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Toxin was immediately tackled and pinned by Zan, who was practically frothing with senseless fury.

"Why did you attack?" He punctuated his sentence with a fist wreathed in energy, pulling back again before a well-aimed Smite knocked him off- the corrupted Loki sprung to his feet and charged.

"You hurt my friend!"

Trail began to diffuse the situation.

"Zan, she'said fine, just a little oxygen starved."

"She has a collapsed lung! His fault!" He jabbed a finger at Toxin, who was struggling to his feet, wincing at the lightning eating his armour.

"It was an accident?"


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Trail began taking charge. "Dammit, Zan, Toxin! You're going to wreck my ship! This is the only safe haven we have until my Orbiter comes to the rendezvous point! DO NOT DO ANYTHING VIOLENT!" The Vauban was busy trying to help Vesydus with what little they have on board the landing craft. "Do not forget we also have a Important guest on board."

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Toxins body shifts one more time and Transforms into a chroma toxic, eyes shift from blue to red. "GET AWAY FROM ME" Toxin opens ha mouth and his mouth glows green with toxic energy "I KNOW WHAT I DID I WANT TO EXPLAIN!" As he finishes he activates his Spectral Screams and engulfs Zan with Toxic energy, enough to kill non-Tenno, after he stops he just says "I... Know .. What I did... Honestly... Just want to help..." Something that looks like Tears starts to form and fall out of Toxins eyes. "Do you have any healer related warframe on board? I know a way to atleast stabilise her" 

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Vesydus, extremely pale from lack of oxygen in her blood stream, rushes to Zan, who is in a seizure-like condition due to the toxic affliction. She takes off his helmet, setting it to the side, and injects a sedative anti-toxin into his neck. She tells him to take deep breaths. Soon he is unconcious.


She walks up to the shapeshifting android, slamming it against the wall with 100 pounds of force, via the uncovered prosthetic. Vesydus lifts it up by the neck, speaking threateningly.


"Persist, and you will no longer operate, you filthy fragment of jettisoned defective mechanical waste."


She throws it down onto the floor, checking on Zantruse's status.

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Vesydus stands above the broken machine.


"You decimated Zenix's sibling's stealth ship, you damaged navigation, we nearly perished. I've lost so much already, don't you realize?"


She picks it up by the neck again, ripping out what is left of it's verbal systems. She stares into it's cold, lifeless eyes.


"What do you want from me?"


Vesydus's voice starts to falter.

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"Uhm guys..." Trail was pointing to the wall. Apparently it was enough force to puncture the walls and into the internal pipings. "We're losing coolant and fuel at a steady rate. We won't be able to dock with the Orbiter." Trail sighs. "Look what you've done. Feel good for yourselves?" He turned towards Lenoirre. "Got any other bad news?" "Nope, thankfully, they barely missed the Life Support pipings."

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"ENOUGH! You are acting like children!" She motions for Vesydus to drop Toxin, after a menacing glare at Toxin she complies "You put a fu$&ing hole in my liset, i dont care what you are you give me a good reason not to rip out your circuitry" EAmorr hissed the words out, her hands twitching with the desire to rip Toxin's head off

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Vesydus looks at the hostility and damage the Scimitar has been filled with. No one notices her slip away.


Inside the lower portion of the Scimitar, hatch shut behind her, she stares at her titainium skeleton of what once was an arm. Words flash through her mind.


"Deslissen, no one knows what you are. Everyone wants you dead. All you bring is anger and destruction. I think the course of action can speak for itself, no? Sente, bring me the Ion, quickly."


Vesydus stumbles against a wall, breathing heavily. Blood still trickles from her torn skin. Her movements are brimming with fault, her eyes frantic.


"When the universe has betrayed you, when you know nothing but the shame of decimation and rage, run. Run."


Her helmet slides on. she pulls down her sleeves, sealing them with the current gloves. She lays in the hatch to exit the Scimitar. She presses the button. She slips into open space, pushing herself off the stealth ship's exterior, to the nearest Galleon, orbiting miles away. She she begins to slowly float away, gazing back at the Liset and the Scimitar.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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Toxin, scared and broken now, tries making any form of communication but realizes that his systems have been broken too much and he can't move what so ever. Toxins glows and reverts to his true form, a Zanuka Hunter ands moves his tail, now covered his is own blood to spell out a message. "They are coming. This body isn't my last so break it, but I warn you... THEY ARE COMING" Toxin manages to move his head up looks at them, especially EAmorr noting her pure rage. He continues to write "No matter what I say or do, you are gonna kill me... I see it in your eyes... Under that helm... If so.... Promise one one thing..." His machinery begin to break apart "Do Not Let Them Get Her" Toxins tail falls off and is head goes back into a slum, Near death and bleeding profoundly, Using the last bit of energy he has left he manages to activate his voice to shout out his last words "DO YOU THINK SHE WONT NOTICE?" 

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"Quiet you." Trail said, staring out the window. Suddenly a loud boom suggests that his Orbiter has warped in. "Lenoirre, make sure everyone here doesn't do anymore damage. I'll use my archwing to manually dock the Orbiter and the Scimitar with docking cables. With the he dropped to the boarding module and dropped out with his Archwing.

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Out the window, a dozen Lisets, embellished with various colors. A transmission inside the Scimitar.


"Halt. You are violating procedure, Tenno. Containment of a rogue malignant is by any means only by the Lotus's permission, and destruction of a repurposed automaton. Hand over the fugitive. The Corpus Authority want it returned now."


Vesydus is outside, in space, trying frantically to slip away from the Lisets' sight, mask on, sealed suit. Slowly floating away. 

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"You have no idea what torture, what experiments, the Corpus does to her." Trail pulled out his Imperator, and the Orbiter's defensive turrets rotate to face the newcomers. "I have done experiments, or used to, myself. Until I lost a friend... You have no idea how painful... How much torment victims of such acts face... So leave us. The fugitive is under our care."

Edited by Trailgamer5
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Toxin suddenly gets up broken and bleeding still "G-Give me the mic... I can stop them." Toxin attempts to grab the mic but trips up.. "Do you want to die? I-I-I" Toxins voice starts to malfunction "I promise you I have the code to call them off" Toxin attempts to get up again but falls down "I can see he out there almost in the sight of the Tenno"

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Toxin quietly whispers to Len "This isn't my only body so it's fine I'll try not to" Toxin then proclaims to the Tenno "By Order of Lotus, I was tasked to capture the target and collect a blood sample for analysis I have been given permission to end anyone who tries to join or halt my mission! Tenno this is your warning, I am Lotus personal Zanuka Hunter named Toxin attempt to stop me and you will meet a swift death, attack this ship or the target herself and you will meet a similar fate!" Quieting down he mutters to them "Target code Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo. Oscar, Foxtrot, Foxtrot." Toxin unplugs "If they attempt to fire press this button on my back trust me" as he says that a button opens up in the back of Toxins head "Target: Vesydus almost in eyesight"

(This is Phonetic Alphabet, if you don't know what that is I would recommend looking it up but to put it bluntly read the first letters of the code)

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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Zan's eyes snapped open, gold light pouring from them. When he spoke, all waver of insanity was temporarily suspended- he spoke clearly, and with urgency.

"She isn't here. She's drifting away from us.... she will be captured.... Archwing!"

A pulse of energy radiated from his body, coalescing outside the scimitar- an Itzal appeared from the Void. Zan vanished, reappearing in the harness and angling himself towards Vesydus, his systems just getting a purchase on her vitals despite her masking. He accelerated, blinking towards her and grabbing her, activating Penumbra and arresting their momentum. The girl struggled in his grip.

"Unhand me, you senseless machine!"

"You cannot leave. They will catch you."

"They can't see me."

"I have seen it. You end up dead if you go any further."

Vesydus stopped struggling, only just registering Zan's lowered, wise voice.

"You... you're sane"

"For now. It returns, beckoning.... Go no further if you want to live."

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Toxin looks at the scene "Beautiful right there... The crazy turns sane for one fleeting moment of friendship... It's a real shame he might destroy this body before I can complete what I came here for..." Toxins turns his head 180 and looks directly at the Lex "You weren't kidding about that, Lex has enough impact damage to destroy my systems and deal damage to this ship. You do realise that Lex had the possibility of killing us both?" Toxin turns his head back round "now we wait for the response"

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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(I was thinking if vesydus and tyl were to go against each other they'd have even chances of winning)


(they might get along mildly well too)


Vesydus gazes up at the looming Lisets.


"Don't you see, Zantruse... I wrought anger and destuction, and nothing else. Just like she said I did... I don't want you Tenno to get hurt or worse. I'm not of use to you at all. I'm merely a civillian."


"Hunter, by the order of the Lotus, assume captive breaching positions. Immediately. You don't want to be degraded of your ranks, do you?"

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"I'm not dumb either. I'm the ship Cephalon. I know where I can aim and where I cannot, and right now, you're head's resting on the already busted Coolant piping." Lenoirre puts back his Lex. "You almost done yet, Operator?"

Trail whispered back. "I've got both Starboard and Port side cables attached, quickly pull the Scimitar in and activate Orbiter's defense systems, any sudden movements will set these guys off..."

Lenoirre stood... starring out at the Lisets... "Toxin, I'm sorry, but you're with us now." Suddenly the Scimitar begins to move, rapidly reattaching itself it the Orbiter, whom's weapon systems are charging up, but not fireing. Trail's hands are clutching onto the handles of his Imperator tightly...

Edited by Trailgamer5
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Toxin Laughs, a laugh which gets louder and louder until everyone can hear it "One of the family now... Great a frame who hates my gut my ex-target who also hates my gut... Pretty much everyone hates my guts... I like that it gives me a chance of redemption" Toxins slams the button on the back of his head "This button disabled my inhibitors preventing me from 'letting lose'" Toxins eyes turn gold and he changes into an Excaliber frame "Well time for the slaughter... To begin" Toxins opens the hatch and activates his Archwing, Equiping it and readying up "Oi Trail or what ever your name is get Zan and The girl into your Orbiter I'll deal with these" Toxins voice goes deeper and more like Vor's voice "Tenno" Toxins channels his energy through his Arch-Melee and charges the Grouo of Tenno at blinding speed. Toxin smashes through the window of one of Tennos ship and Destroys the Life Support and Archwing inside, Leaves and repeats this until the last one is left "Your choice now Tenno... Your the last ship either try and end us and get destroyed or pick up your dying friends and leave us alone... got that?" Toxins eyes are glowing in the dark space with parts of ships and some knocked out Tenno floating around 

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"Brother dear were going in as well" an impish grin spread across Zenox's face at his sister's words, it was clear that she was almost as angry as she got when she had her valkyr armor on. As the pair headed into space their archwings seamlessly attaching the sped to the nearest hostile ship, she was buying time for Zan to get back with Vesydus, the girl was hurt that much EAmorr could tell and that set her blood into a fury. Toxin made quick work of the ships which left her impressed she flew to her own damaged ship clenching her jaw at the damage. "Trail, Zan hows it going with Vesydus, is she safely inside the orbiter?" "Not yet, we're getting there"

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