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A blast of energy tore through the drone the Tech threw up, destroying it instantly. Zan dropped from the ceiling.

"Ha! I can do interrogation. I can be persuasive!"

Lightning arced between his fingers, and he approached the Tech while Trail took aim. One swift kick removed the Tech's helmet, allowing Zan to see the fear on his face.

"Come on... someone who isn't Corpus?"

A stream of angry Corpus dialect assaulted Zan's ears, and he shrugged, searing a hole in the Tech's leg, He screamed.

"I can do this all day... It's gonna be fun!"

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A blast of energy tore through the drone the Tech threw up, destroying it instantly. Zan dropped from the ceiling.

"Ha! I can do interrogation. I can be persuasive!"

Lightning arced between his fingers, and he approached the Tech while Trail took aim. One swift kick removed the Tech's helmet, allowing Zan to see the fear on his face.

"Come on... someone who isn't Corpus?"

A stream of angry Corpus dialect assaulted Zan's ears, and he shrugged, searing a hole in the Tech's leg, He screamed.

"I can do this all day... It's gonna be fun!"

"Oooh goodie~! This will accelerate my work quicker~! If he doesn't know ask him about his higher ups." Trail was rubbing his hands together in a menacing fashion.

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"Males" EAmorr huffed and rolled her eyes from her spot in the ceiling, momentarily forgetting that her helmet obscured her face. She threw a throwing dagger into the hand of the tech pinning it to the corpus's leg. Zan and Trail looked up and she gave a lazy wave, she didnt bother to jump down to ground level, she was quite comfortable laying on her stomach in the celing. "You're just gonna stay up there? Aren't you gonna jump down?" "And ruin your fun, that would just be rude of me" a mischievous smile broke out on EAmorr's face. "Speaking of mischief we still have corpus following us, lets pick a grineer world to loose them on. Its your pick goat boy since you came up with the idea" she waved her hand towards Trail. "Goat boy?" Zan shrugged "old earth animal, an Oberon has a similar look to it"

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Eamorr's liset, 84:27, in orbit around Europa.


Zenox paces around, watching Vesydus use the foundry as a worktable. She has already attached the prosthetic, a mass of sheets of equations and prototype blueprints everywhere. She looks over the blueprints, and starts to add on to one with a fresh sheet of equations.


"Are you sure you know what you're doing, Vesydus? I'm looking over these, and, I can't understand a word of it."


Vesydus shakes her head and states;


"Of course I know what I'm doing. It's in the theorem of rocket science and neurological medical understanding combined. Brain surgery needs to be comprehended to a degree."


Zenox just silences himself.


She starts to forge the hydraulics manually, out of smoothed titanium.


"Two hundred pound's worth of velocity and force, contained within a fifty-pound titanium-steel prosthetic powered by a simple dagger-sized fusion reactor. Ha..ha. Yes, of course it'll need a reinforcement, but that can be fixed by a simple spine bracing consistent of aluminum. Heh, what an excitement to be able to test it on the field, no?"

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(Part from the fact I have skimmed through this, I'd like to join but I might need a quick Recap and Head Count) 

(If I am able to join I'd like to I introduce to you.... Toxin, He is a Nekros that loves to mark places he been with a Blood painted Smile commonly found Desecrating the dead and making their souls work for him.

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(Part from the fact I have skimmed through this, I'd like to join but I might need a quick Recap and Head Count) 

(If I am able to join I'd like to I introduce to you.... Toxin, He is a Nekros that loves to mark places he been with a Blood painted Smile commonly found Desecrating the dead and making their souls work for him.


This is a free-join roleplay I guess, we don't have any coordinated leader or go-to person.
The headcount is four to my knowledge, Adman, AutobotRaven, Trailgamer, and I. As for our characters;
Zantruse, a Loki Prime for the utmost part, and a tad bit insane.
Eamorr/EAmorr, a Tenno whom mainly utilizes Ember Prime, Trinity, and Nova Prime.
Zenox, EAmorr's sister, who uses Rhino.
Aaron Alekovinch/Trail, a Oberon who uses the Detron and Jat Kittag, donning Haronkar armor.
Vesydus, a child of highly abnormal intelligence, merely twelve years old. Her fascination lay in science and professionalism. Vesydus is rather monotonous and unenthusiastic, however topics regarding science can induce some surpressed forms of glee and/or slight erracticy. The Corpus, mainly one enigmatic figure, want her dead or alive. She dons black padded robes and a plague doctor-esque mask, complete with air filtering. When not wearing the mask, she has long dark brown mahogany hair, hazel brown eyes, and rather pale ivory skin.
Deke Tohn, a Corpus scientist of mid-age, around 300 years old. Like any other Corpus, she has gray eyes and shaven hair. Deke specializes in robotics and the like, being somewhat able to occupy a Valkyr Warframe obtained in unknown ways.
Doc/Dok: An aspiring, mildly insane, surgeon. Rather eccentric. Not much is known about her other than she is obsessed with the medical arts.
Summary of time arc:
The current timeline is focused on Vesydus's reputation among the Corpus for being wanted. Aaron, EAmorr, and Zantruse are looking for the exact location of Undulu and it's higher ups.
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"Males" EAmorr huffed and rolled her eyes from her spot in the ceiling, momentarily forgetting that her helmet obscured her face. She threw a throwing dagger into the hand of the tech pinning it to the corpus's leg. Zan and Trail looked up and she gave a lazy wave, she didnt bother to jump down to ground level, she was quite comfortable laying on her stomach in the celing. "You're just gonna stay up there? Aren't you gonna jump down?" "And ruin your fun, that would just be rude of me" a mischievous smile broke out on EAmorr's face. "Speaking of mischief we still have corpus following us, lets pick a grineer world to loose them on. Its your pick goat boy since you came up with the idea" she waved her hand towards Trail. "Goat boy?" Zan shrugged "old earth animal, an Oberon has a similar look to it"

"Just so We're clear. I'm a deer." Trail sat down and thought for a moment. "Sedna is a good choice."
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Earth, Gaia ~7:30 AM Grineer Outpost

"I would of thought that the Grineer would be more of a challenge here... But Alas nothing but Fodder...." Toxin says stand in atop a piller watching his Shadow Grineer to defend the beacons , "Why does Lotus need these codes anyway, they arnt Orokin Origin nor Alad V's messages.." After going into the Meditate stance a message appears in his HUD "Hmm extraction now? Sure" Toxin jumps off and commands his Puppets "Shoot yourself!" Then turns and walks slowly to the Extraction point "I wonder what's going on over by Those Corpus Bases... Meh" Dipping his fingers into Lancer Blood Toxin draws his mark on the outside of the outpost. Just as he finishes he hears the noise of a Tenno ship "Would you looked here a Tenno ship... Maybe they have what I'm looking for" Taking off the War on his back he runs after the ship, ready for anything.

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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Zenox feels oddly uneasy, its not Vesydus shes quite the sweet young girl when shes working on her projects, none of them made any sense to Zenox he was ment to be a warrior not a rocket scientist. Still something was gnawing at him, feeling somewhat restless he grabbed his sister's Vaykor Hek, examining it he whistled at how she modded it, over 3,000 blast damage and over 2,000 puncture damage (yes thats how mine is in the game). He set it down and grabbed his Scindo with a sigh, he still couldn't find the last part he needed for the prime version. No matter how he tried to distract himself he couldn't seem to get rid of the feeling that something wasnt right.

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Just as Zennox was beginning to look like beginning to settle down a loud glass smashing sound echoed throughout the Ship, the alarms activated with Ordis in his usual tone "There has been a breaking at the Hub, scanning for anything there... No life forms dectected" 

At the break-in

Toxin laughs... A Metal laugh almost robotic while placing his war firmly into the Navigation and then pulls out his Bolto and aims it ready for any thing living or dead to come up and fight him... "Target... Aboard ship, preparing to activate Prediction of mission success... Analysing Tenno aboard... Main threat, Loki Secondary threats... All other creature apart from VIP.." His blue glowing eyes show under his helm (Raknis helm) Toxij proceeds to go into the shadows, alonst invisable apart from the eyes ... "Eyes" After closing his eyes Toxin waits for someone to show, Ready to pounce on his prey

(so everyone knows, Toxin is a Zanuka that was reprogrammed to work for Lotus, he can shift between any warframe in his database (only ones he has blood samples of but only 4 other frames) and has the dog like look of the Zanuka Hunter just more... Human)

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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Toxin slightly jumps upon hearing the Scimtar "Oh no.. Too early.. Need to scan for exact location.." Toxin opens up his bag and tosses a small metal ball down. When it stops moving the ball lights up at 3 second intervals "that's better.. Scimtar is currently empty and will be filled with VIP... I can't risk letting myself get caught... Better go archeing and attach myself to the Scimitar" Toxin opens his eyes, picks up his War and jumps out of the breach into wherever he is "Odnata! Here" A Odonata Archwing flies in and attaches to Toxin as he lowers himself, goes under the Scimtar and very carefully attached his body to it, tricking the sensors."Ok Odnata you can go" the Odnata detaches and flies back to Toxins Mantis... "Please don't find me please... Explaining would be too difficult"

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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The air is sucked out of Vesydus's lungs as the ship begins to succumb to the vacumm of space. Zenox, in his Warframe, is drastically more safe. A soundless scream comes out of her mouth, being tore away from the interior, out into space. She floats helplessly, skin torn away in many places from the suction. Blood drifts aimlessly around her as the Liset continues to orbit away from her.

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(Guess we were in space when Toxin invaded) 

"Oh... No... Lotus will kill me if I don't get atleast a blood sample... But how to save that girl... Only Tenno can use archwings... I have an idea" Toxin detaches himself from the Scimtar and recalls his Odnata "one chance.. If The life support systems in the Archwing can be overloaded.. It might save her... But I don't know how long it will last.. Gotta try though" Slowly flying up to His target, his black armor makes him look almost invisable to the naked eye, he opens a hatch on the side of his odanata and gets ready to push the button when he gets in range... "Almost... Almost... Tenno over there... Possible threat acknowledged... There!" As soon as Toxin says they he slams the button and a greenish field of air surrounds him, his target and Zenox, he quickly declares "Tenno if you still awake get her to that ship now! This life support bubble has around 30 seconds left" 

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Vesydus begins to gasp for barely-existant air, eyes open wide, clawing for something to grab on to. A couple seconds later, there is no expression whatsoever. Cold, blank eyes. Yet, her eyes still move, looking at the torn, maimed skin upon her; the haunting, lifeless, steel bones of a prosthetic arm. The blood that surrounds her. Her own.

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Trail, on board his Scimitar, was confused on what happened. Looking out his window, he yelled to Lenoirre, his cephalon. "How long until out Orbiter arrives!?" "Approximately 30 earth minutes. Are you deciding your next course of action?" "Lenoirre, put the Scimitar's weapons systems on stand by. I will rescue Vesydus!" And with that, he deplyed his Archwing and speeded off to Zenox's Liset.

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Toxin tries to reach for something to grab for Vesydus but the only thing there was his Arch-Melee the standard Vertitux, using what little energy he had left her managed to say to her "Grab... Onto my Odanata... It will help... It's.. Life support will assist you more then me" Toxin fires off into the vast distance of space a Distress beacon and plants it on his Odanata "10 seconds ... Till shut down... And 15 till .. Bubble dissipates... Grab the Odanata or die in space... Your choice" Toxins eyes switch off and his Odanata dissconnets but is in touching distance with Vesydus

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A cleave from a Prisma Veritux reveals Trail. "One of Alad's pets!?" He quickly grabbed Vesydus's arm and pulled her towards himself, pressing her face on his shoulder, letting her breathe the atmosphere generated by the Archwing, (At least that's how I think Archwings work) then points his weapon at Toxin. "I don't know your purpose, but I will not tolerate you capturing my friend."

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Toxin murmurs "Ex... Ex Pet... I hate that person as much as a valkyr would..." Toxin move his face up to look at them... "Do me a favour will ya? ... Protect that child with your life... If my data is correct she has the most potential to be either an enemy we can't beat... Or a friend that we can't lose" Toxin starts laughing, voice even more robotic then before "if your going to kill me... Take my head to Lotus and try and explain why you killed HER hunter?" he raises his arms in a wall type pose "End it... Dare you" Toxin closes his eyes and waits

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Vesydus breathes in deeply, refilling collapsed lungs. She wraps her arms tightly around Aaron, making sure she doesn't let go. Her breathing is shaky, her expression unsure and lost.


Shakily whispering, she manages to say "Zenox" before passing out, beginning to float away from him without control.

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"Hmph..." Trail slowly reverses to his Scimitar, an unease lingers at the back of his mind. He placed Vesydus inside the boarding module and followed soon after.

Inside, Vesydus waa greeted with a Gambit Vauban, dressed like a Butler. "Are you alright?" His voice is that of a Cephalon's

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Toxin murmurs "Lotus... What now?... Target lost... Is force allowed?... Yes Tenno have her but they don't seem to be following regular orders... No I'm almost dead in space... Really then... Fine." Toxins body shifts and the Nekros Frame transforms into an Excaliber Frame "A single slash dash will get me close enough to enter... But will they let me in even if I wanted to just talk... Better risk it" Toxins body glows for a second and he activates his Slash Dash ability pushing him through space till he touches the outside of Trails Scimitar. "What should I say... Hm lets try this" Toxin breaths in and says loud enough for the entire ship to hear "I Just Want to Talk now! Promise... One of your friends is still out here... Zenox I belive"

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