. Once we have you taken care of i'll contact Trail, he had a good idea of leading the corpus to the grineer and keeping you out of the grasp of whoever wants you" "you...you're going to replace my arm" not a question but EAmorr nodded as best she could from lying on the floor

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